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Who needs 3?

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by YINZER, Jan 3, 2004.

  1. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    I've just about had enough of you, tough guy.

    And who is making these "jaw dropping" passes you love referring to? You are a fucking idiot and I will take great pleasure in introducing myself to you.
  2. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    Withers creates his own shot, we don't design a lot of plays for him. We run our offense through Brendan first, he should be 5th or 6th. He is one-dimensional. Withers and Demon are the most multifacted. Iti needs work, but he can score. Eddie can drive, dish, break the press, dunk and can score around the basket. He doesn't have a pretty jumper, but he is shooting a pretty good % (especially if you take away the 3-ball). Brendan can shoot the 3 from anywhere on the court if he's open. He can't drive, he doesn't have great handle, he hasn't even managed to get to the basket, and he doesn't really hit inside the 3-pt line. I like for him to take good shots, but he is more a suped up version of Chris Sager than a slower version of Demon Brown. I don't see anyone clammoring for Sager to play more minutes, but given Plav's shot attempts, I bet he could hit an equal % maybe even better.

    As I have said all along, if Plav starts shooting only smart shots, looks to pass first (we are one of the worst passing teams I have ever seen, we take a good 3-4 seconds to pass) and does things to free up other scorers besides shoot 10-15 times a game, I will change my opinion. I'm sure you can find flaws in my argument there too, but I'd like for anyone who thinks I am off base to sit at a table and go over the game with me. I might even have an extra ticket for the ECU game.
  3. hootie

    hootie Full Access Member

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    Jul 16, 2003
    This is about a silly arguement. They both have pluses and minuses. Plavich is obviously the bigger threat on O especially if a team zones. Baldwin brings a lot to the table as well, especially pressuring the ball.

    To me (and this is just a layman's opinion just like the rest of the Monday morning quarterbacks), Plavich fits what Lutz wants to do more. He extends the D and gives the big guys more room. Yes, they could see ball a little more for my tastes. Brown is doing a good job at the point, so he's not going to move. If it's a question of who is the better 2, it's got to be Plavich- Baldwin is a PG. If you want to start Baldwin at the 1 and put Brown at the two, everybody will bitch about him shooting much- just like last year.

    I'd personnally like to see a 3 man backcourt rotation with basically Sager odd man out except against an exclusive zone team or late to shoot FTs.

    One question- do some of you guys really dislike each other or it just for our entertainment?
  4. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    I agree with almost all of this. I like have Plavich on the floor but not more than 20 minute/game. My only problem with him is his shot selection. When he takes good shots he is a great asset. When he takes poor shots, he is just a slow, short white kid that cant play defense.
  5. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    I don't dislike anyone. I sometimes feel like there is groupthink amongst niner fans, but that goes with every program.

    Some people here to really dislike each other, especially HH and Pi, but I find it hard to really dislike anyone who is a niners fan for the simple fact that they have good taste.
  6. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Laying in 3 fast break buckets is not the same as "taking higher percentage shots". It's nice, dont get me wrong, but it isnt half court offense. I pump my fist and smile when Mitch kicks on the afterburner, but really, how many opportunities does ANY team get to do that? You cant survive on it. You have to be able to score in the halfcourt.

    As for your second statement, PROVE IT. I'm getting tired of hearing people hammer Plav on defense. I dont see it in games or the stat sheets. He is not a great athlete, so he isnt a great defender, but this guy comes up with a very respectable number of steals per game and is in position most fo the time. If I could remember one guy torching him, I'd give that argument some credit, but it just hasnt happened. And dont you dare blame him for Gerry Mac torching us. We tried everyone on him and it didnt help. That guy was just in the zone.

    In fact, one of the particularly stong impressions I have of the depaul game was Sammy Meija or Levar Seals dismissively juking Mitch out of his jock. Mitch is a better (faster) defender than Plav, but not as much as he's given credit for.

    I numbered your statements.

    1. Untrue. But we do run plays that suit or strengths, including for our backcourt, which is perhaps the best shooting backcourt in the nation.

    2. I completely agree. Then again, Curtis from game to game isnt the same player, so I see the logic in giving him more tocuhes when he's hot (just like Plav). I hope he continues to develop consistency.

    3. The question is, can they? Butter has been a wreck (confidence) as a starter. Eddie shows flashes, but Im starting to suspect he needs a significant speed advantage to take his man or just drive to the hoop. He's not a prticularly strong finisher against a taller player either, though he has improved markedly. I think we'd run more plays for these guys if they showed more that they could handle it. Maybe Drayton can when he gets here. Dont think for a moment that Lutz wont "put that in" to the offense if he has the appropriate weapon. He sure as hell did it for Rodney.

