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Movie Goofs

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by Tiorted Snoil, Nov 6, 2002.

  1. Inamorata

    Inamorata City Girl

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003

    Not knocking John but the prop guy.

    Original gutter?? Your not the first?:)
  2. VOR

    VOR Guest

    In top gun they were flying F-14's but corsairs were launched from the carrier.

    In harms way john wayne rides around in a vietnam era jeep.

    Same move they used a HU-16 for air sea rescue, a plane that didn't enter service till 1949.

    Who framed roger rabbit has modern street lights in some location shots
  3. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    In the same movie, they mistakenly used a cartoon for Jessica Rabbit instea of MflipsideM.

    Seriously though, was Who framed Roger Rabit a period piece? I was thinking that today's Toon Town just had a 30's/40's feel... not nessecerily IN the 30's/40's.
  4. needawindow

    needawindow Guest

    Supposedly they staged the moon landing.
  5. T_Schroll

    T_Schroll Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
    Winnsboro SC
    Nah, that was just OJ looking for his wife's killers on the moon in Capricorn One.
  6. NormanNiner

    NormanNiner Guest

    There are supposedly a bunch in the Matrix. When Neo jumps out of the way of the train you can see the wires above him. Also, the slow-mos of the rifles hitting the ground in the lobby scene show that the barrels are rubber.

    Don't get me started on the innacuracies of the shells coming out of the various handguns. Since when did they make a Desert Eagle shoot .45 ACP rounds? :D

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