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Top 5 Horror Flicks

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by Shocker, Jul 11, 2002.

  1. Elric

    Elric Guest

    1. The Exorcist
    2. The Changeling
    3. Legend of Hell House
    4. Halloween
    5. Night of the Living Dead
  2. Shocker

    Shocker Guest

    Anyone seen Halloween Resurrection? Please tell me that Busta Rhymes gets Michaelized. ;)

    Those Halloween flicks are always entertaining.
  3. Lyndilox

    Lyndilox Guest

    Friday The 13th (the 1st one) Scared the living shit out of me when I was a kid. They just don't make them like they used to.
    The 1st Nightmare on Elm Street was scarey too:teeth:
  4. Gee, SG, our lists match almost exactly except for Nightmare on Elm Street. I'd go with The Shining or Silence of the Lambs in it's place.

    I just saw Frailty and am still thinking about it. One of those movies, ya know? Creepy, but makes you think.
  5. Shocker

    Shocker Guest

    Another movie that is worth a rent is Jeepers Creepers. Now its not one of the best or anything but it was surprisingly entertaining. The Creeper is cool as hell too. Check it out.

    Also, I am a bit surprised no one has mentioned Phantasm. That was a pretty scary flick there.
  6. Obewon

    Obewon Guest

    Jeepers Creepers was COOL! The begining was classic to me.....I want spoil it for those who haven't seen it yet.

    I purchased the Alien Trilogy, and the first one, is a Horror /Sci-Fi Classic! I think I would have to add that to the list.
  7. Shocker

    Shocker Guest

    I caught some horror flicks this weekend and here are the results :D :

    The Changeling - this movie was damn good. One of the best ghost stories I have seen. Didn't scare the hell out of me, but creepy for sure. Great story. Check this one out!!

    The Haunting - this was ok. It wasn't that scary and reminded me of the Stephen King movie "Rose Red" or the terrible remake "The Haunting". Not the most intense movie and no effects. Thats fine and the movie is ok - just didn't blow me away.

    Manhunter - this movie is awesome. This is basically the same story as Red Dragon so if you have seen that one - it might be very near that movie in terms of plot. This movie is absolutely outstanding. Hard to believe I never heard much about it. I have not yet seen Red Dragon but must say that if its half as good as this movie - it must be excellent. I would tell anyone to try this one, especially Silence of the Lambs fans!
  8. Ignatowski

    Ignatowski Guest

    Top 5 for me:

    Evil Dead
    Salems' Lot (scary fucking TV movie)
    Night of the Living Dead

    Honorable mentions to Poltergeist for scaring the shit out of me at age 11 and Scanners for the exploding head scene.
  9. Obewon

    Obewon Guest

    Dude! I saw Salems Lot, @ age 8, The Exscosit, The Howlling, The Shinning, Friday the 13 (The first one) around 7 years of age, and Nightmare on Elm Steet at age 11....I was a scared little MF!
  10. Shocker

    Shocker Guest

    Yea, I hear you guys...

    To me - for shock factor its hard to beat these two:

    The Exocist - literally damaged me, yes, permanently fuk'n mental scars to my fuk'n ass for life. I saw this mind fuk with I was 7 yrs young. WTF.

    Jaws - I think about this movie EVERY time I enter the ocean. Stupid but true. Saw it real young too.

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