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Most musically talented band?

Discussion in 'Music Forum' started by blueblood1, Feb 21, 2002.

  1. meatpile

    meatpile 7-9

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    All up in Boo's mama
    Rotten's a shithead. So is Jello Biafra.
  2. Freakshow

    Freakshow Fuck you guys.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    I'd really have to say...


    then probably Dream Theater and...Collective Soul. Yes, Collective Soul.
    Their tunes have so many layers it's unbelievable.
  3. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Lots of good bands -

    Zepplin for rock band -

    Bonham, Page, Jones - great musicians - innovative

    Change of pace

    Dixie Dregs - great combo of musicians. Saw then live many times. Steve Morse - best guitar player ever. Guitar player magazine retired him from their "best of" poll so somebody else could win.

    New Grass Revival - Best damn bluegrass band to ever rock the planet. Saw them several times at Spirit Square - Bela Fleck on the banjo, Sam Bush - awesome mandolin, John Cowan - great vocals and Pat Flynn - underrated guitar player. You couldn't see them and say you didn't like bluegrass.
  4. Johnny Rotten played the dad in a new sitcom coming out (maybe) for WBTV. Talk about sell-out. Yikes. (He's since been replaced, tho).
  5. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Well, Miles was a hell of acool style soloist. Even his most cracked recordings I can live with. I just have to think that part of his style was born of major technical limitation. I never liked his demeanor either...he somewhat copied that from Charlie Parker, who was a real ass too.

    Now you take Clifford Brown and keep him alive, put him in Miles' situations? oh hell. Clifford was close to making sure no one ever heard of Miles.

    I never had much stomach for Rotten.
  6. reb

    reb 1riot1reb

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    juicy part of the mountains
    Can't believe no on has mentioned the Dirt Band yet. Those guy's play about nine different instruments each.

    Reunion tour
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2003
  7. Ice Man

    Ice Man Guest

    Man I didn't realize there were so many Queensryche fans out there. Didn't the guitar player leave? Can't remember his name.

    My pics:
    1) Dave Matthews - not my favorite band but musically these guys are great.

    2) Eric Johnson - best guitar player in my opinion.

    3) Metacilla (sp) - S&M was a great album and innovative, these guys have stood the test of time.

    4) Van Halen - again these guys have lasted a long time, if Eddie can get healthy and get Dave back in the studio these guys would top the charts once again.

    5) Red Hot Chilli Peppers - these guys can go in all sorts of directions.

    6) Vanilla Ice - the greatest lyrical poet to grace the charts!!

    OK so I was joking about the last one.
  8. Freakshow

    Freakshow Fuck you guys.

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    Yeah, Chris DeGarmo left. He was replaced. Michael Wilton (the other guitarist) is still there.

    Promised Land was an amazing album. Hear in the Now Frontier was awesome. Q2K...not too big of a fan.
  9. ezy ryder

    ezy ryder Guest

  10. TW1GGY

    TW1GGY Do you scream??

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    The Island of Misfits Toys
    Most musically talented band?? Humm.. lets see how many people I can piss off..

    I really disagree with Led Zepplin. Zepplin is what wrong with music today.

    Here are my choices broke into several types of music.

    1.Classic Rock-Black Sabbith. the god fathers of metal started something they never imagined could happen.

    2.early 80's- Misfits. Thier is a certian genius to loud, out of tune, aggressive songs.

    3. late 80's-Guns n' Roses. Slash... enough said.

    4.early 90'-Metallica- And justice for all says everything you need to know about their musicanship.

    5. Late 90's- got to be Tool. One of the most intereting band to come out in the last 10 or so years. They are so smart and talented that most of thier fans will never understand them. I am still trying to wrap my mind around 46 & 2. It's about we will develop another cromozone and evolve to the next level.. Far out man.

    6.Nu-Metal- Mudvaye- get past the make-up and listen to the structure of the songs. They have one of the best drummer-bass player combo out today. to bad their guitar player sucks.

    -Union Underground- One of the best sounding live bands I have ever heard. Very underrated album

    Inucbus- art metal. i really see a lot of staying power with these guys.

    7.Now for my favorite band

    Marilyn Manson- Granted their first album was raw and their guitar player at the time (daisy) sucked I really have seen a huge progression in their style. I have been with manson since the beginning and I have to say Mechanical Animals is my favorite album. The whole band is talented. A lot of people can't get over his image to give his music a chance. Just listen to what he saying on this album and think for yourself don't let the media and society do it for you.
    7. some honorable mentions

    Type O Negative- Love the evilness mixed with beauty these guys deliver.

    Van Halen- no doubt Eddie Van Halen is one of the greatest guitar players ever.

    Now for my vote for least talented band.

    LIMP BIZKIT!!! With out Wes this the worst band ever. I hate Fred Drust with all of my being. He is such an ass ... DIE FRED DIE!!!!

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