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panthers fighting

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by buck nasty, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. rake

    rake Need one of these

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Thelt, I’m imagining that you’ve been traumatized by some freakish hazing incident to allow yourself to get so worked up about this. A guy losing his temper for getting taped to a goalpost and doused with ice water is a FAR cry from a guy getting gang raped with a broomstick.
    I hope to God that you were not on the receiving end of a broomstick at some point.
  2. GoPanthers

    GoPanthers Full Access Member

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    Jan 3, 2004
    Hazzing teachers these rookies their place, they are rookies!!! everyone did even Pep did it his first year, toughen up!!! It comes with being a first year guy, even in collage and high school, dont be one of the punk ass guys that run away!!! take it like a man, not throw a punch at a captain
  3. rake

    rake Need one of these

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    Jan 9, 2003
    From my understanding Strong broke free and ran up to Buck to get in his face (who knows what was actually said and done between the two but I bet something was already stewing on a personal level). Buck slammed the guy to the ground and then teammates separated them when Strong came up swinging. It really does not sound like a big deal to me. It makes sense on both parts. Most guys who have a temper will go after someone who pisses them off . . . a man who feels threatened will also stand up for himself. None of it is surprising to me. I’m guessing that both of them have “made up” and are already over the whole thing.
  4. reb

    reb 1riot1reb

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    juicy part of the mountains
    Never say you agree with Thelt, it just encourages him and he immediately goes off the deep end.
  5. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
    To the right
    I have never had anything really bad done to me by hazing. I do however remember in grade school when the kids who were unpopular or poor were teased ruthlessly. I have always hated seeing someone pick on someone else just because they can get away with it. If Buckner wants to try to tape Jenkins to a goal post then he should go for it. He did not do that though, he picked on a rookie. I wish that rookie had broke his jaw, it might have taught him a lesson. I agree that taping someone to a goal post is no where near as bad as the broomstick thing but hazing of any kind contributes to a mindset that leads to things like that happening.

    I think letting stuff go like this leads to stuff like Smith and Bright. The coach should always be in control and not allow stuff like this to go on.
  6. DogBoy

    DogBoy Full Access Member

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    Jan 12, 2003
    The son of Manning must die for their sins!
  7. Piper

    Piper phishin member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    I dunno if I'd call a taping guys to the goalpost the worst sort of hazing. But....consider this.

    When I was a young tike, first year in scouting, I got hazed pretty good. In fact, more than some of the other young kids.

    I got pretty tired of it soon, and on a camping trip, when the leaders were gone, i picked out the smallest of older scouts. I had particular contempt for this little smartass twerp, because even though he had a good 3 years on me, I towered over this marvel against the effects of puberty. And this guy has the nerve to call me a little pussy.

    So I picked a fight, letting some of the older guys know that I was calling him out. He came jogging over, with a smirk on his face. I wasn't quite sure how to start, so we ended up pushing each other around a little bit, and at one point I threw him down. This actually got him mad, and he wailed 3 punches at my kidney.

    Height apparently has little to do with a 14 year old's punch on an 11 year old body, so these hurt. He asked me if I had enough, and standing their I knew I couldn't go down like that. So I haymakered him and it landed pretty good on the side of his face. It turned him around and staggered against a tent, which he grabbed. This apparently really pissed him off, so he came at me, knocking me down and started knocking the shit out of me. I didn't feel the punches, but he was wailing, and I was so emotional I couldn't do anything but try and block the blows.

    But then the older scouts tore him off pretty quick, suprisingly. he was pissed and it turned out I gave him a shiner. I had a fairly big knot where the back of my head hit the wood flooring of the tent foundation. I was more a wreck emotionally.

    Scoutmaster found out of course and we had some bullshit cleaning job to do together. He threatened to send us home and made us shake hands. I shook the smurfs hand. A couple of the older scouts showed me my first Penthouse, and all was right with the world.

    Teasing didn't stop totally, never does, but the hazing stopped. He left a few months later. I stayed.

    Anyway, if an awkward, lanky, geeky kid can get mad enough to throw down with a kid 3 years older than he, then I bet some 300 pound 22 year olds paid to be violent can get pretty pissed when taped to a goalpost. Especially when its near 100 outside.

    Not saying I'm for the players respecting each others space and singing kumbaya in the background.

    I'm just saying that if you let the boys be boys, then you got to take the good with the bad. Some guys are going to get pissed when you do shit like that. Some punches are going to get thrown.
  8. cathead

    cathead Full Access Member

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    Aug 2, 2003
    hamptonville nc
    There's hardly a species on the planet that doesn't establish a pecking order of sorts. You can't stop it nor should you. What's important is that among humans it changes constantly. So take the shit in good order, your day will come. Create a bad atmosphere and you may never get your chance. All you'll be is a stand alone bad ass.
  9. chipshot

    chipshot Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Well duh...you don't haze veterans. If Jenkins was a rookie it would have happened just the same. Surely Jenkins was hazed when he was a rookie.
  10. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    The only people whining more than Strong is you bunch of pussies.

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