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The Bronze Issue

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by rake, Aug 24, 2004.

  1. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    a little spacing in that post woulda helped the visually impaired and short-winded

    >> but then does it become a cancer shrine and constant reminder of a hideous disease

    or it could be a reminder of the heart and passion with which they lived and played and how that when you think you got problems there were others that had bigger struggles and the grace with which they battled

    >> Are relatively “short-term” guys like Beuerlein, Lathon, Greene and Barrow (just off the top of my head) really statue worthy?

    hopefully this is in no way, shape or form to compare them with Fields or Mills

    >> That brings up the point, is it a popularity contest? It wouldn’t it a crime IMO if that was a big part of it.

    you mite want to edit that just so we know what you are saying

    >> WW had a reputation as a whiner and complainer

    for that reason alone i would vote no. stats alone shouldn't get you a statue

    >> John Kasay has been mentioned for consideration before.

    I would vote yes as of now. A lot of kickers come across as sissy boys. John does not. He's exemplifies everything I would want to see in a kicker and a man, has battled through a lot and provided mostly great memories for a long time and hopefully for several more years to come.

    >> Tenured contributors like Muhammad, Rucker and Minter have been around a good long while too.

    Its too early to discuss Rucker. Moose no for at least the reasons you listed.

    >> Mike Minter seems to me to be the most likely candidate. He’s a popular team leader, well thought of in the community, and he remains a vital cog to the machine on the field. If any other Panther is bronzed Mike Minter seems to be the current frontrunner.

    agreed. on coverage skills alone no but i think the rest of the package hopefully gets him in. close call.

    >> Jake, Smitty and Davis

    Jake and Davis have a real good shot particurlarly if they win the big one. Smitty's got to polish up his act big-time to ever be considered but, if so, mite would be a great candidate

    >> Then there’s Morgan, Manning JR, Jenkins, Peppers, and Gross in the “not very sexy” OL category.

    I think Gross will unless injuries cut his career very short. The rest it's too early to say. Doing things like acting like an ass about signing autographs certainly will not help. Manning I seriously doubt.

    >> Speaking of which, Jeff Mitchell should get huge props

    I don't think so. Really good player for us but not statue material

    >> I think it would be wise to save the whole statue thing for only the most all-round extraordinary men like Sam who have shown greatness above and beyond simply playing the game.

    i dunno. great, great players who gave their all on the field and were loyal to the team and also were only ordinary men off the field and in the locker room and that did their part in the community and lived good, honest lives, I think would get my vote too.
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Davis has no shot. At best, he'll have four productive years here, unfortunately.
  3. Wp28

    Wp28 I had that dream again...

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Calypso, NC
    Curious your thoughts on Kasay, Mags.
  4. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    if Davis wins Jerry a SB, you can erect a statue on the spot

    if Fox continues to win, he's a shoe-in
  5. law1ng2b2

    law1ng2b2 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 30, 2003
    a statue of him throwing the red flag? that would be fitting.
  6. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    cute, or of him hoisting the SB trophy would be sweet
  7. McFly41

    McFly41 Work Hard...PLAY HARDER!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Walls, Minter & Kasay for sure.
    Walls issues were never detriments, just statements of his opinion. He was one of the best TE's to ever play the game and was a upstanding citizen by al accounts.
    Minter, like Mills, is a guy you put in a frame and lable it "Panther". Minter will retire a Panther, I have no doubt about this.
    Kasay has the numbers and the persona, he was a core player and the biggest chapter of the teams history.

    Rucker, I would agree it is too early.
    Manning, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
    Delhomme, Lets see how his encore goes first.
    Gross, again, lets not get ahead of ourselves...but he looks the part.
    Mitchell, check back in a few years and we'll see how we feel about him. I have a feeling he might be headed in that direction once the league recognizes him as one of the best Centers in football.
    Fox, IMO, has only to hoist a trophy and he's as good as there. What he's done so far is worthy.
    Hurney, why not? He's played an integral role in building the current product.
  8. Malapoo

    Malapoo Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    I could see us going YEARS without another statue. Not that some aren't or won't be deserving, but if every couple of years you throw one up, you run out of room. But I'd love to see Fields have a stellar year and be resigned and eventually get one.
  9. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    If Delhomme finishes a Panther, and the rest of his career plays out like the first year in Carolina, I think he's a definite candidate. I love the guy already, and I generally don't get that emotional about QBs.

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