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Who's More Annoying: Atheists or Fundamentalists?

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality Forum' started by sadic1, Feb 11, 2002.

  1. sadic1

    sadic1 Guest

    They're essentially the same thing to me: people who prescribe to an artificial certainty about the existence of God out of the fear of not knowing if he exists and/or what he wants from us.

    Personally, I find atheists more annoying because they close themselves off emotionally to experiencing God, if He does indeed exist. It's like a spoiled kid saying, "If I can't have it neat and on a silver platter, then I don't want it at all!". It's the cutting off of the nose to spite the face thing to me. The only basis they have for believing that God does not exist is the fact that God has not come to them in person to reveal Himself in a way that satisfies them. This in and of itself does not prove that God does not exist, and you know in their hearts, they're really not sure.

    Fundamentalists are annoying because they pretend that God proves His existence by use of a book of unprovable origin and verbage. Not only that, but they pretend to believe that God tells them exactly how to live their lives. There is certainly no uncontrovertable proof that God exists, let alone that He cares who you vote for. They are afraid that without their church imposing strict control over their ideas and behavior, they will be the evil that they fear they are. They usually pretend that God has revealed himself to them because their preacher told them that that was what they were feeling. The one thing that makes them less annoying to me is that they are open to the possibility of experiencing God and I'd imagine that every once in a while they really do have a faith inspiring experience and leave the artificial constructs of their pretend religion.

    Both perspectives are born out of fear, and it would appear that one of such a fearful mindset could easily be either one and ends up the one they are based on the environment they grew up in. Everyone has doubts, regardless of their spiritual perspective. Those who are not afraid of their doubts either become agnostic or members of a less tightly constructed and controlling belief system.

    So, which of these are more annoying (other than the person asking the question)?
  2. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC
    I don't pay much attention to either. Religion bores me. I believe in God, but just don't care much about talking about it.
  3. Puttingood

    Puttingood Guest

    Atheist are more annoying !
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I don't know. Depends on who's doing what. An atheist who's confident in his/her findings and is willing to share those ideas, but not force them upon someone who believes differently, is generally not annoying. A fundamentalist that grasps at straws and goes by the letter without confidence or knowledge is annoying.

    A fundamentalist that is a good person and shares his/her faith, but doesn't sit there and try to get you to read pamphlets and make you come to his own church without concerning himself with whether you're a believer or if you have a church, that's a good person too, as compared to the flavor of fundie I described in my aside just now.

    A fundamentalist that doesn't act uppity and all "I've got God and more than you, nah-nah, nuh-nah-nah" is generally not annoying. An atheist that doesn't try to make you feel stupid for having faith isn't annoying.

    A flavor of either, naturally, that tries to use the Bible to prove/disprove what you feel or what they feel or why something you're doing is wrong/right, that annoys me to no end. Generally this flavor has a hard time being wrong and just happened to

    An atheist that turns against religion because they weren't popular in church circles or had a bad experience with a couple of dumbasses, that annoys me. The church social circle isn't faith. Just because a Christian does something horribly stupid to you, doesn't mean he's acting in the freaking name of God himself.

    Naturally, I don't like Christian bigots either. You know, the ones who lecture you about being respectful of the name of the lord and saying a few words before you eat but drop the N word and disrespect women for no particular purpose. Granted, those are traditionally bad people who were simply raised with an ingrained discipline for religion, and assumed not to be the norm.

    In other words I just wrote a lot to say the basic conclusion "it depends on the person and the action." So, Duh.

    I think most will end up with the conclusion that it's the atheist. I've seen my share of bible thumpers and I've seen my share of those that sit there and disprove the bible with tricky language. In basic feeling, we're more likely to pick the one that's more annoying based on the one that least fits who we are.
    I tend not to be the big fan of either. Whatever...I'm still going to feel what I feel regardless of anyone. Annoyance is annoyance.
  5. Atheists are slightly more annoying, but Fundamentalists are vastly more frightening.
  6. Puttingood

    Puttingood Guest

    A good atheist that really believes in them selves are normally not heard. Just as a good Christian that is not called to spread Gods word will simply try to live it.
  7. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    the atheists by a nose

    the taliban is a bunch of fundies. fundies are dangerous when organized. and is it just me, or does it always seem that the lead fundie doesn't beleive what he's spewing half as much as the fundie lemmings?

    atheists never did anything that really hurt anyone because they are too afraid of conflict to deal with emotion -- or too afraid of emotion to deal with conflict. that's why atheists are more annoying. their conflict is inner, yet they think it's outer.

    i've much more respect for an agnostic. at least they show some thought and choice in the matter. the other two seem more reactionary.
  8. You hit it on the head, Larry. Certainly people will say that there have been "Atheist" Leaders that have done as much bad as any Christian Leader, but you have to look past the leaders. Blind allegiance is a scary thing. Fundamentalists are natural followers, it seems to me. Heck, don't some Christians even refer to themselves as Sheep?
  9. sadic1

    sadic1 Guest

    I agree with most of what's been said here. Certainly, anyone who has a cause to unite for can have a greater impact on the world, which makes fundamentalists of any religion scarier than atheists. But when I ask which is more annoying, I guess I'm really asking a generic question: In the absense of absolute knowledge, do you find it more irksome when people are sure that God does not exist, or that He does exist? I consider the world to be a vast and mysterious place, and in all that is as yet unexplained in it, I find it more offensive to assert with conviction that there is no God than to assert that there is a God, but both assertions would be an insincere effort to force the world of the unexplainable into a structure that doesn't scare us.
  10. Really? Then I would say Fundies. Because they not only believe that there IS a God, but that they know what it is he/she wants from us. Atheists simply fall back on the pretty safe ground that if you can't prove it exists, then it probably doesn't.

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