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Recent Memphis basketball newpaper coverage

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by HighPoint49er, Oct 5, 2003.


    UNCCTF RIP Danielle

    Likes Received:
    Jun 10, 2003
    Charlotte, N.C.
  2. HighPoint49er

    HighPoint49er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    High Point, NC
    The last few TOC were complete disasters in attendance. The final TOC game against #15 St. Joseph's 12/22/01 in the Charlotte Coliseum drew 5115.

    Source: Tar Heel Blue
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2003
  3. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Let me get this straight - it is now arrogant to use facts to defend your alma mater against continuous untrue attacks such as we are scared to play UNCC and that no UNC fans actually went to school at Chapel Hill. All the while dealing with childish ramblings about how all true UNCC fans must hate UNC, how we have no sports knowledge, and how we are all trust fund babies, and yada, yada, yada.

    Add to that the incessant whining about not getting any respect, when to be quite honest, you really haven't done all that much in comparison to the other schools in your area. In addition, taking absolutely no steps to correct that situation (scheduling better opponents - even if it means leaving the area)- and even worse in my mind - blaming that situation on other people (ACC schools, cause, boo hoo, they won't play us).

    I have posted on here maybe a million times that I would love to see UNCC do well. I grew up here and plan to have my son do the same. But it is that schools responsibility to make things happen for itself, not the Charlotte Observers, not UNC-CH, not Duk, not the ACC - just UNCC's.

    That is not arrogance, that is life. Get over it.
  4. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

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    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    dude- you amaze me with your ramblings. Charlotte plays one of the hardest damn schedules around. Every damn year our strength of schedule is top 25, why do you think we got invited to the NCAAs so much the last 7 years and get decent seeds? do I have to go back and whoop your ass again with the RPI/SOS numbers? Look for yourself, I don't have time to copy and paste. Your entitled to your opinion that we whine, UNCW is better, UNC is better, and the Observer owes us nothing BUT, do not accuse us of not playing a very difficult schedule. It is becoming obvious you have never payed attention to major basketball in this area.

    edit, went back to do some research.....
    Last 5 years SOS: 46, 21, 67, 24, 25 (36.6 avg)
    I'd say out of 310 D1 scedules, we are just fine and you are wrong............AGAIN.

    Arent there supoosedly about 60 major schools in America (all BCS schools)? I'd say when we are in the middle of the pack SOS wise with the top 5 conferences/60 teams, that is not avoiding anyone
    Last edited: Oct 15, 2003
  5. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Dude - you are just plain stupid. UNC's RPI has been brought down by the fact that they are not winning games, not because they are playing an easy schedule. You are also comparing the worst period in UNC basketball over the past 30 years or so to one of your best, but that's cool - you still come out on the short end. In the NCAAs you feel that it is an accomplishment to get invited - and maybe win a game. I don't - I think you need to get to the Final 4.

    As for schedules, I have never said that UNCC does not play a difficult schedule overall, because you are locked into your conference schedule - for better or worse. We are discussing the OOC schedule and y'all bitching and moaning about it - I have just gotten tired of your incessant whining about ACC teams ducking scheduling you. Your overall SOS the last few years has been 46, 42, 36. I hardly call that "hardest damn schedules around" and that is top 25, then I guess you are using the new math - but again, some of that you can't control because of your conference schedule. Just for comparison, UNC's has been 15, 1, 6.

    Last year, the best OOC team you played had an RPI of 38 (Colorado). UNC played 3 of the top 10 OOC (going 1-2) and one of the top 10 3 times in conference (1-2). And I still maintain that UNCW - based primarily on the NCAA performance - has been better than UNCC over the past 2 years - even though their RPI was worse 2 years ago. Actually, why do we even play the NCAA, we should just use RPI - y'all love it so much....

    Like I said - UNC's schedule doesn't need any work - we need to win more games - and I am also not crying to anyone and everyone that somebody from the big, bad, ACC won't come play me. Which brings us back to the whole point of this - if UNCC wants to become one of the top programs in the nation, then it is up to them to make it happen. When Bobby Bowden was trying to build FSU football, he said that he would play anybody, anytime - at their place. The he started getting some respect and people had to start coming to Tallahasee. He didn't bitch that Alabama, Georgia, Auburn, or Texas wouldn't come play him home and home.
  6. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    First of all - which SOS number are you using - the RPI SOS, or the total SOS?

    That way we can be using the same numbers to disprove your pathetic case.... :D - Now (to quote another member) on to the arguing.....

    God, you are seriouly deranged. I have never said that UNCC was ducking anyone - except in jest about UNCW - y'all are the chorus of they won't play us, they won't play us......

    So your SOS is approx. 36 or so over the past 5 years, which is about middle of the road - which i think PERFECTLY reflects UNCC's position in the NCAA basketball world. Y'all are a nice, middle of the road program. And my problem is not with UNCC basketball, it is with some of its fans who have the wacked out idea that middle of the road means that UNCC is part of the college basketball elite.
  7. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    read my edit brainiac. your freakin claim was we do not attempt a difficult schedule and thats plain false. for the last 5 years our average SOS was 36 and again you bring UNC CH into the equation, I never said a word about them. And yes our conf sched is set, but our OOC shed has always been tough as of late (last decade). How many times do I have to prove you wrong before you give? Our schedule is in the top 11% (36 of 310) of the country. :rolleyes: I know that is tough for you to understand so let me also say 89% of the NCAA played an easier schedule the last 5 years.

    and btw, quit looking at power ratings, use the RPI that the NCAA uses, it flaws your numbers.

    again you have painted yourself into a corner, you claim our conference sched is set, and thats why our SOS is 36, yet you also say we arent' a major conference, which is it? wouldn't we have to be a major conference to attain the 36 SOS?:thinking: :stupid:
  8. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    a SOS of 36 is middle of the road? is that UNC CH math? There are 310 D1 teams. To me, a middle of the road RPI or SOS is about the 150 mark. aka, uncw.
  9. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    36 would be middle of the road for the 60 major teams you were talking about. See 60/2 = 30.
  10. metro

    metro Charlotte49erfootballfan

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Fort Mill
    oh, ok. I'll gladly be considered average and middle of the road amongst the BCS schools. Which is true.

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