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The BCS Mess

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by Wise One, Nov 28, 2008.

  1. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I said that most people did not agree with you. In fact, most of the people who posted just made fun of the fact that we were arguing about rules. And despite you quoting him, WYDD said that he saw the merits of both sides but did not agree with either of us. Moreover, I provided quotes from FIFA officials as well as numerous news articles proving beyond any shadow of any doubt that World Cup referees were instructed to give a red card on all tackles from behind, and that those instructions resulted in a massive increase in red cards awarded. You humiliated yourself by continuing to argue something you were unquestionably proven wrong about because you can never admit to being wrong about anything. Seriously, you never do. You, like erpi, will argue anything to the death regardless of how conclusively you're proven wrong.
    Ask them. I didn't even mention you in the PMs I sent, just the argument itself.

    You are like a really bad pop song. When it's in your face, it's spectacularly annoying and makes you want to murder the people responsible. But when you're away from the annoyance, you don't think about it. You are obsessed with me, as you have admitted to talking with other people about me away from the boards, but if you died tonight, I promise I would never think about you again.
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  2. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Most said that it was indeed a silly argument, but that I was correct and that you were wrong. As usual though, you continued to go on and on about how right you were and screaming about it in big font.

    You provided a quote from Blatter and some game accounts. I provided actual quotes from referees, the rules themselves, and a book that detailed Blatter was defeated in his attempt to make all tackles from behind a red card.

    Yet you still argued. Kind of like you still are now.

    You didn't prove me wrong about anything. The only person humiliating himself was you by going so ballistic about a topic he knew nothing about and then not being able to drop it when he was wrong. It's not like we unuesd to that from you though.

    Yet you continue to respond. I understand that you need to feel that I am obsessed with you, but as I said, I am friends with lots of people on this board and naturally we speak about some of the occurences here when we're together. I can assure you that neither myself nor anyone that I know spends much time talking about you.

    You're an afterthought, which I know really drives you crazy, because it doesn't fit with the inflated view that you have of yourself.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Now that's just an outright lie. Most people didn't endorse you or me, and even of the ones you quoted, WYDD and CelticCat did not say that you were correct.
    More lies. I provided numerous links confirming that all tackles from behind were supposed to draw red cards. You provided one link from a book claiming otherwise. The rules themselves confirmed what I said, not what you said. Again, news accounts prove that it actually did happen. Blatter himself specifically stated that all tackles from behind were to result in a red card, but you want to pretend like you know more than the president of FIFA. And as noted before, Elric got a response from a Fox Sports soccer analyst confirming that you were wrong, but again we're supposed to believe that you, vpkozel the Soccer Expert ™, know more than him as well.
    According to you, no one ever proves you wrong about anything. That's why most don't respect your opinion, vp. People know that you're smart, but they also know that you'll lie and stubbornly refuse to admit to being wrong about anything.
    You have admitted that you talk about me away from the board, which is creepy enough, but you also follow me around the forums themselves. Again, you chose to come into this particular thread not to discuss the subject but to attack me. You have shown zero interest in discussing the BCS, only in discussing me. Your actions prove that you are obsessed, and it's likely because you resent the fact that I make you feel inferior and stupid. You want to be thought of as the expert on everything, and it grates on your nerves that people ask my opinion instead of yours. In all seriousness, do you even deny that you're a conceited person?
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  4. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Full Access Member

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Spanish Harlem


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  5. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Bullshit. They both said that you were wrong in claiming that all tackles from behind are red, which is agreeing with my post.

    You pretty much provided one link over and over in multiple font sizes. And a couple of obscure articles from guys that I've never heard of. Certainly nothing from Rob Hughes, Walter Samuel, or anyone roughly equivilant from the Brit press. On the other hand, I provided the actual rules as they had been written in 1998, the history of Blatter being defeated when he tried to get the rules amended to outlaw all tackles from behind, and actual quotes from the FIFA refs themselves saying that they did not believe the rules called for straight reds for all tackles from behind.

    Other than that, you're all over it though.

    Now, either post quotes from people (other than elric) disagreeing with me or agreeing with you or shut the fuck up .

    Where have I ever said that no one has ever proven me wrong about anything? It's funny though that you keep falling back on this lame attempt at an argument when all you're doing is proving that you can't admit you're wrong about most things.

    I said that I talk about lots of people on the board, because I'm friends with a lot of people from this board in real life. I understand that you need to spin that into me talking only about you, but in reality you're lumped in with the other social rejects like sheltie, czar, and most of the 49ers speculating if you can actually be a real person or some sort of an act.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    CC actually said that I was correct about the letter of the law, but that it wasn't called that way. WYDD said that he thought I was correct initially, but then changed his mind. Neither of them, however, agreed with your statement that sometimes a ref wouldn't give any card at all for an obvious tackle from behind. Moreover, those two were hung up on what a ref actually calls, not what the rule book and FIFA said about it. I proved many times over that FIFA dictates that all tackles from behind should be penalized with a red, but I also acknowledged that it doesn't always happen.
    Nice of you to just outright lie. I provided numerous articles, including ones to the rulebook, others to FIFA mandates on tackles from behind, others to news stories where Blatter was quoted about the FIFA rules and the fact that all tackles from behind are to be considered a danger to players, as well as news stories showing that red cards went way up after the new tackle from behind rules were instituted. Moreover, Elric went and got a response from a Fox Sports soccer analyst who said specifically that you were wrong, but then because you're a lying ass without the slightest bit of integrity, you did just like erpi and pretended that the information that clearly proved you wrong somehow confirmed what you'd been saying. You and erpi are actually a lot alike in that respect.
    Blatter wasn't defeated and the rules were changed, as the number of red cards in the 2000 World Cup show definitively. The part where Blatter was frustrated was in whether or not referees agreed to abide by FIFA's new rules.
    Where have you ever admitted to being wrong about anything? Even when Elric got the soccer analyst to specifically say that you were wrong, you pretended that he was actually confirming what you had said. You're a lying piece of shit with no integrity who runs his mouth on the internet despite being a pussy in real life. That's what you are: a coward. You won't run your mouth like this offline because you're scared of getting your ass kicked, and you won't admit to being wrong online because you're scared that people will think you're not as intelligent as you want them to believe you are.
    I'm wrong on most things? Good lord, at least tell a believable lie. Not even my most ardent critics believe that I'm wrong on most things. Saying something that idiotic and obviously false just shows how bitter and defensive you are towards me.
    I talk a lot with other TBR people away from the board too, and I've never discussed you with any of them. You can't admit that you talk about me offline as well as follow me around the forums looking for opportunities to take shots at me and then pretend that you aren't obsessed. You came into this thread because you are angry at me for making you look stupid so many times. You were not mentioned in this thread and you had not shown any interest in the BCS debate. You showed up solely for the reason that it was an opportunity to insult me. You are obsessed, and you do need to get over that.
  7. Wise One

    Wise One No Doubt

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2003
    State of Confusion
    Southern California is the best college football team in the nation.
  8. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Spanish Harlem
    Can't argue with the Wise One.
  9. Shrapnel

    Shrapnel Stinky

    Likes Received:
    Jan 13, 2003
    East Bugtussel
    Utah is the best college football team in the nation
  10. BigVito

    BigVito Splitting Headache

    Likes Received:
    Jun 4, 2003
    Left of Center
    My computer program rates them no better than 17th in the SEC.

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