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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Black&Black, Mar 20, 2022.

  1. presidence99

    presidence99 This MARRIAGE?

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    Apr 28, 2007
    Ripped from google auto generated since no one puts out full transcripts now:
    just first a statement these days are never easy. you know it's very human times in a very public way um had a conversation with the coach this morning it was short cordial he's a gentleman a true gentleman. I then had a conversation with Steve Wilkes and named him head coach and had that conversation and um and with that I'll take questions:

    you've talked before about one to build a long-term sustainable winner ultimately why did you choose to make this decision today as opposed to at any point previously like this off season?

    look there's uh numerous reasons why you make a decision like that ultimately I felt this was a time now is the time good job

    Dave Matt has expressed at various times as you have trying to find the quarterback trying to find a franchise quarterback appears that search is still ongoing how much of that responsibility do you bear?

    look ultimately um on the head of the organization and ultimately I always respect responsibility I'm not the people I'm not the person that makes those decisions I'm brought into those decisions um listen we will find and we and we may have that person right now but I believe we will have that person

    eventually find the next head coach assuming that you'll lead that will Scott be part of that will Drum(?) be part of that and what will that process

    listen we're far away from that right now right now we just we have a lot of season left I'd rather talk about the season left right now Steve Wilkes is a coach

    what does the rest of this season look like as an evaluation period for Steve and do you see him as a candidate potentially for the big job

    um there's a lot of season left and we'll see how the season goes um ultimately he's you know in a position to be in consideration for that position I had a talk with Steve no promises were made and uh but obviously if he does an incredible job he's have to be in consideration for that

    Dave how much did what happened yesterday matter to you in terms of your timing the fire matt rhule chans the fact that there were so many 49ers fans here in the 22 Point loss

    um listen as I said there's numerous reasons uh why you you know make a decision um there might have been a little bit of loss of intensity on the field yesterday I would say that's uh probably evident versus the first four games um you know listen I have great respect for the fans and I do hear the fans But ultimately those that can't be a reason why you make a change like this but again there's numerous reasons why you make a change like this

    back in I think end of April you said this could take five you know maybe six years to get turned around what's happened in between there to make you feel like that Matt couldn't be the guy to turn it around

    um look again a lot of different you know a lot of time has you know um passed here we you know we have the record we have and uh you know again there's different reasons that go into that um you know I think that there has been progress um of some sort but we're just not getting over the hump and we got to get over the hump

    with Steve Wilkes specifically why was he named interim head coach

    Look it's good to have somebody internally that's familiar with the team and you know with the people in the building so to speak um Steve is uh a leader of men he has experience as a head coach um um and I thought he's the best candidate you know in the building for that role

    message for them who may feel like this thing may be wasn't moving in the right direction

    I'm sorry I didn't hear you

    do you have a message to the fans who maybe felt that the franchise wasn't moving in the right direction after this move

    um look you know football's a is is a funny you know funny business things take time and uh um you know as as a as a former fan I don't want to hear that I want to answer I want to win today and I don't care about anything else and I understand that and I want to win too but I do think we have made some progress and we will have we will make future progress I think uh it's pretty reported out there that defense is you know has some respect for the defense it's probably a top half of the league defense or better I think the offensive line is probably the best offensive line we've had since I've been here um can get better but I think that's probably fair to say so I do think those are kind of foundation pieces I think we have a lot further to go and I think eventually we'll get over the hump

    Insight on firing Snow:

    um tomorrow I think you'll have a chance to talk to Steve Wilkes I did talk to Steve before you know that he told me you know he was going to think about these a few different positions and um and that's always been reported reported out there you should talk to Steve Wilkes tomorrow

    during the upcoming strength of schedule what are your realistic expectations when it comes to Steve Wilkes you expect him to get get your team over the hump with this remaining season left

    look I think we always have an expectation to win and trying to find a way to win and you know that's never changing Steve is familiar with the team you know I have confidence in him and we'll see

