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Modded Xox machine

Discussion in 'Video Game Forum' started by PantherPaul, Jan 21, 2005.

  1. Stewie

    Stewie The Family Guy

    Likes Received:
    Sep 8, 2003
    Charlotte area
    My advice would either be:

    1) Do it yourself, or

    2) Buy one already modded.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't want to sound rude, but if the chip is installed incorrectly then there is a chance your box could get fried (not a chance I would care to take with other Xboxes). There are several chips available now that 'claim' to be solderless. If this is true then that might be your best option.

    Check out: http://modchipstore.com/

    I bought my mod chip there a while back. Since then there has been all kinds of new ones come out from $50 to $20. They also offer installation services and their customer service is very good.
  2. Broncokev

    Broncokev Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2003
    Got an executor2 chip in mine now, with a 30 gb hard drive. I can play live if I have the actual game and just turn the chip off.
  3. bkfountain

    bkfountain Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Nov 30, 2003
    Greenville, NC
    I believe MS is banning people for using aftermarket HDD's in their xboxes now...
  4. Broncokev

    Broncokev Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Mar 1, 2003
    I let my live subscription go but I think you can still play on live if you turn off the chip, and actually have the real game. It's possible they have a way of detecting, but usually the hackers stay ahead of the company in detection.

    I would not recommend modding your xbox if you plan to play on live, just buy another one for Live play.

    Besides feeling a bit guilty I love my Modded box, went out and rented EA MLB and copied it, works slick as hell. And EA can kiss my ass anyway for what they've done to sega this year.

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