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Yo JHank88?

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Wp28, Oct 21, 2003.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    What smack?
    When's he ever been a 10 TD a year player?

    Did he have a better year in 1999, or 2000? Seems like he led the league in receptions after he signed. D'oh! Oh well.
  2. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    i'm saying that a player who produces on the field gets cut a bit more slack in the eyes of the fan. moose has never been a 10 TD receiver -- that's my point. so what if you lead the league in receptions -- i'd much rather a receiver lead the league in touchdowns. i haven't looked it up, but i'd think that would probably equate to more victories.

    smack? i was thinking of the "d-coy" stunt right off the bat. he's been arrested twice on drug and weapon charges. hasn't he been outspoken in a keyshawn-type way? maybe not. i mean, i like guys to want the ball, but first moose has to get open, then he has to actually catch the ball, then he has to run with it without pulling a hamstring.

    i think moose's contract year was 99.

    do you think moose gets a bad rap?
  3. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    10 TDs is elite receiver territory. I don't think anyone, realistally, thought Muhammad elite. He's not getting elite money. Certainly, a ton of TDs would be nice, and again Muhammad never was that player. He has been a decoy in a lot of games, and he's asked for the ball a lot when underused.

    And so did Walls. In that regard, Muhammad gets a bad rap. Walls openly complained about the O every week he wasn't a feature, until last year. Then he only complained once, I believe. That he wrote "D-Coy" on his helmet once? No. He did that in 2000 too. The press just didn't have material to use at that point. Walls never seemed to get the slightest bit of ire for asking for the ball. I remember even Ricky Watters getting guff for that, coming off a Pro Bowl year.

    As for extracurricular activities, I don't know what Muhammad's problem was. I don't remember two arrests, I remember one violation. But I do know he hangs out with Kinnon Tatum, who now lives where Muhammad was headed. I digress...it wasn't smart, what Muhammad did.

    I believe we left a lot of talent, between Muhammad and Walls, go to waste in 01 and 02 between bad coordination and bad QBing. Now both of those players are in the twilight of their careers.

    I believe I've read a ton of people saying things like, for instance, the contract year thing. I've read people dogging Muhammad for things like effort, when I see him hustle every play. I read people suggesting that he's intentionally "getting hurt" and limping through a season, disregarding the games he played hurt and disregarding that most times the team took him out of a game or two (prior to last year) to let him heal.
    I've read the money criticism. Sure, you'd love to have an exceeding amount of production when you pay a guy $4 mil. Don't see a lot to do about that right now. If they didn't want to pay him, they could have released him. They have that option next year, and that may well be the best thing to do.

    I've read the drop criticism. It's true. It's also a bit exaggerated in most spots. But it's frustrating, and it's been an unfortunate problem of his throughout his career, just like the hamstring issue. None of those things have to do with contract, or whether we're winning. TO that point, shit flows downhill, and people start adopting exaggerations as truths.
    He's not a great player. Right now, I'd say after last game that he's pretty much used up. He's not half the player he was. That happens to players when they reach 30 in a lot of cases, and I can't fault a player, any player, for outliving his usefulness.
  4. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream

    players age a lot in 3 years at the skill positions.

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