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Top 2 biggest mistakes made by FOX so far...

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by SandMan, Mar 2, 2002.

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  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

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    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Dodging. But that's typical. At least you're not currently lying to attempt a point that isn't there.
    If you're suggesting I didn't see him in Auburn, I watched six games. If you're suggesting he didn't get enough preseason time? Tough. He got more than Lytle, who ATP seems more deserving since he's with a team. If you're suggesting we were supposed to give Craig a full game during the regular season, tough. Teams don't often do that for guys who have small arms. Even Lewis had things that made us give him a broad chance. Craig couldn't earn it without injury and died by that same sword.

    You can cry "my opinion versus yours" all you want but I have draft reports from 1998. Go on ahead and say "my opinion versus yours" to a set of professional reports all you want.
  2. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Listen Mr. Collin wanna be... no intentional lie, so don't start that shit. Bust me for not knowing there was no 8th round - frankly I was figuratively speaking but then again, you're probably sitting back with a childesh smirk so no use... I have never proclaimed to be a draft expert, If I had that kind of time... :rolleyes: But I assure you, I did not lie... I'm too lazy to uncover the article that suggested he would probably still be around late in the draft...
  3. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    I'm suggesting that you were the furthest thing from my mind when I presented my thoughts on Craig - I'm suggesting that if you have never been wrong on any of your opinions on a player than get some balls about your self and get a full time job for an NFL team drawing a paycheck to reward you for your never been wrong perspective on players...

    I never suggested anything other than the facts - he never played a full regular or preseason game, I'm not crying why etc...
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    "I didn't lie, I just have no proof whatsoever that anyone ever thought that so I'm going to insult you over and over because I'm frustrated that I can't make my point."

    It's really a shame you can't simply let things go. It's an even worse shame that you continue to want to get personal, knowing you don't fare well in those situations. Let it go.
  5. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Magnus shut the fuck up dude... you implied that I lied... if you had not gone there, I would not have stooped to your chilidish insinuations.

    I have told you a million time, correct me all day long, I thank you for it, but don't insinuate I purposefully set out to lie and deceive people.

    This is an opinion board. I can handle being wrong, but you as always, start the personal shit...
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

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    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    You lied. I'm sorry if you feel sheepish for it, but you did. Anyone who said such things, if true (and the chances of anyone believing you on that one are small), is not a reputable or even amateur draft analyst. That you have to lash out, poorly at that, and then blame it on me, that's just status quo. I didn't start a thing personally...unless you have proof, this is either a lie, or as Piper suggests, a rumor started by you, and you fail to be a worthy source of information when it comes to this team much less the other thirty one, and if that is in fact your own information it's not a rumor anyhow, and only solidified as a lie.

    I told you before. I remember Collin beating this into your head also. Don't lie to make your opinion seem more favorable: you will get burned by it. That's not personal. You made it as such, not I.

    You have a history of that, and you have a history of lying and being emotionally charged past the point of reason with quarterbacks as well. Your case doesn't hold water: if you dislike Weinke, you dislike him. Don't make up stuff and then get mad at others for it.
  7. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Sorry, but you are wrong again... a person can state false information and not lie or intend to deceive - this is fact. (EDIT: If a person does not know they are wrong, then there is no intent to lie - )you inisinuated I lied, I insinuated you are Collin, which by the way, if it is your perception he beat me at this then I laugh even harder... he was a sick person - I hope he got help.

    No, I'm not even a draft amateur, I told you, I choose not to be. If I wanted to be I would be, and I assure you, I would know... but most of what I say on this subject is simply my opinion which frankly I could care less if it is right or wrong... Lets see Mr. NFL Football draft expert wanna be or monday morning QB that enjoys the game - I'll take the last one...

    No, you insinuated I lied, I called you Collin, had you not started the personal shit, I would have never called you the guy you dream to be... or is it you, I'm confused...

    Also, I noticed the "I speak" for the massess language again - drop it you speak for yourself and select few, thats it.
  8. BearBryant

    BearBryant Full Access Member

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    Feb 7, 2002
    Sandman, Are you an Auburn coot in disquise? The Barners don't even think Craig was that good. :D If Craig was good enough he would have been sniffed out by now. I mean Kurt Warner was sniffed out of a super market so don't you think someone would noticed Craig, who has been on an NFL roster his whole career, by now?
  9. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Naw Bear, I have nothing for or against Auburn. If I recall correctly, several of Dick's peers laughed at him when he said he was going with Warner. Warner was a longshot that paid out.

    Which brings up something totally different to ponder... when he first did well, was it because of the system? Yes... if so he still had to have the balls to be a no name from nowhere to maintain composure and stay at a high level - how many people made this prediction? How many people if asked, would have told you Kurt who - he'll never succeed in the NFL? Hmmmm
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    >>this is fact,

    No proof. And so far, the two in the conversation that have any idea what we're talking about since you've said that don't believe it to be within the ballpark of fact. For something to be fact there has to be some plausible reason for it to be taken seriously. I'm still waiting to hear that part.

    >>you inisinuated I lied, I insinuated you are Collin,

    I didn't insinuate anything. I called you a liar. That's my opinion, and I obviously feel stronger about you lying than you do about what you said, since you're namecalling.

    >>, if it is your perception he beat me at this

    That was basically everyone's perception to my recollection. Except yours, where in your magical world Dameyune Craig has the ability to be an NFL starter but no one will give him a chance, and Kerry Collins is a great leader, even though his own RT punched him in the face.

    >>I assure you, I would know

    It's a shame you didn't. BTW, when you got pissy with me because you didn't know what "value" was in draft terms, that makes a nice allusion to what happens when you get threatened. Shows up tonight too.

    >>Lets seen NFL Football draft expert wanna be or monday morning QB that enjoys the game - I'll take the last one...

    I'd rather have some idea of what I'm talking about. I don't put one cheek into football, I never have and never will.

    >>Also, I noticed the "I speak" for the massess language again

    Deal with it. I speak what I observe - you tried this last time and then in doublespeak tried to do what I'm doing. The difference is I have the support of written word earlier in this thread, and the written support of the NFL Draft community, save for this mysterious draft article that may have been written in disappearing ink. I speak about the masses - not for them - because that's what is being said regardless of myself, not because of myself. That's the difference between you and I, I say things because I take time to learn and understand, rather than to emotionally shoot my mouth off.
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