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Observations while at the game

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by PantherPaul, Oct 27, 2002.

  1. mramailman

    mramailman Guest


    I was in 539 and yes it was audible.
  2. Piper

    Piper Guest

    I remember many more sweeps that ended in losses than gains. All total, we are running at negative yardage for that play.
  3. HeadCase

    HeadCase Guest

    and which plays are we not running for negative yardage?
  4. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    just got home so this has been stewing a bit.

    We still pulled the LG in run and some pass situations but this week we did it with some success.

    Fasani's passes were floating and didn't have much zip. It's like he was concentrating on throwing a perfect pass instead of instinctevly doing it. He isn't ready. And he isn't seeing the field too good.

    Jackson/Towns played well in place of Morgan in the 2nd much better than Allen last week IMO.

    Steve Smith thinks he's a god. This week it, along with other things, it cost us the game.

    The other things?
    Henning's playcalling at times once again sucked donkey dicks, Fasani's overthrow of Walls in the endzone, Fasani's underthrowing Byrd for a pick.
  5. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    Mark Fields had better get out his checkbook. This one will cost him, helmet 2 helmet hits are a NO-NO but so sweet when we are the giving one
  6. Piper

    Piper Guest

    I dunno. Looking at the replay, it looked like his head was low enough, right on the shoulder, just the force of the hit made Johnson's head bobble.
  7. hasbeens99

    hasbeens99 Guest

    I wonder if that's the hit Johnson was referring to when he said he'd never been hit so hard in his life. :D

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