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team-by-team draft analysis

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by magnus, Apr 29, 2002.

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  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Might as well start a topic. What'ya say we analyze a team a day or something like that, to keep the clutter down? Or possibly a division a week, maybe two a week. I want to break some things down but don't feel like doing a Collin-esque "look at me and my useless fifty page clutter" analysis that's all inclusive and at best boring. How about we start on the NFCW since we're already trashing the Rams?
  2. Piper

    Piper Guest

    You know, Roaf is getting up there, and they've had a couple of injury free seasons.

    I know one way Sandy might have guessed right. They don't really have an answer on the right side now, what happens to that O if the wall on the left side collapses?
  3. Y2Buddy

    Y2Buddy Guest

    That's a good idea, but let's not try to talk about a bunch of teams at once. Should we begin here or start a new topic "Rams - Tired of being treated like the sheep in this league"
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    well, that's why I wanted to keep it to one or two divisions a week. Yeah, start a new one or talk here, I don't rightly care.
  5. SandMan

    SandMan Guest


    Coach - Over Rated

    Offense - No Kurt, no playoffs

    Defense - Good, not great

    End Result - 1-2 games away from the Superbowl
  6. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Before we get too far into this, we need to end this argument about Martz. Sandy says he's overrated, but everyone agrees that he doesn't use Faulk like he should, and that his draft decisions haven't been that great. Then everyone jumps on Sandy for criticizing Martz. Sandy's either right or he isn't.
  7. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    It is just an opinion... one that is shared by monday morning QBs like myself and ones shared by some NFL media type... Geez does everyone want the same opinion on every topic...?
  8. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

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    Jan 8, 2003
    I don't mind having differing opinions, but I do mind having hypocrites. No one should criticize you for not liking Martz (because he's a putz) and then question his actions.
  9. Piper

    Piper Guest

    Well, I didn’t critisize him for disliking many of Martz’s moves. Only 1 person has, and I don’t think he has said anything negative about the Rams as yet.
  10. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Unfortunately a few folks (no not talking about you Piper) will carry opinions about people based on the actions or comments on a different subject. Its a difficult line to draw, but lets just say for example a person had a heated and almost violent debate with their neighbor over politics... most people would take that argument and asssume anything else their neighbor says is wrong, stupid, or whatever... It takes a level head to meet that neighbor out in the yard the next day, strike a new conversation, say on landscaping... next thing ya know you guys are helping each other out and getting along fine... You could still think that neighbor is stupid, ignorant or whatever in regards to politics but in the grand scheme of things, there are many other topics in life you can find common ground with...

    Valuing People's differences...
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