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Where the hell is Leonard Laye?

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by metro, Sep 30, 2003.

  1. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    no the truth doesn't hurt. Charlotte hasn't performed like UNC or Duke or Maryland the last 10 years. However, the 49ers have been better than alot of ACC teams the last 11 years, going to 7 NCAA's and ADVANCING in 5 of them! If we absolutely had sucked the last decade, I would have no leg to stand on, but the truth is we are consistently a top 40 program the last decade, and that is better than ALOT of the ACC can say. So your argument doesn't hold water. I seriously doubt that you have kept a keen eye on all the papers you mention above, so you using them as examples is flawed. Cleveland St is not a top 40 team or conference, Cincy papers cover UC and X more than OSU (at least on the web), Greensboro is not a legit team or conference, so no, don't go on, because you have no idea what you are saying.

    here is your assignment junior:
    find me a paper, that has a consistent top 40 team, in their city, that goes and ADVANCES in the NCAAs on a regular basis, and is in a major conference, that does as shitty a job as the Observer covering them, and then I will concede your point.
  2. sds70

    sds70 'King Kong Ain't Got **** On Me!!!!!'

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Queen City of the Dirty South
    LarryD: Yeah, we are CHALOTTE sportswise, but the school is still UNCC ;) !!!! That what it says on my diploma, last I checked :D !!!!!
  3. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    don't let me catch you messing it up again. there will be hell to pay.
  4. Over40NINER

    Over40NINER Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 14, 2003
    Mike P, let's cut the crap & get to the basics. You used to post on charlotte.com that it would cost Niners to read about their team. I recall accusations of you getting your palm greased by certain acc interests. If this is the case, I'm sure most of us will understand & that would explain your silly posts. These excuses you've been posting have not fooled anyone & are perceived as nothing but useless garbage by anyone with a brain (funny that s9er is the only "9er?" who has defended you) . This is your chance to come clean. Just tell us the truth. Fair enough? I think everyone has seen way too many lies come out of your mouth & you're making yourself, your peers, & your superiors at the Observer all look bad.

    By the way, I had already called that number you posted, but like many other Niners, I called it to CANCEL my subscription.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2003
  5. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    You would be wrong in assuming that I don't know about the Cleveland paper - I was a consultant there for b-ball season a view years ago - and it was all Big Ten coverage, not local teams.

    Let's go with your assertion that UNCC has consistently been one over the past 10 years. Within 200 miles or so, there have been 3 teams that are much higher ranked than UNCC - and more consistent (UNC, Dook, Wake). In addition, these teams are all from the same conference. So it would make sense that UNCC was 4th in coverage received - after these 3 teams. I do not have a scientific survey, but this seems to be about the case. However, it seems to me that y'all all think that you should be covered on par with the NC teams that are in the ACC, but the facts clearly show that you do not warrant such coverage.

    So, UNCC has advanced in 5 years in the NCAA tournament. If I am not mistaken they have never advanced to the Sweet 16, meaning that you are holding up winning a single tournament game as some great accomplishment. During that same span, UNC has won a Natl Championship and been to 5 Final Fours and Dook has been to 3. In other words, UNC has advanced to the Final Four as often as UNCC has won ONE FUCKING GAME.

    As much as y'all like to bitch and moan, I am beginning to think that UNCC should change its mascot from a 49er to a big fucking tampon.
  6. HighPoint49er

    HighPoint49er Full Access Member

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    Feb 7, 2002
    High Point, NC
    With all due respect to you vpkozel, it is not totally about athletics here.

    1) Charlotte is the home city of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
    2) The Charlotte 49ers get less local coverage than schools in the same conference.
    3) Out of 70000+ alumni, some 35000 live in the Charlotte metro area and 20000 of those are in Mecklenburg County.

    The above facts alone should tell any demographics intern that coverage is necessary.

  7. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It's not at all about athletics. The Observer is a business, and their business is to sell papers and advertising. They are going to write and give the most prominent placement to the stories that will accomplish these goals.

    It would be great for Charlotte if UNCC was more of a basketball power, and I wish them well in becoming one, but the Observers lack of coverage is not the reason that they have not yet done so.

    And from what I have seen, more of the UNCC "fans" are interested in blaming the Sports guy from the Observer than in building a program that cannot be ignored.

    If any of you nummuts (and you know I don't put you in this category HP) think that a UNCC run to the Final 4 wouldn't be BIG news, then you are on fucking crack. I have seen that happen - and the coverage was AT LEAST equal to the coverage that UNC got (they were in the same Final 4).

    So quit bitching and make a run deep in the tourney, and if the Observer doesn't cover it, I'll be the first one bashing them. Until then, please don't consider a losing record in the NCAA tourney over the past 11 years some sort of major accomplishment.
  8. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    ok vp, lets turn the tables. Lets talk about your alma mater. Lets say the Boone paper was essentially a ACC rag and App St. (you remember, the school you actually attended, not UNC CH) was covered secondarily. That would be silly. Are there ACC articles in the Boone paper? of course, but they do not put the Moutaineers on the back burner to the ACC.
  9. DaveW

    DaveW Super Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    you are about to look like more of a dumbass than you really are.
  10. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    See, that is why you are an idiot. I went to UNC - we established that fact long ago. I also grew up in Charlotte, so I pretty well know the history of UNCC too. I also remember that the coverage of the Observer during UNCC's run was about equal for both UNC and UNCC.

    Now go get your fucking tampon and don't forget to douche.

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