    Dave how hard of a decision was this for you I mean you've been in Pittsburgh you know you've seen that they've had a lot of patience with head coaches and one of the things that preach was you know being patient you know taking time to develop how hard did that make this decision being that he was only here a little over two years

    I think you know it's a it's a funny thing that thing called patience if you ask the average fan out there they think I was ridiculously patient on both these situations here I think you have to show the right amount of patients and see the progress that's made are we winning more are we progressing in different ways and I think in all those situations you spoke you just spoke of there has been that and I think unfortunately we haven't like I said good over that hump to win and I think that's you know that's what it is

    Dave can you address the the vast amount of empty seats that have been there the last few weeks maybe had platform and just to clarify are you saying to Steve Wilkes that decided to fire Phil Snowden and not you guys

    just just you know listen uh it's an interesting thing you say that but because we have 63 000 people seat you know butts and seats now unfortunately there was too many red butts in seats this week
    um that had that was not again the reason you know I you know the reason a reason for that as I said we just can't get over the hump

    Who was it that decided to get to let Phil snow snow go wilks or was that you and Fitterer how did that come about

    you'll have to that was basically uh usually a head coach gets to choose his coaching staff okay and uh you know it's informed that he might want to make these changes and I want to give him some time to think about it he thought about him he did it so he should talk to him tomorrow again

    the majority of the GM's job is is done during the off season what what direction do you want Scott to take as you focus on the rest of this season

    look we have to be very careful about how we use our limited resources we have 200 million 200 plus million salary cap we have how many draft choices we have so we we including me um the extent I'm involved at all have to be more diligent than how we do that said

    given where the team is right now is there is maybe get ahead of next year and make moves

    listen um we're always thinking about what moves should be made and at this point in time it's you know it's a little premature to answer that question

    what did you see in him at that point that did not happen in the regular season that you thought that he could get the job done to give him another year

    um I thought flexibility in in the staff and trying to upgrade the uh the coaching staff at that point in time and having that sort of flexibility to see how that all worked out um again I think there's been some improvements that's also always some approvals but not enough and we're obviously not getting over the hump so you know that's the bottom line

    real quick he had a final say I believe quite a bit of the roster with that Philosophy for you change going forward will you not give that to head coach or is that something you believe in

    I think imbalance is probably more appropriate between the head coach and the GM a better balance

    you've mentioned the phrase getting over the hump several times what does that look like to you

    and it's it's winning winning okay

    can you quantify that as far as the number of wins is it a Super Bowl appearance is it going to the playoffs

    winning more this year than you did last year have the appearance of winning more than you did last year looking like you're going to win more than you did last year you know by that definition you know I don't think we're over the hump we started off 1-4 this year we you know had five wins the last two seasons we you know had a different lack of success at other Seasons so we have to we have to somehow change that culture see how we can change that culture and try to win and whatever that takes we're going to try to find that

    is your plan currently to move forward with Scott as GM into 2023 and two do you think there's something advantageous about having GM coach come in at same time

    you know it's a little premature to ask those questions you know um Scott is our GM there's nothing no thought of mine right now right now my focus is is is uh as Wilkes and helping him have success in the new role

    Dave you hired Matt Rhule 33 months ago what have you learned about building uh winning and sustaining sustainable product in that time period from then to now

    listen I think that you know I think that as an organization we have to maintain patience in roster building and and different positions and just a little bit more patience would be good and remembering all the time that we are in a limited resource business we have the same amount of money to spend as the next team nobody has more nobody has left we have the same amount of draft picks as the next scene nobody has more nobody has less we have to make sure we use that as you know as best we can and really really consider that and strategically think about it


    have you how do you kind of reconcile the patience message though when you see other teams around the league having success earlier with newish coaches and get into the playoffs

    you know it's funny I could ask you know you just asked that question of being too patient and somebody says you're not patient enough and I said it's you know it's like you're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't um and that's kind of you know where I am you know where I am you have to show enough patience to see how things work out and ultimately are you getting over the are you winning enough I mean that's the the bottom line here is the bottom line unfortunately that fortunately unfortunately that's the way it is fans care about your winning you know and and quite frankly that's why we're all here we're not in here to do anything but try to win games and if we're not winning games is there something else that matters and look I mean you have to be patient enough to see what develops and how it develops to see to give things enough time and that was you're saying did you give it too much time other person just asked did you give it enough time you know so um yeah I think it's it's a balancing act and I you know I try to you know balance it both ways

