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Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by slydevl, Jan 10, 2005.

  1. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    Shav may be better after he recovers because he will be forced to have a larger role on the team than in the past and that in and of itself will make him better. It is hard to improve your game when you are standing around watching Deng or Duhon carry the load. He may never be a really good player but he would help now cause he is better than Malchioni.

    Do you guys think Roy will be able to hold his team of malcontents together long enough to win anything this year? They seem more interested in putting together a high light reel for their agents to use in NBA contract negoitations than they are in winning college games.
  2. The Brain

    The Brain Defiler of Cornflakes

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Over There ---->
    Son of bitch... are you fucking retarded enough to think Shav... who is a turd BEFORE getting sick with a weakening illness like mono... will ACTUALLY get BETTER after the disease?? Sometimes man I just can't believe your ignoarnce on things like this. Well let me restate. It may not be ignorance, but blind faith to me on things like this are something I consider ignorance. God isn't going to come down and make Shav suddenly Kevin Garrnett. Sure he could, but it ain't gonna happen. Shav is a turd period. He will honestly probably be MORE of a turd now than before, because he'll be winded faster and it'll cause him to make stupid fouls sooner. And for someone that already averages more fouls per game than they do Points and Rebounds that's gonna be pretty damned ugly. Quit being blind about him. SHAV SUCKS.
  3. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    if you are this ignorant about basketball it helps me understand where the BS you spew in news of the day comes from.

    are you still living in last season or maybe the pre-season?

    You act as if Shav didn't play any games yet this season. Like it's the pre-season and you are speculating what Shav's role will be in the coming season. Correct me if I'm wrong but this season has already started, without Deng and Duhon and Shav has already played and so far proven he isn't capable of stepping into a larger role. What makes you think after a three/four week layoff with mono he will return with a better game than he had to start the season?

    as for your idiotic statement about Roy and his malcontents it is obvious you haven't watched UNC play this year. Forget last year, forget 2003. There are no malcontents now. UNC is playing some of the greatest team basketball I've seen in years. McCant's is scoring less and looks as good as ever. The Heels are leading the NATION in team assists. Does that sound like a selfish team that is playing only for the NBA scouts?

    You have once again proven you are clueless.
  4. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    My point on Shav is that he may get better as the year goes on and he plays more. He certainly did not have enough time to improve much before he got sick. I am thinking by the time the ACC tournament gets here he may be a decent player and helpful to Duke. I do not look for a large immediate impact although he will be better than starting Malchioni.

    As for UNC they may be holding it together right now but the season is still very young. They have looked good for stretches in the past only to blow up. The loss to Santa Clara tells me they are not there yet. The class they have now was allowed to run a coach out of town and once they do that they are never going to respect a coaches authority, even Roy's. I will be surprised if they really do hold together all year.
  5. The Brain

    The Brain Defiler of Cornflakes

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    Jan 8, 2003
    Over There ---->
    moron. Shav sucked as a freshman when they said he'd be great. Shave sucked as a sophmore when they said he'd be great. So far Shav has sucked as a Junio when they said he'd be AVERAGE. Shav sucks and apparently you're the biggest fucking homer on the face of the earth.

    I won't even bother with the UNC situation. Cause I'll call you a bitch AFTER the dook game.
  6. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    Shav has never had a chance to do much, there was too much talent around him. Can you guys not comprehend the idea that he may improve due to a bigger role on the team? If he had not gotten sick I think he would be playing better by now.

    If UNC can not beat Duke this year then they need to hang it up. Duke only has three guys who can play. UNC has another one of their NBA prep teams.
  7. The Brain

    The Brain Defiler of Cornflakes

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Over There ---->
    BULLSHIT!! Apparently not only haven't you watch Carolina, but you haven't watched dook play either!! Shav was ranked top 5 in his high school class and was considered a lottery pick had he gone to the draft outta high school. He was ranked higher than Loul Deng (though admittedly they were indifferent classes). Shav has been given a chance since his freshman year. He was the starter his sophomore year until he proved he wasn't good enough to hold it, and frankly he wouldn't start THIS year if they had a guy with a shred of talent. Why are you so damned blind that you can't see this? While he started this year he's AVERAGED MORE FOULS THAT HE HAS POINTS OR REBOUNDS. Please read that part because its important. SHAV is a turd. Even sly who is a dook homer extraordinaire has admitted it.
  8. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    You are not reading what I post. I said he has a chance to get better. If I thought he was good right now then I would not say he has a chance to be good. Duke has had a lot of talent on the floor in the past and Shav, even when he started, was not a big part of the team.
  9. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    It's like arguing with the dogshit on the bottom of my shoes but you are still an idiot Thelt.

    Shav ALREADY HAD his shot at his bigger role on the team and failed miserably. Nelson and Melchionni were already taking minutes away from him.
  10. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    We shall see once he is healthy again. You guys are trying to argue that a player who has a bad start to his college career can never rebound and play better. That is a hard sell especially on a guy who was so highly regarded coming out of highschool.

    Carolina fans are worse than palestianains and jews. They are more offended by a comment that is not pro-UNC than they are if somone slaps their momma.

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