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Thursday Night Football?

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by johndeerebrave, Nov 12, 2002.

Should there be Thursday Night Football?

  1. Yes! All the time! More pigskin, the better!

    0 vote(s)
  2. Yes, but only once in a while.

    2 vote(s)
  3. No, not at all.

    0 vote(s)
  1. http://money.cnn.com/2002/11/08/com...z/MNF/index.htm

    Seems as though the NFL wants to take advantage of a very profitable TV night. ABC has stuggled mightily on this night. I should note, MNF would not be eliminated, but TNF added. This may not necessarily be EVERY Thursday night, but sometimes. Personally, I don't see a problem with the occasional Thursday night game, as long as they give the teams involved bye weeks the week before, to avoid short weeks. It could be a great thing. Imagine 3 games on Turkey Day, opposed to 2!!! The wives and girlfriends could have an excuse to get to bed early to get up for the biggest shopping day of the year. And "TNF" would kill a lot of Thursday night college football altogether. I don't think college football games were meant to be played on Thursday nights. I know for one the University of North Carolina doesn't like Thursday night games, which could lead to the death of Thursday night football in the ACC. On the other hand, this could mean fewer teams off per week; thus, more weeks with byes. And weaker teams on TNF. Although it would be a great occasional thing, I don't think there should be "TNF" every week because of oversaturation, and also there shouldn't be short weeks. And the NFL wouldn't want to put weaker teams on it. What do you think?

  2. VOR

    VOR Guest

    They've run thursday nite pro games every year for years now. like mnf sometimes they stink sometimes they're great. usually the have one everyweek from about now till the end of the season.
  3. Y2Buddy

    Y2Buddy Guest

    Yea, this is the time of year Joe & the gang on ESPN go from Sunday Nights to Thursday's. Where you been?

    I like Thursday Nights better than Sunday because it's really hard to watch football all day long.......with so much to do. But on the other hand, I work nights and Thursday games suck for Fantasy Football.
  4. Bubba

    Bubba Guest

    They normally stop the Sunday night game and start Thursday night games about mid-season. I would prefer to add the Thursday night game and leave the Sunday night game alone.
  5. BearBryant

    BearBryant Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    thursday and saturday games start when college is over
  6. hasbeens99

    hasbeens99 Guest

    Yep, me too. If they can only have one or the other, I say keep it on Sunday night. But to have both... well, more NFL football is ALWAYS a good thing. :D
  7. Old Coot

    Old Coot Guest


    I have thoroughly enjoyed watching College Ball on Thursdays. Particularly when we may be interested in some of the players we see.

    NFL football AFTER college ball is over would be great !!
  8. McFly41

    McFly41 Guest

    I haven't watched a single MNF football game this year, other than popping in and out. Nothing but yawners, they could do away with MNF all together and I probably wouldn't even notice!

    Then again having the ticket, I tend to burn out on Sunday anyway.
  9. BearBryant

    BearBryant Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002

    this is blasphemy!!
  10. McFly41

    McFly41 Guest

    Try channel surfing through "up to 14 games" close to 10 hours without hardly blinking. You'll be making reservations in Purgatory, too.
    MNF has sucked this year, in fact, NFL primetime games...all of 'em, for the most part...have been lack luster.

    After screaming my head off for five straight minutes at the end of EVERY Carolina game, I don't know, I am either to drunk or I am just spent!

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