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Soap Operas

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by wossa, Jul 9, 2002.

  1. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Please tell me - Do people with only half a brain write and watch this crap?

    Today I just happened to turn on the Tv somtime after two. It was on NBC and there was some show on called "Passions".

    This show was stupider than watching some old cheesy sci-fi flick or some God awful Saturday Morning live action show.

    Today it showed some woman standing over a boiling cauldron while some silver haired gay head floated around the room cheering her on while she tried to pull some huge snake out of the pot by the tail. The gay head was looking at a book that showed the head of the snake with glowing eyes biting some little kid while a tornado swirled around.

    Meanwhile... there is some beautiful woman that apparently jumped in her boyfriend's race car and started driving around the race track for a joyride. All the soap opera hunks and their beautiful women friends watched in horror as the boyfriend boldly ran out on the track so that she would have to stop so she didn't kill herself, knowing she would never be able to stop in time surely meaning the BF would be crushed to death ( we could only hope). Of course she stopped in time and all was right in the world.

    Meanwhile...there is some beautiful woman in an orange jumpsuit, strapped to a table apparently in a coma while world famous doctors fretted over what to do. Behind the glass are twenty or so soap opera hunks in suits and their beautiful women in stunning clothes fretting over her fate.

    One holding an obvious plastic baby doll her to chest. Another thinking to herself that she will make the poor girl feel better by making someone else a strawberry cake. Another hoping she dies so she can of course steal away her devestated boyfriend .

    All this drivel took place in a matter of about ten minutes. It was so incredibly awful I had to watch it. I didn't stay tuned long enough to see how many of the hunks were named Brick, Block, Thorn, Storm, Thunder, Dagger, Stone, Rock or Gravel.

    Then tonight I see a commercial for "Days of Our Lives". This summers story line is about cheesy aliens coming to invade the quaint little town where everyone is a doctor or rich, ruthless business person. Where noone atcually works and wear tuxedos and cocktail dresses all day.

    This shit actually makes Jerry Springer look like award winning journalism.

    Is there ANYBODY out there that really watches this stuff?

    ANYBODY that will admit it?
  2. Obewon

    Obewon Guest

    I work nights, during the day, I watch The young and the Restless....That's the only one I watch...after it goes off, It's NBA TV, ESPN News for me!
  3. Sportsgirl

    Sportsgirl Guest

    I used to watch "Passions" - the soap described above, but not anymore. Things in the plot got too ridiculous for me a few months ago when Theresa, the girl in the orange jumpsuit, unknowingly became impregnated by her fiance's father. I found it absolutely ridiculous that she, supposedly a virgin, could not tell if she had sex. (Really Julian Crane, her fiance Ethan's father, got her all boozed up and took advantage of her, but she was really stupid to go to his hotel room.) Theresa has done so many stupid things to hold on to Ethan, that it got to be too, too much for me to stand.

    Oh, and the beautiful girl in the race car no doubt is Sheridan Crane, who has had amnesia. She was engaged to Theresa's brother, Luiz, but now she is involved with Antonio, who by the way just happens to be Luiz's long lost brother - which is totally ridiculous because this actor doesn't look hispanic at all like the actors that play Luiz, Miguel, and Theresa - siblings.

    The old woman is the witch, Tabitha, but I won't even go into that.

    Believe it or not, "Passions" used to be pretty good, but lately they've fallen into redundant, not to mention stupid, storylines.
  4. Hurricane

    Hurricane Natural Disaster

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Marty Brodeur's lap
    DOOL :p
  5. voyergirl

    voyergirl Guest

    i can't stand soaps, you people are the only drama i need in my life :)
  6. Sportsgirl

    Sportsgirl Guest

    Used to watch "Y&R" until Shemar Moore's character was killed off the show. Click.

    Used to watch "Bold & the Beautiful" until Brooke slept with her daughter's fiance and got pregnant by him. Click.

    Used to watch "One Life to Live" until they broke up Bo and Nora and Dorian left town. Click.

    Used to watch "All My Children" until they kept messing up things with Erica and Jack. **yawn and click.

    Used to really like "General Hospital" until they broke up Sonny and Brenda and Vanessa Marcil (Brenda) left the show. Final click.
  7. Kakia69

    Kakia69 Guest

    When i was in my mother's womb, I listened to Guiding Light and As The World Turns. As I got older, i also began to watch Capital, The Young and the Restless, and The Bold and The Beautiful. I've stopped watching most, but from time to time check in with B&B and Y&R. I've had to take a break from B&B because i am so annoyed with the writers. My favorite character, Brooke, always gets a raw deal. The need to find that character a new man so she can have a stable mental life. As far as Y&R, the Nikki/Victor story line has grown old. How many times can a couple break up and get back together again?

    Wossa, i saw previews for Days of our Lives. So glad i never got addicted to that soap. Aliens from outerspace and UFO's...that kind of shit just turns me off when it is written into the soap opera story line.
  8. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    My wife used to watch them on her lunch break at work, before our 1st born came along, and then lost interest when she became pregnant. On maternity leave, she tried to get back into them, but when she saw the story lines were the same as 9 months previous, she gave it up.
  9. Kakia69

    Kakia69 Guest

    it's amazing how i can watch an episode every 2 months and i still know what is going on.
  10. tamera67

    tamera67 Guest

    I thought Capitol was a pretty good soap and got the raw deal. Never had "closure".

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