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PFW: Three new QBs

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by magnus, Dec 3, 2002.

  1. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    Meatpile, I bash bline for things I am right about. The guy finds ways to lose in spite of his stats, he is a career backup. And a career loser according to his won loss record.

    I publicly said I was wrong about Lewis and Criag - whats your point? I've been right about many other NFL QBs...

    Fasani - yet to be determined. I have said, I don't think he is ready to be "the guy" many times... I just think he is a better athlete than stinky winky.

    How many passing plays has Fasani had on a per game basis? Compared to the preseason?

    Its really no biggie... I mean people that get paid more than you and I make together in a 5 year period, thought Ryan Leaf (as example) was worth a first round pick. So whats the big deal if I who get paid nothing for football misjudge a player here or there?

    I'm not ready to give up on Fasani, but just as with Lewis and Craig, I will surely come back here ASAP, when Fasani is not longer in the league for a few seasons and say... sum bitch, I was wrong about him. Its not an issue to be wrong - find me someone that has never been wrong about player potential and I'd say he must be dead or no longer in the league...
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Actually, he's up to a whopping 8.8 for the total year. That's how good he is, he's still 31 total points below any QB that goes 1 for ten for four yards with zeros in the rest of the columns.
  3. lex

    lex Guest

    meat, baby

    you da bomb!

    and am not talking about the prosthetic wang!
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    don't knock that wang. Its powers of telling us which QBs will suck are around the same percentage as a coin being flipped.
  5. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

    alert, alert... IP check please. :D
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    yes, Larry, tell Sandy I'm not Lex so he can have something else to whine about in PM. Oh wait, I'm Larry too.
  7. lex

    lex Guest

    now that is funny! this is tickling my funny bones to the max!

    should i prove it to sandy, c? hehehe...i can. i can think of several ways to prove i am not you. hahaha....wait, larry can too.

    but why bother?
  8. cantgetright

    cantgetright Guest

    I would love to have 3 new QB's with Fasani going to Europe and coming back to the practice squad or keeping a 4th QB if the roster allows.

    I know this whole FA Qb thing has been beat to death but, I've been hearing/reading more and more about Kordell Stewart coming here- While I'm not a big fan of his he's better than anyone we got and with our offense not being demanding on a QB- Could his Throwing/Running give us enough to lead us to the playoffs?
  9. Canteen Boy

    Canteen Boy Guest

    You "thinking" you are right and you actually "being" right are two completely different things Sandy.
    It IS true that B-line is not one of the greats. Immortals like Favre Unitas Montana and a small handful of others have been able to WILL an entire team to winning at times. However, sometimes the team surrounding any QB is just playing too poorly for one man to rescue them. Whatever BAD team that lost a game when Steve was their QB did not lose entirely because of him . . . you DO realize that don't you? There have been plenty of very good QBs who have had to suffer the consequences of a weak supporting cast and Steve can be included in that category.
    Your expectations of SB were most likely ridiculously unrealistic while he was here. I’m beginning to think that you expected Steve to carry our entire crappy offense on his back all the way to the fucking Superbowl and when he didn’t it totally devastated you as a human being. That would make YOU a career loser according to your record of not being able to understand the big picture.

    BTW- You’re right, it shouldn’t be a big deal if you misjudge a player . . . you do it with such apparent comfort and unswerving regularity. Bravo for sticking to your guns, even though they are the toy variety with lil' caps in them.)
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    How'd you double quote? two quote dividers and then one endquote?

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