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The Tarheels

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by Wise One, Oct 5, 2008.

  1. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    See, there we go. I can agree with all that. That is why I said I would want him to go to JUCO and earn the right to come play football at NCSU if it was one of ours. The bottomline is regardless of you thinking I am blowing it out of proportion, it is a felony for a reason and her consent is not a defense. You can't get around that is the law. That was my point. You acted like it was just a minor mistake (by asking if I had ever made a mistake when I like most people haven't committed a felonious sex offense - have you?) when in fact, it is a felony as described by the law.
  2. The Brain

    The Brain Defiler of Cornflakes

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Over There ---->
    Didn't get much tail in college did you?
  3. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    I've already said I didn't attend UNC-CH so no, I stayed away from taking it in the tail. Hope your back is okay though after Ron Curry got done with you.
  4. TheGame08

    TheGame08 Full Access Member

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    Dec 23, 2006

    So? Once again you guys are playing stupid, at least I hope you're just playing, to try to dodge the obvious. Little brother syndrome has to do with somebody's state of mind. Wolfpac is oblivious to the obvious, increasingly delusional, and obsessed with trying to make UNC look bad and NC State look good.

    No, I did not go to UNC, I didn't even apply there because I didn't think I could get in. I did apply to NC State. I got in, but decided not to go there because most of the people that were going there from my high school were people I didn't want to associate myself with, and I wanted to go to a smaller school.
  5. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    Much the same reason I chose not to go to UNC actually. One girl got an alternative lifestyle and is a UNC grad working at a Sports Authority last I heard, another became a professional protestor, and 3 failed out which is tough to do at UNC so that is entirely noteworthy. Let's see, my group at NCSU became a Statistician working at a bank (me), a computer engineer, and a dentist. Funny how things work out.

    *To be completely fair, three that I know from high school that went to UNC did end up very successful (including a lawyer that I use) and 1 that went to NCSU did not. Tend to think it has much more to do with the person than the school. You can succeed from either or you can become a waste at either.
  6. TheGame08

    TheGame08 Full Access Member

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    Dec 23, 2006
    They were all party animals and binge drinkers and I didn't want to be around them. I lost track of most of them, but I know three dropped out after a semester.
  7. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    Probably would have failed out of every school but yeah, not a group for long-term success! I am still thankful that my friends around me ended up doing well and not going that way so there was less pressure on me. Heck, I was also just lucky that my wife also chose NCSU over UNC and spent four years of keeping me on the straight and narrow (that would probably be eligible for a degree at Duke actually).
  8. monstercat

    monstercat Full Access Member

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    Apr 5, 2006
    Personally, I have never understood this notion that you have to go to UNC or NC State to be a fan. I guarantee you that I could walk on to any ACC campus and find students that couldn't care less about football, so being a student really has nothing to do with being a football fan in the first place.

    By the same token, there are thousands of people who grew up in NC as Carolina, NC State, or Duke fans from the time they were 7-8 yrs old, and all of them had different circumstances that may or may not have allowed them to go to the school of their choice.
  9. wolfpac

    wolfpac Full Access Member

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    May 27, 2003
    Here's the thing, most of the Wal-Mart stuff is mainly to drive the UNC fans nuts which it does. On the flip side, it is legitimate when you have a UNC fan, who has as much chance to get into any ACC school as I do to become an astronaut, deriding a NCSU education. Then, sorry, but it's legitimate. Most of the other stuff is just to drive the UNC fans crazy which it really does. It's amazingly successful at doing that.

    As far as I know, not every NCSU fan on here went to NCSU and dadgum, finding a Duke fan & grad still living in North Carolina is almost impossible.
  10. monstercat

    monstercat Full Access Member

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    Apr 5, 2006
    Actually, I'd say it drives NC State fans crazy, if anything. Most of them are jealous, because there aren't nearly as many NC State fans outside of the immediate Raleigh area that aren't either students or alumni. Carolina, on the other hand, has thousands of fans all over the country.

    I will concede that NC State has more hard core football fans in their student population though.

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