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Running Red Sox thread

Discussion in 'MLB - Baseball Forum' started by vpkozel, Apr 25, 2005.

  1. gridfaniker

    gridfaniker Loathsome

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    again, you miss the point. The actual GM who's being paid to build the team is looking long-term at second base, obviously. Pedroia may or may not be there long-term. He certainly wouldn't be the first high draft pick not to pan out, and he wouldn't be the first to struggle early and wind up being a productive player. They'll never know until they've given it a shot.

    Fact is, and you're ignoring it, the platoon of Pedroia and Cora is every bit as effective as an aging Mark Loretta. I bring Cora into the discussion because he's always been part of the plans for this year: available if Pedroia stumbled. He's stumbled and the team is acting accordingly, giving more playing time to Cora. The other fact you ignore is the Sox don't appear to be missing either Loretta or Gonzalez right now (unless you're gonna say they'd be 21-4 right now with them in the lineup). They are winning now.
  2. gridfaniker

    gridfaniker Loathsome

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    jacoby ellsbury, other notable farmhands

    tearing it right the fuck up in portland

    .452 avg (33 hits: 10 double, two triples), 13 RBIs, 8 of 9 on steals. .518 on base percentage, .644 slugging, 1.162 OPS.

    he'll be in pawtucket soon.

    Daniel Bard? Ugh. 0-2, 10.13 ERA at Single A Lancaster. 22 walks and only 9 Ks.

    Jason Place? Ugh times two. .176 avg., .240 OBP, .374 slugging in 25 games. Thirty-six strikeouts in 91 at-bats.
  3. gridfaniker

    gridfaniker Loathsome

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    edit: ellsbury promoted to AAA today.
  4. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    No, this team is built to win now, not develop young talent for the long haul. Schill is in the sat year of his deal, Manny's club option won't be picked up after the season and Varitek is winding down on productivity. They are not worried about developing a young kid, they are looking for productivity from that position and that is why Cora is getting time.

    They would have loved to have Loretta back but as always it was about money and they had to make a tough desicion on whether or not to over pay for him.
  5. gridfaniker

    gridfaniker Loathsome

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    whatthefuckever. if that's the case, why did Pedroia continue to get starts when he was batting .125? Because they want to give him a chance to develop and get better, that's why. (He's up around. 240 now, btw. not close to good enough, but better.) a team can be "built to win now" and develop young players at the same time.
  6. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

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    Jan 7, 2003
    They are building this team for to win both now and in the future. Part of the future strategy is growing young players - eitehr to be used as trade bait or to bring up. That's why they spent 14 million on the draft last year. I think that is also why they built a replica of Fenway in Greenville, SC to let their young pitchers learn how to pitch there.
  7. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003

    Whatthefuckever? Great response. It is the case.

    Don't belive me, ask Curt Schilling...

    "I am sure his signing was a pretty nice lift for them given the decimating injuries they've gone through to this point but I felt before the season, and even more so now, that this team is built to win a World Series as it's comprised right now. We have the pieces, we have the chemistry..." -Buster Onley quoting Schilling today on ESPN.com when asked about Clemens

    He continues to play out of necessity. Cora is sharing time to get some more productivity out of the position and to give Pedroia a break from certain pitchers that they feel he can't handle.

    They don't develop players on their MLB roster, they do that at Pawtucket. Much like the Skanks, they build to win every year and only go with unproven talent out of necessity.

    The Sox thought they could sign Loretta because he didn't want to leave. They had no other option but to bring up Pedrioa and platoon Cora.
  8. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

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    Jun 12, 2003
    See my post above. The Sox build players in Pawtucket, not Fenway. Like the Yankees, they build the team every year to win a world series, not develop talent while hoping for a playoff spot. That's called Atlanta.
  9. gridfaniker

    gridfaniker Loathsome

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    LOL. you think the sox couldn't have signed Loretta if they really wanted to? he's getting $1.5 million. Cora's getting a million.

    again, tell me why an organization can't have a team compete for a championship year in and year out while still developing younger players? they clearly view Pedroia as the second baseman of the future and are giving him playing time with that in mind. Otherwise, they'd have unloosened the purse strings and coughed up that $500K to keep Mark Loretta.

    this comment — "They don't develop players on their MLB roster, they do that at Pawtucket." — is a good one. Are you suggesting a player reaches his potential at AAA and then simply maintains his skill level once he reaches the bigs? that's plain dumb.

    and what do you expect a person with as huge an ego as schilling to say? Have you followed this team at all since he signed? it's always about curt -- of course he's gonna say that. and note how he waited until after clemens signed with NY to pop off about it. you can bet he'd be singing a different tune had the sox gotten clemens. they tried.
  10. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Um, I said that they are trying to win now, dumbass. And when Schilling runs the team, I'll take his approach on the way they are building it. Until then, maye you should listen to Theo:

    So, yeah, that sure sounds a fuckload like:

    Plus, maybe you remember Theo throwing his little temper tantrum and leaving. Why was that again? Oh yeah, because he wanted the organization to concentrate on growing young players.

    And no, you don't build your players only at AAA. Maybe you should take a look where the Sox are starting out a lot of their high ceiling pitchers. As well as the guy - Kapler - who Gammons will be managing the Sox in 5 years.

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