    would you do a seven year contract again

    um I don't really want to talk about contracts you know one way or another but um listen it's probably in a lot of in a lot of things in this game but probably probably might make more sense to be more conforming in some ways on the other hand look it's it's about Taking Chances and
    taking risks sometimes in life sometimes you you know things work out sometimes you learn from those risks so if you don't take chances don't take risks you don't win usually okay so I'm not gonna
    I'm not gonna you know any individual risk we take on the field depending if it's smart the smart risk and not smart risks so um and you learn so look I mean just in general and I'll say this this is you know four years in this business two years during covid um [sounds like burke talking about making a bad call in aliens]
    I'm still learning quite frankly you know we had dinner with some owner they've been their family's been in the business for 40 years okay I'm I'm going to be humble enough to say that it's a big difference from being in a seat of a fan or being up here and you're trying to balance you just gave the question about patience both ways you try to balance it and try to learn from your mistakes and hopefully we're smart enough to do that

    think that Matt's transition from College where he had success to Pro had anything to do with his struggles to to win and would you consider a college coach to be your next head coach still

    look again as premature uh to answer that question I'd like to see what Steve Wilkes does quite frankly
    um you know so I'm not going to generally roll that out on the other hand you know there is a history of successful coaches in the NFL you can go look it up maybe fan can go look it up and see what it is I I'm aware of what that is and I have to be cognizant and pay attention to that let's go Darren [cuck]

    Dave you mentioned your expectations for the rest of this season the season ended right now this teamwould pick first overall in next year's draft and that's where quarterbacks are taken how do you balance the present versus the future in terms of what you want to see from this team

    what is I'm trying to understand your question exactly again

    more important to win now or be in position to draft quarterback High next year's draft

    okay if that's your question listen there's no no way that every day you can't go in with a winning attitude and you can and there's no other way to be you have to try to win all the time you have to try to win for the players you have to try to win for the fans and yes I understand what it is you know about draft picks and getting quarterbacks and stuff like that and I understand the importance of quarterbacks in this league but you have to try to win always

    what you learn from the coaching search that you can take into this

    um look I think that there's some things different we would do in the process in general as far as consultants and such like that in that in that search but again it's premature to ask that question so you know

    in terms of interaction with players or players leadership group or anything like that

    in what regard

    not really

    Dave obviously there's a trade deadline coming up um I guess my question to you is do you feel like this team needs to be rebuilt I mean would it be possible do you feel like you guys need to maybe you know sit and trade try to trade some of the veteran guys getting draft picks and build for the future do you feel like this thing needs to be rebuilt or do you feel like you're just still a few pieces away

    I think that we have to figure out how to get a culture of winning here okay which we haven't had in a long time in this place and as I said at some point we never have won this town this team has never had two winning seasons so I don't really think it ever had a real culture of winning so how do you develop that culture winning you know with between you know players coaches and arrests and and look like I said you have to before you have to understand the resources you have and try to get the best resources you have so that's a question I'm looking over the roster you have right now trying to figure out how you can have the best roster in the future you know the areas of strength you know the you know some areas are weaknesses there are a lot of good areas of strength on this roster right now and I think that they're better than they were a few years ago but we have to put it together and we have to hate to repeat myself again have to get over the hump and have to figure out how to learn how to win all the time

    bought this team said had to change the culture so what is the culture right now of your organization and your group and as a whole

