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Recent Memphis basketball newpaper coverage

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by HighPoint49er, Oct 5, 2003.

  1. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    See, that's the right attitude.
  2. MikeNinerHunt

    MikeNinerHunt Fast white guy

    Likes Received:
    Jun 11, 2003
    I can tolerate Duke, Wake, UNC demanding a two for one, fine whatever. But I don't understand how Georgia Tech, Clemson, or FSU demand 2 for 1.
  3. uncc86

    uncc86 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 18, 2003
    Please don't give the Observer any ideas for additional Charlotte coverage :) :)

    I can see the storyline coming together already........."Niners to move to Big South"........if we were in one of the bottom 5 conferences, then their coverage of the school would be justified.

    Will someone please send this "dead horse" to the damn glue factory.

    I think we know how the game works......

    ----typical large city sports page gives priority/emphasis/coverage to the sports that are local to the city in which they are published. Hell, Detroit didn't reduce their coverage of the Tigers in either of their dailies. You can't tell me many people cared to read about the latest chapter of that team's 10+ years run of futility.

    ----In Charlotte (not a major city but a large market none the less), our sports page continues to sell to a geographic region, just like they did 25 years ago when I would buy their paper for my Dad at Wrightsville Beach. For some reason, they (people higher than Mr. Persinger) haven't figured out that people don't need regional coverage from the Charlotte paper. These days, its real easy for every city in NC to get sports information. 25 years ago it was a challenge if you weren't in Charlotte, Raleigh, Winston-Salem or Greensboro.

    Nothing is going to change to complaining to Mr. Persinger. He's doing what his boss wants.

    I'm willing to bet we could get better coverage in Creative Loafing or The Rhino Times..........if someone were to approach them to do the writing.
  4. HighPoint49er

    HighPoint49er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    High Point, NC
    vp, you simply don't get it, saying Alaska is a good tournament. Two exempt tournaments (extra games) every four years pus scheduling at a premium. Real could shed some light on who perhaps was coming to Halton for the ESPN sponsored games last year, the teams walked when the courts ruled against the universities, as each game counted on its own. Just as well though. A school can go to Alaska or Hawaii only once every 4 years for a tournament.

    Kenturcky... has one of the largest payouts of any college tournament, why not take the cash? It so happens that season, we were better than advertised.

    Earning return trips? WFT? Almost every contract today for teams is a home and home or a 2 for 1. Every OOC game we have is that except for UNCA and Syracuse. I don't doubt that it is the same for your beloved Tar Heels too.

    Earning a visit from an ACC team or others in Halton? Funny that Arizona and Indiana are willing to come there and no "locals" of that caliber are. I've stated the economical advantages to that earlier. That's a win-win for both schools. And you'd get an opportunity to see them as well. You would complain if they played HPU calibre teams 7 times a year. If the schools come knocking, Lutz and Rose will sign any contract. If you've got any contacts, use them. :D
  5. NovaNiner

    NovaNiner Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2003
    There are nine major conferences.

    1 BIG TEN
    4 PACIFIC-10
    5 BIG 12
    6 BIG EAST
    9 ATLANTIC 10

    Does it really matter if CUSA is the seventh best major conference out of nine? It’s still a major conference. The ACC is the worst major conference in football, but it certainly doesn’t receive any lack of attention from the media.
  6. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    My bad on the tourneys - didn't know that they had been cracked down on, but it seems that you still have that chance to partcipate every so often, right? I honsetly cannot think of UNCC ever travelling to one of these tourneys - or participating in the NIT - even before the rules changed. Mayabe it was a budget decision, and that is their right, but don't then complain that people are scared to play you.

    For UNCC to get a good team to come here, they most likely will have to do a 2 for 1 - so earn the extra home date and make it a home and home.

    One last time, let me see if you can understand this. UNC - and even Duke and Wake - has zero - none, nada, zip, nic - incentive to play you. Y'all's argument is that it is good for the fans. To be quite honest, Carolina has generally played at least one game in Charlotte each year - and Chapel Hill really isn't that far away. UNC already gets exposure here, why do they need to play a game in Charlotte, when they would get the same coverage if they played it somewhere else - against a bigger name team.

    Seriously, what is in it for UNC to play UNCC?

    Now, if y'all were to go on a big time run, then maybe TV and fans would start asking for a showdown b/w UNC - or Duke - and y'all.

    So go on the run, then we'll talk.
  7. vpkozel

    vpkozel Professional Calvinballer

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Yes, actually it does matter, because you CUSA folks seem to think that you should get as much coverage as the biggest ones, andgenerally don't take it too well (witness this thread) when you don't.

    As for ACC footbal - we aren't the worst major conference any more :D. Seriously though - we never got as much pub in the major media - as a conference - as the Big 10, SE, and Pac 10 do. You know why? Cause we - as a conference - didn't deserve it. Now if I can only find those mulitple threads complaining about that and where we kept saying taht people were scared to schedule us......

    PS - you have the Big 12 5th? That's a fucking joke.
  8. HighPoint49er

    HighPoint49er Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    High Point, NC
    Charlotte has been to Hawaii at least twice, the last time in 1998-99 when they lost in the championship game of the Rainbow CLassic to an NCAA bound Princeton squad. Those trips should be some sort of "reward" for the players. The cost for those trips is high as you can imagine. Side note: The former women's basketball coach signed a deal to play one game in Hawaii a few years ago, no other games there or on the western trek there or back to break the cost down. Needless to say, the expenses of that (and a few other things) cost him his job. Travel cost is a factor, and time missed from school is another in scheduling those games. It is no wonder that players have trouble in class when they fly out of town on a Wednesday morning, missing class, miss Thursday classes, play Thursday night and return late that night or early Friday morning before classes (if they can even return). Lutz is going to keep them in class as much as is possible, they are after all students first.

    The last few times UNC Chapel Hill played in the Charlotte Coliseum, they didn't exactly sell the place out. :rolleyes:
  9. MikeNinerHunt

    MikeNinerHunt Fast white guy

    Likes Received:
    Jun 11, 2003
    Let me ask you a question. What incentive do you guys have playing Davidson?

  10. NovaNiner

    NovaNiner Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 13, 2003
    I didn’t necessarily rank them in order. Here is last year’s RPI for each of the major conferences.

    1 Southeastern 107-32 (.770) .5890 .5807
    2 Big 12 108-30 (.783) .5791 .5791
    3 Atlantic Coast 79-24 (.767) .5662 .5717
    4 Big 10 89-39 (.695) .5635 .5586
    5 Pac 10 65-30 (.684) .5628 .5507
    6 Big East 115-48 (.706) .5589 .5591
    7 Conference USA 96-57 (.627) .5550 .5447
    8 Mountain West 75-32 (.701) .5479 .5553
    9 Atlantic 10 74-64 (.536) .5363 .5236

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