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UNCC Chancellor Ponders Football

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by sds70, Feb 12, 2007.

  1. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Actually,that's not the debate at all. You cannot start a D1A football program. That's not how it works. You have to play 1AA first, or DII or DIII, etc. For Charlotte, it has to be IAA since we're already DI in other sports.

    Your entire tirade is about Charlotte trying to get into a conference like the ACC or the SEC at startup, which is ludicrous. It's farfetched in the long run even, but more importantly, no one behind the movement or the vote is suggesting anything like that. The only people who say that are people looking to discredit the movement. It's a strawman argument and I'm tired of it.

    I just wanna be able to play App St in Charlotte in a few years, and I say that with a great deal of respect for App's football program. They are the ideal for us right now.

    I'm not going to get into any kind of pissy shouting match with you Collin. You're not worth it.
  2. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

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    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    No, I didn't. As a matter of fact, one of my fellow grad students worked the ticket counter. Between that and the campouts, I know what I'm saying. UT's allotment it like 6-7k, an a few hundred of those get sold to alums by starving students, and upwards of a thousand are routinely not used.

    The weird thing is, they usually jack the allotment up for bowl games, because every student wants a ticket that they can turn around and sell. One BCS bowl game ticket buys a LOT of booze.

    I have no idea where you get your opinions from, but Charlotte is in the upper end of D1 student attendance at basketball games. Their allotment of 4500 or so tickets for students is one of the largest in the nation, which de-emphasizes how well their students attend games.

    And again, students aren't the only ones who attend sporting events, so your continued insistence on beating up this point is ridiculous.

    Meanwhile, on the attendance front - Charlotte was awful last year and slipped all the way to #82 out of about 330 D1 hoops programs for attendance. Yes, even in a down year we were in the top quartile. So you're wrong again.

    FYI, just the year before, we were #71, just behind UVa & Georgetown, but ahead of FSU, Clemson, Oregon State, Rutgers, Boston College, and Gonzaga.

    Why would I "admit" a false statement? Why won't you admit that the football initiave has received lots of press, on a recurring basis? I can start posting the links here if necessary, and it wont take me long to find 10 or so.

    Basicly Collin, go fly a kite. You're so far off base and have such an opionated non-reality agenda that it's ridiculous.
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2007
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Shut up. Many are certainly tired of my belligerence, but many are also tired of you and your "if you don't do X, I'm banning you!" nonsense. Yes, you can ban me if you feel like it. It won't make you any more of an actual moderator, nor will it suddenly make you in any way useful to the board. You don't add thoughtful posts, you routinely insult people yourself, and you only pretend to be a mod when you feel like bothering someone you don't like. No one cares about your or your opinion. Deal with it.

    But for the record, I do have proof that HH lied. Read on.

    Yes, it is. sds70 asked, "Wouldn't having football give us at least the chance to move up to a real conference someday?" I made the point that no, getting into a major conference would require not only have a football team but having a good one.
    Dumbass, you don't even pay attention before you babble in my direction. sds is the one who raised the issue, I addressed it, and then you insulted me about my comment. If you didn't even pay attention to what my comment was in response to, why did you criticize it? You did so not because I was actually wrong, because I'm not, but rather because you look for every opportunity to get back at me for past humiliations.
    Lie. One of the great things about the internet is that you can find facts on nearly anything. For instance, this article says "After the allotment of approximately 14,000 student tickets are gone at Tennessee, the remaining students that paid the programs fees are simply out of luck."
    Including all of D1, yes, you're correct that they're "above average." They are not, however, up to the level of average student attendance for major programs in the state. Moreover, I was referring to all sports. As noted, UNCC could hardly get any fans to attend baseball games even when the team was ranked in the top 25.
    No, students aren't the only ones, but there is already a lot of competition for entertainment dollars in the Charlotte area. The idea that UNCC could routinely draw 7500+ students to football games seems ludicrous to me anyway, but even if they managed to do that, it's very difficult to imagine more than another 10k non-students buying tickets. It's a crowded market and people generally aren't going to regularly support low level or low quality football.
    Find me any place where I said that they were below average for all of D1. I said that as a whole UNCC sports don't get strong support, and they don't. Basketball gets the best, but even that isn't up to the level of other major schools in the state like Wake and Duke, both of which are substantially smaller.
    The football initiative has received occasional press because it's a huge decision, and I never said otherwise. What I said was that UNCC sports don't get much local coverage, and you have continuously dodged that issue. You know as well as I do that they don't, but you want to disagree with me on something and so you pretend the issue is something else.

    And just to reiterate, I want to make sure people saw that HardHarry lied about UT student attendance. Because he so desperately wanted to win an internet argument against me, he pretended that he had a friend who supposedly told him the ticket numbers when I found a link conclusively proving that the student allotment is double what HH claimed and that it is routinely filled up.
  4. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
  5. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    Who wants to win an internet argument again Collin? Who's dwelling on minutea?

    Meanwhile, I just got off the phone with the Ticket office at UT. #1 - The allotment changes every year, and sometimes by game. I asked about 14,000, and they said, "rarely". #2 I was also right about the # of students that actually attend games. The # of students who typically attend, based on scanned IDs is nowhere near 14k. It's much closer to the numbers I said. It was such a problem of students selling tickets they picked up that they changed the procedure, because the university wants to sell those tickets.

    Not that it makes two shits difference other than your hard on to win an argument.
  6. HardHarry

    HardHarry Rebel with a 401(k)

    Likes Received:
    Jun 5, 2003
    Indie Kid
    You want to tell Adam that he's pretend? I'd love to see that as he picked you apart piece by piece and feed you your balls.

    This from a guy who passes off his opinions as facts and changes his arguments constantly, all because he has a ridiculous argumentative complex.

    Back on ignore.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Link: says "After the allotment of approximately 14,000 student tickets are gone at Tennessee, the remaining students that paid the programs fees are simply out of luck."

    The comments I made about the impact of UNCC adding a football program were perfectly valid, HH just had to take a shot at me because he always does. And as usual, he claimed victory only for me to prove that I was right all along. So instead of owning up to his mistakes, HH has now make some additional smartass quips and moved to hide behind the ignore feature. Kudos to HardHarry, the intellectual giant.

    Getting back to the original point:
    I like UNCC, but I want them to be focused on supporting the sports that they already have instead of wasting time and money on a fool's pursuit. Building a new stadium and starting a program from scratch just to hope that you might eventually get up to ASU's level would be silly, especially when the university's departments are already being forced into numerous budget cuts. If that kind of money can be raised, how about spending it on more graduate level programs and research?
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2007
  8. Clay

    Clay Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    I would like to point out that it's not a lie if it's not attempted deception. The American Heritage Dictionary defines a lie as:

    1. A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.
    2. Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.

    If he's unaware that the information is a incorrect, it's simply inaccurate information and he's wrong. Intent to deceive is what makes inaccurate information a lie; otherwise it's just inaccurate information.

    But to the actual debate at hand, I think UNCC would have a hard time pulling people. Charlotte likes a winner as evidenced by the fact that Panthers games are sold out (though tickets are available) but both the Bobcats and the 49ers basketball teams have a hard time coming close to selling out.

    Of course, there may simply be a larger appetite for football, as all sports are not created equal.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    True, but HardHarry claimed that he knew for a fact that UT's student allotment was 5-7k because his brother's mailman's sister's cousin's hairdresser used to work at one of the gates in 1847.
  10. VA49er

    VA49er Full Access Member

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    Jun 14, 2003
    :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag: :bsflag::bsflag::bsflag::bsflag:
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2007

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