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that arizona dude that got caught with 87 pounds of pot

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by LarryD, Dec 5, 2002.

  1. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    its that same guy that mackovick was ripping for beign a disgrace to his family. ha. that's pretty funny.

    UA player arrested with 87 pounds of marijuana|

    TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — A University of Arizona football player has been arrested on felony drug trafficking charges after he was stopped in Illinois with 87 pounds of marijuana.
    Junior tight end Justin Levasseur was pulled over for speeding Tuesday morning by a state trooper near Geneseo, about 140 miles west of Chicago, police said. The trooper then found the marijuana and arrested Levasseur on drug possession and trafficking charges.
    A second man driving another vehicle also was arrested in the stop. Max Necochea, 22, of Mission Viejo, Calif., faces drug and unlawful use of weapons charges. Police said the marijuana has a street value of about $150,000.
    Both men were in the Henry County Jail on Thursday. Bail was set at $300,000.
    If convicted of the felony drug charges, they could face up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to $25,000.
    Levasseur, a 22-year-old from Antioch, Calif., led all Arizona tight ends with 11 catches for 143 yards. He caught two touchdown passes in Arizona’s 52-41 win over California on Nov. 16, its only Pac-10 win of the year.
    Coach John Mackovic said he was aware of the arrest and had spoken with Levasseur’s parents. No decision has been made yet on his status with the team, Mackovic said in a statement.
    Last month, Mackovic called Levasseur ‘‘a disgrace to his family’’ for the way he was playing. Mackovic later apologized.
  2. I guess the whole story didn't come out at the time. Who feels sorry for Levasseur now that we know what kind of person he really is?
  3. Xcaliber

    Xcaliber Guest

    I never really felt bad for the kid in the first place. My HS coach used to say similar shit to players on our team and we didnt go crying to the principal or anything.
  4. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    They started off with 100 lbs of smoke and started one hell of a road trip from Ariz to Chicago :hatpimp:
  5. mailman

    mailman We deliver for you.

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I've never figured why anyone would be speeding much less not wearing a seat belt with that much green in the car..... people are stupid.
  6. Old Coot

    Old Coot Guest

    Have the Paanthers offered him a contract yet ?? Sounds like he would fit right in !!!:invasion:
  7. McFly41

    McFly41 Guest

    Stupid criminals always get caught...you gotta be smarter than that! Especially in that area, known as drug alley in these parts. Pretty much any highway that links with I80 in the mid-west is a tributary of that main pipline.
    Idiot would have probably driven w/in a mile of my office had he made it to Iowa.
  8. HighPoint49er

    HighPoint49er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    High Point, NC
    This may be the first head & shoulders photo I've ever seen of an athlete wearing earrings. Wonder if it was an official university photo?

    Wildcat junior arrested in Illinois
    By Eric Swedlund, Arizona Daily Star

    A University of Arizona football player was arrested Tuesday on drug-trafficing charges in Illinois after a state trooper found 87 pounds of marijuana in the truck he was driving, police said.

    Junior tight end Justin Levasseur was arrested at about 9:15 a.m. CST after an Illinois State Police trooper pulled the truck over for speeding, said Sgt. Thomas J. Burek. A second man, Max Necochea, 22, of Mission Viejo, Calif., also was arrested.

    Burek said the trooper stopped the eastbound 1990 Ford truck, driven by Levasseur, for speeding on Interstate 80 in Henry County, about 140 miles west of Chicago.

    Levasseur, 22, from Antioch, Calif., was at the center of a late-season controversy surrounding head coach John Mackovic, who admitted to berating the player during a Nov. 9 game against UCLA.

    Levasseur said Mackovic called him "a disgrace to his family" and "an embarrassment to the team."

    The 87 pounds of marijuana have a street value of about $150,000, Burek said.

    Levasseur was arrested on charges of possession of a cannabis (more than 500 grams), possession of a cannabis with intent to deliver and cannabis trafficking, Burek said.

    Necochea was arrested on charges of unlawful use of wea-pons and cannabis trafficking. The weapons charge stems from a handgun seized during the traffic stop, but Burek said the precise circumstances are unknown.

    Both are being held in the Henry County Jail. Bond is expected to be set today at a hearing.

    Levasseur led all Arizona tight ends with 11 catches for 143 yards. He caught two touchdown passes in Arizona's 52-41 victory over California this season, one week after Mackovic had criticized his play.

    Mackovic released a written statement saying: "I am aware of the situation, and I have spoken with Justin's parents. University of Arizona athletics director Jim Livengood and I will speak with Justin, and his family, before any determination of his team status can be made.

    "Also, in legal matters, the athletics department has a prescribed course of investigation and review committed to the student-athlete's welfare and rights."

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