    um look I do I think that we have a pretty good culture in some respects in the building I think we have to be confident in ourselves I think we have to realize we have a lot of good good players on this roster a lot of good players that we can win with and they have to have confidence in themselves to know that they can't do that and its accountability listen I'm accountable I'm accountable to the fans everybody's accountable you guys are accountable in your own jobs the players are accountable on the field for their positions everybody has to be held accountable and realize there's no place to hide okay there's no place to hide in this sport everybody knows what's going on everybody sees how everybody's playing and everybody has to know that and play to their best you know that their best of their ability we have to just you know do better instilling that and instilling the the you know to winning you know we'll we'll get there

    uh Mr Tupper since you took over this he was at four head coaches when you inherited two interims now two general managers one you narrated three team presidents of 800 million practice practice facility that sits dormant I am wondering what is the reason for the turnover and lack of follow-through that has been shown under your ownership

    can you be more specific about what you're asking because you asked a lot of questions there

    so I've listed 4 head coaches two GMs

    okay you're talking about that you're asking about the head coach and I addressed that the head coach in the interim head coaches okay and then your next question is what

    there's been three team presidents two general managers you know 800 million practice practice facility that's a dormant I am wondering what is the reason or the largest cause for the turnover in leadership positions and the lack of follow-through in terms of Rock Hill

    um I think that uh you know as I just went through the uh I went through the the uh coaches before I think as far as uh you know uh presidents have been different various reasons that we've moved on from different people and that's respect and um you know in this in this organization just as an aside away from football and it's four years two covid years we brought in besides football we brought in a soccer team that is setting records okay and bring in 34 000 and revitalizing the city we brought music back not back to Charlotte there never was music at Charlotte you know with concerts we brought the we we opened restaurants because of what we've done here so if you look at what's really been done on the field on the field by this organization there's been no lack of Prof progress in these four years two covid years okay so you want to look at the results okay it's a result oriented business we've won and we've won you know the place we're not you know we're doing better on the football field
    you know in the future

    Wilkes he went to high school here went to college here was he overly excited washe was he tapping like what was his reaction when you had that conversation

    loves this area love Charlotte um so if you're in somebody who loves this area loves Charlotte of course you're going to be a little bit excited obviously a question for Steve though so you should ask Steve the question tomorrow

    Dave this is a this is just timeline question but did you wake up this morning and decide to do this did you know last night I just wonder what your own decision process was here

    Scott I read your column okay you know better okay every every day every you know this is an everyday thinking about things how we can be better what you should we do when is the right time when it's not the right time and I said there's numerous factors that go into it I answered that question before you know you there's a Tipping Point that gets reached it just so happened we got to the Tipping Point and I think you understand that you know I everybody

    was there was there something in the missing other that you're he's 11. you want me to read

    I could actually you know I shouldn't say that but I actually read your columns and I can go back to your columns and regurgitate them so you can read your own columns okay for that answer

    (sudden end to the press conference before he gets mad)

    thank you

    thank you

    EDIT cleaned this up. there is still errors so I would go to youtube and watch the thing before you pull quotes from it.

    EDIT2: The umms stay in dammit
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2022
    PantherPaul, dig-it and y2b like this.
  2. Cyberjag

    Cyberjag RAMFB

    Likes Received:
    Mar 19, 2006
    Concord, NC
    Thanks, and that's hard to read. Also sounds pretty generic, he didn't say anything we didn't know already.
  3. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Dave this is just timeline question but did you wake up this morning and decide to do this? Did you know last night? I just wonder what your own decision process was here.

  4. dig-it

    dig-it Wait'n On That Post Rookie Deal

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Concord, NC
    Prez you are the freak'n man!
    If I could give that post more than 1 like I would.
    Sad to say I don't do alts or I would have them do it.
  5. morningwood

    morningwood Pay for Performance

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2013
  6. morningwood

    morningwood Pay for Performance

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2013

    PantherPaul likes this.
  7. Cyberjag

    Cyberjag RAMFB

    Likes Received:
    Mar 19, 2006
    Concord, NC
    Homer is Tepper's safe word.
  8. presidence99

    presidence99 This MARRIAGE?

    Likes Received:
    Apr 28, 2007
  9. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
  10. y2b

    y2b King of QC

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    prob the best Fowler article I've read by far
    PantherPaul likes this.

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