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Rivera's status (retained)

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by y2b, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    oh, no. Clearly you have logical FACTS behind your decade-long obsession over almost every word I've said. You're logical because you say so. Other people aren't, because you say so. You're a completely impartial judge and don't care about "winning", supposed "humiliation". Sure.

    You said that. I can see why you're dodging it now, because you don't want to own it. But you said it.

    for insubordination, no, that's not going to come from an assistant. From just poor play, I'm sure the two would have a discusson. You do realize what a head coach does, right? He doesn't just show up on game day and wait for a reason to make a decision. He meets with his coaches on gameplans and they discuss players. A head coach having a defensive background doesn't mean he has no thoughts/interest/input on offense. OCs aren't Japanese-WWII era shamed if their head coach doesn't give them full, unlimited autonomy. The last two defensive head coaches before this had head coach input, and the best you can do is "Rivera isn't like that".

    I don't really get what this is trying to prove, honestly.
  2. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    It's Christmas Eve, brother. Go buy...a sex doll. Name her. Fuck it, go out on a date with her!! In a busy restaurant in your living room, with all those people who know what you know, who support every claim you make, and you all can celebrate your genius together, toast in good cheer, and end the evening with passionate love making underneath a Christmas Tree with a Tim Tebow angel on top...

    Merry Christmas, old friend.
  3. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Do you honestly not notice that I agree with you a lot of the time, and that I defend you when I think someone is attacking you unfairly? I only give you shit when you're being dumb or dishonest.

    A first-time head coach having no offensive background is very unlikely to micro-manage the offense. A defense-only guy who has worked with and trusts his OC is even less likely. A defense-only guy who trusts his OC and doesn't appear to have the personality of someone like Fox to tell his coordinators how to do their jobs is least likely of all. Again, there hasn't been even a hint of a rumor to this effect in the press or anywhere else. Stratocatter brought it up simply because he's annoyed with Chudzinski, and you're backing it only because you enjoy fighting with me.
  5. Smoke Screen

    Smoke Screen Fire Ron Rivera's Dumbass

    Likes Received:
    Apr 9, 2007
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    if mis-quoting or mis-stating someone else’s opinion is a lie, you should run yourself through that filter. “pretending” and telling someone what they really think works, too. I won’t wait up for it.
    for one, defensive coaches are more often sought because they're less likely to focus on just one side of the ball. Two, I really just don't like the idea that coaching defense means you have no idea about offense. And, of course, if there were coaches that regularly worked with both and had HC credability they'd be a lot more highly sought, but we both know that's very rare at this level.

    Again, I don't find it disrespectful to take advise from a superior. I don't see this specific "personality" that makes Fox delegate to his coaches but Rivera couldn't. But, "personality" is better than just saying it's not possible or that because he worked with defense he couldn't.

    Still doesn't mean he couldn't, or that somehow it's disrespectful. It's Rivera's job to control his team.
  7. stratocatter

    stratocatter Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 20, 2003
    If my job, that I'd aspired to my whole life, was in jeopardy I would tell people who I hired to work under me whatever I thought I needed to. But that's just me. Actually, it's probably not just me at all. But maybe not everyone.

    As far as defensive coaches and offense goes, I am of the opinion that a top defensive coach understands what he's looking at on the offensive side of the ball.

    My biggest and really only big issue with Rivera is that he allowed that shit to continue as long as it did. If in fact he had a say in things.
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Dude, stop. I have extensively documented you blatantly lying. It wasn't misinterpretation or misquoting or any other excuse you try to invent. You are known for lying when you feel defensive or like you're losing an argument.

    I have never heard that and it seems pretty hard to believe. You don't hear about Mike Tomlin involving himself in the offense at all. Moreover, there is only one more head coach with a defensive background than there are head coaches with an offensive background. There doesn't seem to be a particular preference.

    It's Rivera's job to be the head coach, not to undermine and overrule his coordinators. John Fox undermining his assistants made news precisely because it was unusual. Again, there is ZERO evidence that Rivera has done that with Chudzinski. Stratocatter only brought it up because he's irrationally biased against Chudzinski (and therefore pretends that any positives on offense are someone else's doing), and you only backed him up because I called it ridiculous and you wanted a fight. That's pretty clear to everyone.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I like you and you're normally a smart guy, but this issue you have with Chudzinski is making you say absurd things. The play-calling hasn't even really changed much during the season. Look at the Raiders thread and the complaints about not running enough, then compare that with the complaints from last season. Furthermore, that read-option stuff is still being used (and quite successfully when Cam keeps it). Rivera isn't meddling with Chudzinski, you're just looking to credit someone else when you find the results more appealing. But as I keep pointing out, the yards per offensive play were just as high back when you were complaining about all the read-options. It's perfectly fine for you to dislike that style of offense (I'm not overly fond of it either), but you're letting that bias affect your judgment.
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    You're known for saying these things. I really doubt anyone else gives a shit, honestly. I don't care if you don't like it if I paraphrase incorrectly, and I know for certain you don't have a problem outright telling me what I "really think".

    Do you really think that offensive coaches don't meet with a head coach to talk gameplan? I mean, you can watch ten minutes of Hard Knocks and know this isn't true, across the board.

    But, let's suspend disbelief and say, yes. Offensive coaches never meet with a head coach, their direct supervisor, other than to be on the same field for practice and game days. The idea that a defensive coach would have no idea about his offense - or have opinions or actionable judgements, any of that - out of things like experience stopping offenses, scheming against offenses,

    I mean, John Harbaugh (excepting one year, related to the pros) coached special teams. Do you think he's only involved in special teams activities?

    Supervising is not "undermining". It's not "disrespectful." It's not a trait that's only assigned to assholes. It's not designed to be some spiteful act.

    There's really no evidence either way. I don't think strat is saying there's definitive proof either way. I'm saying, very clearly so there's no way anyone can misquote it, that I don't know for certain. It's foolish to know for certain something you can't know.

    See, I don't think that's true, and for this to come right after "zero evidence"? It misses its own point. None of us have definitive proof. Your biggest selling point is attacking the other person, assigning them a motive, and then saying "personality". That's proof of nothing about strat, Rivera, Chud, or me.

    at least you did say it was ridiculous. That part was right. Otherwise, I'm still waiting for proof.

    The thing is, I like Chud. Championed his hire. But I don't give him "all the credit" for last year, or for Cam. I think he has flaws. He's not above being criticized, and he's not perfect. It's okay for someone to dislike him, but I don't think Strat does.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2012

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