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Punch Drunk Love

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by meatpile, Nov 15, 2002.

  1. meatpile

    meatpile 7-9

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    All up in Boo's mama
    Good fuckin movie.
  2. RSgal

    RSgal Guest

    Adam Sandler is the man! Punch drunk love is definitely on my list of movies to see.
  3. lex

    lex Guest

    saw this movie friday when it opened, meat

    i didnt get it at all. now i wonder if i missed things...seems to me i did. you liked it? damn.

    why did he not mess up the guys in utah? that couple deserved to be messed with. i wanted a different ending with regards to that. i guess that is mostly my disappointment. that was not resolved in my mind.

    what's with the tiny piano? totally missed that. it seemed so important, yet i missed the "why" of it. the pudding too. whatup with that? that is the funny part, right? see i dont know to stick to funny or serious. i got so confused.

    the sisters were messed up. how can you not know what annoys the only brother that you love and care about? i didnt get that part. okay i agree, they loved their brother. weird way of showing it! the one part i liked about the sister is that she wont take others calling her brother weird. only they were allowed to call him weird. that made sense to me.

    another reason i didnt like it: he didnt take care of his anger problem! he obviously need professional help. i guess the new girlfriend is gonna take care of that?

    he was on leno last night. leno thought the movie was good too. i totally missed why this movie is good. too bad cuz i really like adam sandler. sandler should stick to comedy, i think.

  4. meatpile

    meatpile 7-9

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    All up in Boo's mama
    Everyone I've talked with has either loved it or hated it.

    It's not a Sandler movie, it's a PT Anderson movie. NOt as good as boogie nights, but damn good. Better than Magnolia, me thinks.

    YOu forgot to mention he never changed clothes, and didn't know why.
  5. lex

    lex Guest

    hahahahaha...you kill me, meat!

    that was the other fukken thing! why the hell was he wearing the same freggin suit? notice he changed ties? he had a red one later.

    you know what was funny? his assistant had a suit on one day too! that was dang funny. his assistant cracked me up, the way he looked at sandler to try to understand him. he was all confused like me! that is loyalty for ya. he is one good employee, if you axe me.

    dont talk me into liking this weird movie, meat. hated it. u weird, that is why you got it! heh heh

    i prolly need some acid then watch it again. maybe then i will get it!
  6. I liked it. A couple stoners were behind us in the theatre and were laughing their asses off every 10 seconds, which was kinda annoying.

    This is certainly not an Adam Sandler movie -- which is good cuz I can't stand him doing his own stuff.

    The only thing about the movie that seemed weak to me was HER motivation for liking somebody so fucked up. They didn't get into her character enough to make me believe she wouldn't just walk away. Why did she like him? Was she weird? They really didn't answer that question for me.

    lex, you ask why he didn't beat up that couple in Utah then you ask about him not addressing his anger problem. Maybe the two are related?
  7. lex

    lex Guest

    cool. i see now. he took care of his anger problem himself! of course! he is a new man. he is in love!

    well, what about the tiny piano? man, i need the cliff notes!

    thanx, nut. i like your way of thinking.
  8. lex

    lex Guest

    obtw, nut...

    weird begets weird. you know. how can she walk away when she found her soul mate! :p
  9. Yeah, the piano thing was weird. Maybe there's something about his curiousity towards it and her being the only person that seemed to know it's true nature (what it was actually called). Dunno tho.

    Still, tho, while you can assume that she's weird, but she doesn't act outwardly weird and she sometimes is taken aback by his weirdness and sometimes not.
  10. lex

    lex Guest

    they said the proper term for that piano. starts with an M. i forget, but when i see the movie again...

    and i will (on acid), i will be sure to make a mental note of that musical instrument!:D

    yup, she was complex! hehe

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