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Survivor the tv show (I'm pissed)

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by hero, May 17, 2002.

  1. Stargazer

    Stargazer American Girl

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    ... and another thing--that tirade he threw just before the vote sealed his fate with me. Who the heck cared whether he and V had an alliance or not? My gosh--if you're gonna throw a fit of that caliber, throw it over something worthwhile.

    And Hero--2 blacks out of 16 approximates the national average according to the 2000 census. You aren't suggesting that they make special allowances for blacks, are you? :p

    He got the SUV, too.
  2. p2k1f

    p2k1f Guest

    i think it was a good move as far as strategy goes. depending on the next challenges sean may have been the toughest competition. that's not a color thing. i'ld have voted him off if i was there for that reason. now v and kathy are the toughest competitors left. next challenge will be very important to win. whoever wins - i'ld look for v or kathy to get the boot because of strategy. v should have kept her mouth shut imho when sean and the others were ranting. but if she takes the next challenge it won't matter. so far i think kathy has played an excellent game. i never would have expected her to make it this far.
  3. cltbuilder

    cltbuilder Guest

    Then I want a gay one. Dammit.

    edit: Wait, the fag won on the first one. Nevermind. At least he wasn't black. :D

    Hey hero....you still coming to the island next weekend? Wanna bet who gets voted off first? :roflmao:
  4. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    i wont vote hero off. i'll be fair: bring a going -away present and you wont get voted off by me. :)
  5. Fred

    Fred .........

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    North KKKarolina
    Hero- if you think he got a raw deal because he was black- YOU are the one with the fucking problem, not him. He was a whiney ass. Now Vecepia has always been my favorite to win. She played fair and pulled her share of the work load. Sean is lucky he made it that far.
  6. gridfaniker

    gridfaniker Guest

    When did you come bounding out of the closet?

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