    Ok, I'll ignore how arrogant this soundsm especially since you've only been watching Niner hoops for a few years. There are a lot of people older than me who have seen just about every iteration of Niner team, good and bad. teams that could score and teams that couldnt. Teams that could defend and teams that played bullfighter d. I remember the Mullins teams that produced almost all of our offense from pressure and TOs. I remember the Watkins/early Lutz teams that did too. But the one common thread was that these teams were built around the types of players we had, or more accurately, the types we could GET. That has changed DRASTICALLY in recent years. We have at least 3 guys on this roster that have a real shot at earning a good sized paycheck for playing for years to come, 2 of them have definite NBA potential. One is a defensive player still fairly early in his developmental cycle, the other is a little more well rounded, and the third guy, who will probably play in Europe, is a bit too offensive oriented. But these were the best players we could get. You design a team concept around them and win with it. Next year, we are gonna live and die by the inconsistency or lack of production we get from the PG position, regardless of who plays it. We're gonna miss Demon Brown soo bad..... but i digress. That team will be loaded with frontcourt players and... Plavich. Our balance will have shifted. Lutz will design a different team concept and we'll roll with that, but yes, we will still shoot the 3 ball some because that is brendan's forte and he is an incredible shooter.
  7. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid

    So you're threatening me now? My, your a big, mature man there 49er penis wrinkle [/not]. Are you back to PMing people your seat number? Still planning on kicking MK's ass like you were?

    Threatening every single person who disagrees with you and gets sick of you is immature, pathetic, and a waste of time. I'd have to take a number anyway, as grendel pointed out, there are too many people in line ahead of me.

    You really think it's just one person that hates you? And you think its me using all those user names? Your perception of reality is really really warped man. Much worse than I realized.

    Fucking A, even Metro is civilized enough to sit down and have a beer with someone he disagrees with. Heck, I've often times wanted to buy him one but he kept pissing me off. I'd still buy him one if I met him. I dont take this stuff as nearly personal as you apparently do.
  8. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    I'm not threatening anyone. Just stating facts.

    Talk about being hated, even the mods you think are your friends talked shit about what a pussy you are when you quit cusa-talk.

    Here is a tip for you, couselor, people who say they don't take this stuff personally, really do. Your posts are full of rage and anger so don't try to tell me you don't take this stuff personally. You take it so personally that you quit as moderator of cusa and had you account deleted (although you continued to post under other usernames). That's personal.

    I've never defaced our coach or denouced our program, but you have. That's personal.

    I've never banned another poster for disagreeing with me, but you have. That's personal.

    No, you don't take this stuff personally. :xyzthumbs
  9. MKNiner

    MKNiner Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    That is so ridiculous it's not even funny. To say GW was due to one player is insane. Did you forget Demon's 8 pts, 3 TO's and that all important Technical foul with us up 5? Could that have had any impact? Maybe Butter's 4 TO's or Mitchell's 3? And lest we forget, our best inside threat who is averaging a double/double didn't even play? Plav's ENTIRE family was there to watch him, it's not a shock he would press. That loss cannot be attributed to Brendan, and to say so is incredibly ridiculous.

    Upon what is this based? Missing a shot now leads to opponent points? If that's the case EVERY player who misses a shot and then sees the opponent score is responsible. That is ridiculous.

    I would say they have both been beneficial and are both solid contributors. You also, convieniently to make your point, leave out the stat lines of the rest of the games. You can't pick and choose the games you'd like to use and make a generalized statement as to the value of each player. Use them all, or use none.

    Season to date totals:

    Plav - 11(GMS) 26.1(Min) 14.0(pts) 1.4(reb) 1.7(asts) 0.8(TO)
    MB - 12(GMS) 18.5(min) 6.8(pts) 2.3(reb) 1.8(asts) 1.7 (TO)

    Plav DOUBLES Mitch's points HALVES Mitch's TO's and WASHES Mitches Assists. He's made more shots, scored more points and and has 9 turnovers as compared to Mitch's 20. He also has 19 assists compared to Mitch's 21. This also is the MOST telling for those who think Plav can't play D. Plav has 16 steals as compared to Mitch's 14.

    Then there are the intangibles. Teams don't have to respect Mitch as a scoring threat, they do Plav. Plav is older, more experienced and clearly brings more leadership to the table than Mitch does.

    By NO objective standard can someone say Mitch gives this team more, or is more of an asset to this team, than Plav.

    Mitch's time will come, next year, but right now Plav is who gives us a better chance to win between the two.
  10. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    What color is the sky in your world? Who shot JFK? How many more conspiracy theories do you have, dicklick?

    If that's the BEST you can come at me with, then game over. Talk about a big bag of shitty, far-fetched conjecture. Wishing any of that were true doesnt make it so... just keep repeating, "there's no place like home toto, there's no place like home."

    Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm grendel and Urban and so forth. No fucking wonder. At least your consistent in just how fucking far off base you are.

    You're a fucking loon who PMs people about how you're gonna beat their ass for disagreeing with you. Every fucking mod at CUSA Talk fucking hates you for just being you. You ruin the fan experience for everyone who tries to take part in these types of forums. And you most definitely take things way too personally. You are the fucking poster child for that.

    Please, get some help. Somewhere.

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