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What movies did you attend but didn't watch 'cause you were making out?

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by mathmajors, Jun 10, 2002.

  1. TW1GGY

    TW1GGY Do you scream??

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    The Island of Misfits Toys
    There was another one when I was in High School..... Damn I don't even rember the name of the movie.... I do remeber the girl... Wendy Taylor... My first crush... My dumbass broke up with her because I thought she was about to break up with me... Turns out she was just having a bad day.... story of my life...
  2. wolverine

    wolverine Guest

    Just a joke, I havent made out at theaters. But now will do it at home with the dvd also!
  3. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    For you, yes.:)
  4. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    Home Alone 2
    The Craft

    And the girl I was with at the time looked kinda manly and smelled of Natural Light.
  5. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    What's more natural than that?
  6. reb

    reb 1riot1reb

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    juicy part of the mountains
    I can't remember the name of the movie now. Damn it was about Big Sur, written by somebody famous like Hemmingway or somebody. Anyway this woman and I were unable to keep our hands off each other and we saw that the balcony section in this little theater was empty so we went up there and had sex in the seats under the camera lens...and made out too.:cool:

    ok, two days later it comes to me. the movie was Cannery Row. I think Nick Nolte was in it.
  7. cltbuilder

    cltbuilder Guest

    The one with Wynona? My girlfriend at the time sounded just like her and it turned me on.... never did see how that ended.
  8. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

  9. voyergirl

    voyergirl Guest

    lol this thread brought back memories lol
    in high school i worked at our local theater, the yeti got a job there a little later. i had keys to the place (silly them to give a 16yr. old keys to the place) and yeti and i umm how do i put this nicely, we umm DID IT in every theater(8), in the halls, in the isle, on the stairs to the projection room, in the projection rooms, in the lobby, lol omg on the candy counter, behind the ticket booth. oh damn does this bring back great memories. i am trying to think if i have ever done it "during" a movie :thinking: i don't think we did..........
  10. lex

    lex Guest

    "am trying to think if i have ever done it "during" a movie :thinking: i don't think we did.........." posted VG

    that's just wrong, VG. go tonight for fathers day ;) and correct that gross oversight! :D

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