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Discussion in 'Health & Medicine Forum' started by Hot Wheels, Nov 7, 2005.

  1. Hot Wheels

    Hot Wheels absolutely will never not

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2005
    Somewhere in NC
    Does anyone else suffer from them? I get them a few times a month. They start out with blind spots in my vision and then move to the horrible head pain. I vomit and feel sick all over, I feel cold and shake and noise, smell or even air moving in the room hurts me. I feel bad for a couple of days afterwards and have smaller migraines too. I don't take anything for them but was wondering what you all would think would be good? Thanks.
  2. plutosgirl

    plutosgirl It's a Liopleurodon!!!

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Charlotte via the blue ridge
    See a Neuro guy. Lots of new meds on the market to take when you feel one 'coming on'. Good luck to you, I know they are horrible to live with.
    I had them out of the blue when I was about 20, took beta blockers for about a year and never had one since, thank God- they were horrible.
    Really, see a doc, they can help you.

    ps: Lots of people used to call them mybrain headaches in the ER.
  3. kshead

    kshead What's the spread?

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    [sadic] They're a scam. [/sadic]
  4. Coops Greatest Fan

    Coops Greatest Fan I just post here

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Topeka, KS
    Hot Wheels, I was diagnosed with Migraines with Dizziness a little over a year ago. My PCP just contributed my severe headaches to stress and my dizziness to motion sickness. PCP finally referred me to an ENT where a guy who specializes in dizziness disorders got me on a calcium channel blocker medication. (Verapamil) I took it every day for a couple of months and went to every other day some time back. I never knew that I wasn't suppose to have headaches every day and migraines every couple of weeks or so. Doc prescribed me Valium as well for traveling and although my migraines haven't disappeared completely, I do take a valium (usually 1/4 - 1/2 of a tablet) when I feel a migraine coming on and that helps control the pain. (Of course I can only take it when I know I can be near a bed to sleep since valium knocks my ass out.) I'd find a doctor who will help you figure out why you are having the migraines. NO need to go through life having them the way you do.
  5. Hot Wheels

    Hot Wheels absolutely will never not

    Likes Received:
    Feb 17, 2005
    Somewhere in NC
    I never really noticed until a while ago that I have a headache everyday. I just dont really pay too much attention to them because of the migraines being so bad. I used to think those were what a headache was and that the everday ones were...well, I dont know what. I have had them since I was about 10. I know lack of sleep and stress and chocolate cause them so I am scared to death of chocolate. So much that I wash my hands after I touch it! Funny enough, when I am pregnant I dont have them at all. NOT THAT THAT WILL HAPPEN ANYTIME SOON! HELL NO!
  6. Patti

    Patti ~

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Sounds like your hormones have a lot to do with them. I suffer from the same type and yes I have a headache almost everyday too. Most of the time I don't even notice them that much because I've gotten so use to them. And lots of times Excedrine Migraine gel caps will knock it out. And they run in my family, mostly females but a few males get them too. I would love to have all the money we have all spent on trying to get rid of them. But no one has found a cure. You may find something like imitrex that seems to work for awhile but it loses it effectiveness after a while. I'm sorry this is such a negative response. I wish you the best in finding something that works for you. When you do please come back and share it here. Everyone is different and even things that works sometimes may not work at other times, something that caused a headache last week doesn't this week. It's frustrating as hell.
  7. flotg

    flotg Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Aug 16, 2005
    Magnesium Oxide

    There's been a study done and taking Magnesium Oxide 400 has been shown to help people w/migraines. It takes 2-3 months for it to really show that it's helping, but magnesium oxide helps regulate muscle activity.

    My husband has had migraines for the last 7 years, usually 3-5 a month. He started taking the magox daily about 3 months ago and he's not had a "bad" migraine since (knock on wood). If he's had any, they've been very mild and he's been able to continue with regular daily activities.

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