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This moment...

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by magnus, Mar 15, 2002.

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  1. lex

    lex Guest

    hey, u still up?

    i downloaded some SRV today, insidian...:D

    "little wing" metallica
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    just toying with you, lexy :D
    I never really did get around to asking about Folds. Oh well. Night.

    Georgia Swing (D12 BB)
  3. reb

    reb 1riot1reb

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    juicy part of the mountains
    Good morning. A great day in the mountains for Dylan... bootleg Dylan 1971. GWW stands for Great White Wonder:D The cover is blank this is an insert.

    Dylan / Talkin' John Birch Society Blues
  4. lex

    lex Guest

    morning, all... (hello, dahlin!)

    i feel so left out. everyone is avoiding this forum now that i mod here. howcome, reb? is it my deodorant? is it not working?

    twiggy is gone. i like his music. you a boy or a girl, twig?
    vanilla is gone. she hates me, i think :(
    wossa and gutter are buds. :mad:
    mags toys with my emotions.:rolleyes:
    m is too busy, and he isnt the one having the baby. :mad:
    jazz, he's prob out somewhere mackin. :rolleyes:
    piper, i dont know where he is, skipped town maybe.:confused:
    me...i think am getting paranoid... i know i missed someone.:)
    insidian, he's here. that's good..

    you reb, are my only friend ;) ok, drama aside...i am listening to...

    "jerry was a race car driver" primus oh yeah... winona's big... is up next! :cool:
  5. reb

    reb 1riot1reb

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    juicy part of the mountains
    Lex you think to much;) I am busy as hell and can only get to my box in the evening for a couple of hrs. and on and off through the weekend. It's summer darlin', stuff's a poppin' :D

    Koko Taylor / Flamin' Mamie
  6. lex

    lex Guest

    hee hee...busy as sin, reb. sin!

    or like i would say... hella busy...

    i was fuckinwidy'all...it's sunday, some people have lives... me, am still a tad under the weather but i know i will go to work tomorrow.

    "she's got legs" zz top
  7. Insidian

    Insidian Guest

    hi lex, sorry I was out like a light

    Cool. SRV is great.....never heard Little Wing by Metallica......I'll check it out.........

  8. Piper

    Piper Guest

    "Shady Tree" Garcia, Grisham, Rice
  9. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Bathwater (No Doubt)
    Last edited: May 19, 2002
  10. 'The Breakup Song (They Don't Write 'Em)'

    Greg Kihn Band
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