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Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by magnus, Apr 3, 2002.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Hey Mike, you were asking about Dave's music before. We reviewed Crash, finally got around to looking at the first 'major' CD, Under the Table And Dreaming...says "all songs written by Dave Matthews except for #34, by DM, Leroi Moore, Carter Beauford, and Haines Fullerton. Fullerton's not in the band. So that's 1/4 of one song that's not done from within the band. I think most of BTCS was Dave's also. I couldn't find what thread we were talking about this so I thought I'd bring it up.
  2. lex

    lex Guest

    thank you, mVm. great followup. didnt know that, either.

    m, better be ok. maybe his fingers dont work either...not just the leg. i will be patient...
  3. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Yeah he should be fine. Hope he is. Maybe she had her baby early? I know it's possible since my sis had hers five weeks early. Who knows.
  4. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    This is the first time I've looked at the board since last Monday morning. Everytime I try and sit here my knee swells up so fast, I can't sit here for more than 5 mins. It sucks.

    I'm going to arrange the furniture tomorrow, so I can get on here.... this sounds weird but I miss ya'll :(

    As my knee swells I need to go see you soon.
  5. lex

    lex Guest

    welcome back, m!!!

    yeay!!!! :tool: :smooch:

  6. lex

    lex Guest

    wait a sec, m. i don't think that is a very good idea...arrange furniture sounds like work. maybe you should rethink that. we miss you too, but don't hurt yourself, bub. think.

    and i think you are typing weird. what's with the "as my knee swells i need to go see you soon"? huh? dude, are you on medication? JESSKIDDING. take your percoset, or whatever pain killer you are on. thank you for posting and letting us know you are semi-ok.
  7. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    Thanks magnus but after asking and having spent the last week stuck here I read the covers to their music.

    It seems a freind is misled. He likes what type of music they put out but does not respect DM in any way. Something will come on and he says " Aw he sucks... yeah he can play but the mutha F'er can't write his own shit"... he hasn't been by in the past week (working OT) but when he does I'l play the trump card on his ass :)

    The furniture situation lex was nothing. I just had to roll the computer chair out of the way and slide the actual chair type chair :) around and forward some.... now I have my knee elevated and the keyboard in my lap. :D

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