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Proposed Division I-A National Playoffs (by me...haha)

Discussion in 'College Football Forum' started by The Warden, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. Village Idiot

    Village Idiot cloud of dust

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Soggy Bottom
    i would say that alot of those fans are more than just "oh-by-the-way" D1A viewers. they felt strongly enough to log on a give their opinion, in landslide numbers. to me it gives credence to the national outcry for the NCAA to do away with the antiquated Bowl System, the BCS and the dinosaurs that run this big money machine. they run out their appologists (i actually feel that some of these guys have differing opinions but are afraid to go public with their views) to give 1001 excuse as to why D1A football CANT employ a playoff system. to this date D1A football is the ONLY sport without a playoff system in place to determine a national champion. big money runs this farce and we all can enjoy (insert eye rolling here) bowl games with teams pitted against one another for no other reason than how many fans they'll bring to town that weekend........
  2. bigdan

    bigdan Prep Hoops Moderator

    Likes Received:
    Feb 18, 2003
    Marion, North Carolina
    you may be correct, but again I think the poll was biased because it was dictated by what the fans were watching. Think about it in this manner...if you are ESPN and you flash up that poll and say it was 60/40 or 70/30 against the idea of !-A having a playoff, then it would be degrading to what they are showing on TV, and that was a Championship Game of a national football playoff. A perfect analogy would be watching a commerical on TV for Coke, and then at the end, they flash a poll in which 70 percent of the people like Pepsi instead.

    To me, the numbers look tainted by what the people were watching on TV, and that was a very competitive and enteraining !-AA National Championship Game. Ask those same viewers the same question in a couple weeks and I bet you'll get a different answer.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2005
  3. Piper

    Piper phishin member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    More fuel to the fire....

    From Jason Whitlock....

    10. The solution to fixing the NFL playoffs is a BCS system.

    The many champions of a college football playoff system never mention that the NFL playoff season can be more boring than the college football bowl season.

    Got to wonder if this year's Super Bowl can top the Rose Bowl?
    Wasn't wild-card weekend spectacular? The Jaguars and the Giants got torched. The Bucs and the Redskins staged an "offensive struggle" that was misidentified as a defensive struggle. The one game that had a chance to be great was ruined when Carson Palmer suffered a knee injury on his second snap.

    Listen, I love the NFL playoffs. But I also love the college football regular season, which is the best regular season in all of sports. The sports writers and broadcasters who constantly campaign for a college playoff system are completely misguided and uninformed.

    The NFL season grinds to a halt beginning in late December when the best teams start resting their starters for the playoffs. In January we get fed four games for two consecutive weekends and then two games and then one. Most of the games are boring or one-sided.

    Meanwhile, the college season concludes with a December and early January smorgasbord of football. Yes, the games aren't as significant, but there's a game on damn near every night, and a few of them are rather exciting.

    Let's see if the NFL playoffs produce one game as thrilling as Virgina-Minnesota, Missouri-South Carolina, Michigan-Nebraska, Penn State-Florida State or Texas-USC.

    Again, I like both systems. I'm just tired of hearing how a playoff system would solve college football's problems. College football doesn't have a problem.
  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Somehow having Jason Whitlock agree with me makes me nauseous.
  5. McFly41

    McFly41 Work Hard...PLAY HARDER!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    I can't stand the guy 99.9% of the time, then he says something that is totally on point with my opinion and I find myself questioning my position on the issue.

    Granted, I think there should be some form of playoff, but it would have to limit the number of total games teams would play (I'd say 14-15 max) and there would have to still be the lesser bowl games. If you took the existing bowl structue and implimented a playoff that only included the top 10 in the BCS rankings, then allowed the other bowls to set themselves up with the remaining teams...it could work.
    First round games would be hosted by the higher seed w/ the #1 and #2 getting a bye then use existing bowl games to play it out from there.
    The problem isn't a matter of fairness, I think most would prefer a champion be decided on the field...it's a matter of money. They need to figure out a formula that creates even more revenue. I know it cost Iowa over $300K to make the trip to Florida for the Outback, that's a heafty bill especially if your on the road for 4 games. Then again, in a playoff system your not in town for a week or more before the game.
    I think it will happen eventually, but it will take some serious red tape to get er done.

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