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Monsters Ball

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by SilverSurfer, Jun 23, 2002.

  1. gutter

    gutter Ruud Van Nistilroy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    East Los Santos
    I haven't seen this yet. But as far as the character it's just that. It's acting. A black actress should be able to take whatever parts she wants without being slammed for not being a Claire Huckstable. She's not making this movie to positively affect the black community and should not be asked to do so. But she needs to stop if she hits somebody with her car.
  2. Piper

    Piper Guest

    >>Look at her "Monster's Ball" character more closely. She can't keep a job, she's raising a problem child, her husband is a death row inmate, she's an alcoholic. She's just plain pathetic. So what happens?

    She has flaws. I like that. Comes off as a more real person that Julia did playing a real life charachter.

    Both her character and BBT’s had serious flaws. BBT was an unloving father who hated his own son because he viewed him weak, even though he was weak toward his own domineering yet near invalid father, a control freak on a job he disliked, a racist, with no apparent friends. In the first half of the film, you don’t really like either character.

    Some people have to hit rock bottom to change. With both characters, it was their sons death that was rock bottom. So from my view, this was really just a love story, but one that rang truer than most.

    So in the end, I think the movie is about redemption, and both charachters found something redeeming in each other to change.
  3. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC
    I don't know. Seems to me y'all are over analyzing it. I'll admit I just got the movie because I wanted to see the sex scene, but to me it just seemed lacking for some reason and not near as dramatic as I expected. The thing with Combs seemed like a cheap rip off of The Green Mile, which I thought was an awesome movie.

    I think Halle Berry is one off the sexiest women on the planet, black or white, and seems to be comfortable doing this kind of role. What white actresses will even do sex scenes these days? There aren't many. I admire her guts. Julia Roberts is a goody two shoes boy looking thing who I wouldn't watch her in a starring role if you paid me.

    At least Halle has the gumption to play that role. But back to the movie. Not bad in my opinion. Just not what I expected after the buildup. That's why I don't listen to movie critics. They rarely like what I do.
  4. jbghostrat

    jbghostrat Guest

    We bought the DVD and i watched it Sunday. pretty depressing!

    Sportsgirl, I bet if Erin whatshername lost her kid she wouldn't have been so strong to make it. And she did have a man help her. If it wasn't for that guy staying with her and taking care of her kids, she couldn't of spent all that time at work. I don't think depression and life handing you shit has anything to do with race.
    I thought it was a pretty good movie, but i'm with silver, it was lacking something.

    Why do you think Billy Bob hated his son? I think he really wasn't his son. They never did say what happened to billy bob's wife.

    If you have DVD, did anyone see when Hank was played by Karl? That was funny! I love DVD!:D
  5. wossa

    wossa Not a ********* any more

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Watched it tonight. I thought it was pretty good. I was expecting a sad ending the way it was going.

    The ending was kind of a dud. but a decent movie.
  6. Sportsgirl

    Sportsgirl Guest

    Well, Piper, I don't think we'll ever quite see eye to eye on this one, bud. ;)

    And JB, I think you're missing my point, and unfortunately you'll never understand my unique perspective on this controversial subject, but I as a black female understand exactly what Angela Bassett, Vanessa Williams and others were talking about. Let's just leave it at that. Okay? Like I said in the beginning, the movie was interesting and had some powerful performances, but I don't think this screenplay was that great, and certainly not Halle Berry's best work IMO. I liked her work in Dorothy Dandrige and Queen much, much better. She doesn't need a steamy sex scene to prove she is an Oscar-caliber actress.

  7. QueenCityHillbilly

    QueenCityHillbilly Bitch, I Will Kill You

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    Charlotte, NC
    I'm a bit BBT and Halle Berry fan, but this movie pretty much sucked. If anyone finds something good about it other than the sex scene, please let me know so I can watch it again.
  8. cltbuilder

    cltbuilder Guest

    That was about it. Sorry QCH...Banger's still watching it. I got bored real fast.

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