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panthers fighting

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by buck nasty, Aug 17, 2004.

  1. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    I just think it is sad that we have bunch of guys on our team who get their kicks from mistreating and bullying guys who are rookies. I was always taught to take up for the weak not rub their face in the ground.
  2. PantherFanz

    PantherFanz Go Panthers

    Likes Received:
    Sep 17, 2003
    Section 108 Row 1A

    I was always taught when the weak are left for dead the species evolves...The only evolution western society is going to see will be in the form of a 1 1/2 mile wide asteroid heading right for the Cal-Berkely campus...

    If weak is an adjective that is found anywhere in your player bio, then the NFL is probably not the place for you. Get on some skates and give curling a go...
  3. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    I did not mean physically weak, I meant weak in power. The rookies do not have any stroke so they are easy targets for bullies. You do not see Buckner trying to tie Jake Delhomme to the goal post do you?

    I have often wondered if stuff like this is what causes some guys to wash out of the NFL when they looked good in college.
  4. cathead

    cathead Full Access Member

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    Aug 2, 2003
    hamptonville nc
    Hey, that's Mintersection.
  5. PantherFanz

    PantherFanz Go Panthers

    Likes Received:
    Sep 17, 2003
    Section 108 Row 1A
    Well that is more of a case of looking good in college does not always equate to be a good pro....Just like looking good in high school does not mean you will be a good college player. I was an outstanding SS and LB in high school with a good team that won state championships. I went to Division IA and was a marginal college player at best. And I know that I could never have played in the pros. Things and situations are always different. But if were you to ask any pro that question I would betcha that the second most common answer (#1 being skill) would be commitment. Being a pro takes a lot of work, and even the lazy ones do more than most college stars preperation wise.

    But what I do know is if some sweet tart threw off the cleats for good due to some age old tradition and rite of passage there would be no sympathy in the locker room. Not from the vets who did the act, and not some the so called powerless rooks who also got the works.
  6. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    I could see a guy like Ryan Leaf alienating his whole team when they tried to haze him and he did not stand for it. That is the sort of thing that could mess up a young and get in his head. It could make him think that everyone on the team is out to get him.

    You can not tell me Ryan Leaf did not have the talent to make it in the NFL.
  7. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    Seifert got one thing right while he was here.

    Seifert outlaws hazing

    Category: General
    Date: 7/20/00

    By Steve Reed - Gazette Sports Reporter

    SPARTANBURG, S.C. — Carolina Panthers head coach George Seifert has informed his players that any type of hazing during training camp is unacceptable.

    "The reason I think we don’t have that is some guys really get uptight about having to sing their school song or getting up in front of a group of people," Seifert said. "They don’t mind playing football and banging into somebody, but it threatens them, and we don’t want them to have to focus on anything else but becoming a better football player and competing against the other members of the team.

    "We tell them once they’re on the team, then they’re full-fledged members of this football team. They’re here to compete for a spot just like anybody else."

    Hazing has become a tradition at most NFL training camps, with veteran players making rookies do embarrassing things like shave their heads, carry a veteran player’s equipment up from the practice field and stand up and sing during dinner.

    Newcomer Chuck Smith, who is entering his ninth season, was disappointed to learn of Seifert’s rule since he considers himself "the ultimate hazer."

    "Little things like carrying the shoulder pads and things, that’s just part of the tradition," Smith said. "But (Seifert) has won a bunch of Super Bowls. Who am I to question him? It’s a different philosophy and I understand it. If it helps us win, I don’t care."

    However, Smith did admit later he was walking with a rookie back to locker room following practice and made him carry his helmet.

    "Don’t tell George, OK?" Smith said.
  8. PantherFanz

    PantherFanz Go Panthers

    Likes Received:
    Sep 17, 2003
    Section 108 Row 1A
    Of course he has talent....Hell, Jeff Lewis had talent at Northern Arizona. Years ago Raiders #1 pick Todd Marinowich had talent. Leaf lacked commitment and common sense, Lewis lacked guts and old Todd liked his cocaine more than his football....

    Wanna talk about a head case who probably did not like his hazing I would say Jeff George would be tops on the list....
  9. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

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    Jan 11, 2003
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    Hazing bill passes

    Senate approves tough penalties for violators in Michigan schools

    Associated Press

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    LANSING — Hazing at colleges, high schools and middle schools could soon bring stiff punishment in Michigan.

    The state Senate unanimously passed anti-hazing legislation Wednesday. Violators could face up to 93 days in jail if hazing causes an injury and up to 15 years if it kills someone.

    Michigan is one of seven states without anti-hazing laws, but that likely will change soon. The bills now are headed to the state House.

    “Hopefully, it will deter hazing,” said state Sen. Michelle McManus, R-Lake Leelanau, a sponsor of one of the bills. “There are significant enough penalties.”

    Hazing has been reported in college fraternities and sororities, marching bands, high school sports teams, the military and other groups. A national study suggests more than 1.5 million high school students face some form of hazing each year.

    The University of Michigan suspended a fraternity’s license last year after one of its pledges had to be hospitalized. The pledge was forced to do calisthenics while being deprived of food and water, which may have led to kidney failure.

    A high school band member in Detroit sued the school district after he says he was beaten as part of an initiation rite.

    Garret Drogosch, a 12-year-old Northville boy, broke a leg in two places during what some considered a hazing incident during middle school football practice. According to testimony at a Senate committee earlier this year, Drogosch and other seventh-graders were ordered to stand with their hands at their sides while taking hits from larger, older football players.

    “I think this law is needed,” said Jeremiah Shinn, assistant dean of students at Eastern Michigan University. “There are certain actions that are unacceptable, but when placed in the context of group membership, they’ve become somewhat accepted. This will call attention to the fact that no matter the reasons, it’s just inappropriate.”

    The anti-hazing bill would ban any act that puts a person in danger as part of membership in a group. It would include forced drinking, drills, sleep deprivation or other acts that could jeopardize a person’s physical or mental health.
  10. HeadCase

    HeadCase dazed and confused

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    >> If weak is an adjective that is found anywhere in your player bio, then the NFL is probably not the place for you. Get on some skates and give curling a go...

    move over mags, pantherfanz, you are my new hero.

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