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Win 2000 Bugs (Again) :)

Discussion in 'Technology Forum' started by Prince of NYC, Jun 5, 2002.

  1. Everything is working well, except one thing:

    The O/S thinks that I have a 2.0 gig hard drive, instead of the 20 gig hard drive that I have.

    Thanks Guys, for any suggestions that you might have.
  2. jasper

    jasper Guest


    Right-click on My computer, select Manage, and then click once on Disk Management in the left pane. On the right the hard disk should show up (as Disk 0) and if there's any unpartitioned space on it it should show up there. Is this only showing the 2.0 Gig partition?
  3. Don't FAT16 partitions only go up to 2GB? Did you format this yourself?
  4. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Sounds like it, jasper.


    Partition the rest of the unused space as a new drive (like, say, D:\).

    Convert the C:\ drive to NTFS, then use a 3rd-party utility to expand the drive.
  5. jasper

    jasper Guest

    Yeah, I kow that a lot of people say not to make the boot partition for W2k greater than 7.8 gig, but I set up W2k computers with full-size boot partitions (10, 20 30+ gig) all the time. I only ran into a problem once, when I was upgrading an NT 4 server to 2000 and somehow I screwed the thing up and nothing, not even windows 2000 setup, could recognize the first partition on the disk.....:mad:

    But Prince, if your Disk Management doesn't show any unpartitioned space, I don't know what to tell you - maybe check the BIOS?
  6. Thanks guys for your suggestions.

    To the best of my knowledge, I didn't partition my hard drive - but who knows with me :)...

    I'll take a look, and let y'all know how it works out.
  7. Is NTFS better than FAT32? I dual boot with 98, so I'm not about to use NTFS, but what is the real difference between the two?
  8. jasper

    jasper Guest

    NTFS allows you to set user-level permissions on files and folders. This is essential if you are in a network environment with lots of users, etc. Also important if you host a web site on your computer, etc. NTFS also allows you to encrypt the file system, blah blah blah.

    Bottom liine is, if you're at home and/or you work by yourself and nobody goes poking around on your computer via a LAN or you don't host a web site, then FAT is fine. But if you're a member of a NT$ or W2k domain, you should have your important stuff on NTFS to keep it from people who shouldn't have access to it.

    NTFS vs. FAT32

    or a more basic one:

    NTFS vs. FAT, which one is right?
  9. Gotcha. Now if 98 could actually access NTFS, it'd be great. But I guess that'd sort defeat the purpose of having access priveleges if a non-secure OS could access your files...
  10. You guys are on the ball!

    Thanks for the excellent advice!

    My C drive is partitioned. I followed your advice, and the system seemed to have freed up the remaining space (so it appeared), but I still can't download anything - claims that there isn't enough space.

    Here's what I did:

    I kept the first two gigs, and added the rest as "free space"...

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