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Lost - Season III

Discussion in 'TV & Movie Discussion' started by mathmajors, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2003
    To the right
    Why did Jack want to go back so badly? That part makes no sense. I guess they are leaving something big out that they will reveal later.....
  2. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC
    Some of my theories:

    I think Jack keeps referring to his his dad in the "future flashbacks" as sort of an ironic and bitter reference to what a drunk his dad was and how unless he's drunker than his dad used to be when he was on the hospital floor, then he (Jack) should be able to go around drunk also.

    Plus, Jack appears is hooked on oxycodone, which is pretty powerful stuff in high milligrams. He could be delusional. He is becoming his dad, only worse.

    Could the van crash accident victim have been Juliette? Almost like a deja vu of his ex-wife and the same type situation?

    I really don't think that was Sawyer in the casket - who's to say when they got rescued, they didn't end up back in Australia first? There could have been some weird twist with them never actually burying Jack's dad and he went back to check on it, or authorize it, who knows. We don't know if there's gonna be episodes coming up where they show how they get off the island. Jack coulda grown that beard long before they left the island. What would it take, a couple of weeks? He always has about a 3 day growth anyway, it looks like. Even if that theory is wrong, I don't think that was Sawyer in the casket.

    I think Kate marries Sawyer, and got pregnant with his kid, and is going back to the island where Sawyer decides to stay. Sometime in the interim (next season or later) they figure out why the pregnant women are dying, and "fix" it Why the hell would Sawyer or Kate wanna get back to the "real world" ? Neither of them have a reason to want to go back. If I was one of them I sure as hell wouldn't want to, as long as I still had beer and smokes and food. The island is pretty much a paradise except for the smoke monster.

    I enjoyed the ending. Charlie was the only one who died that mattered to me, I didn't care that much for his character anyway. I loved Sawyer shooting Mr Friendly, and the Hurley van attack, and remember what Rose told Bernard before she left him? Made him repeat the "I am a dentist, not Rambo". So it figure's he'd be a pussy.

    Wish we didn't have to wait so long for more.
  3. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC
    Oh - here's some info on the Lost "numbers" in case some people haven't seen it

    Only 4 survivors from the tail section end up meeting our Losties.
    The statue on the island has only 4 toes.
    Number of years Locke was in his wheelchair.
    The number of guns the marshal carried in the Haliburton case.
    Number of people on the raft
    Number of weeks it would take Locke's leg to heal after his injury at the hatch.
    Number of times Ana Lucia was shot.
    Ana Lucia spent 4 months with a police shrink.
    Kate's step-dad (military) was in Korea 4 months before she was born.
    The number of swans in the cartoon that Jack was watching during season 3
    Hurley was playing Connect 4 with another patient, Leonard when he was in the mental institution.
    Charlie shoots Ethan in the chest four times.

    Part of the Oceanic Flight number (815)
    Part of the safe deposit box number where the toy plane that belonged to the man Kate loved was kept (815).
    When Locke's mother visits him in the toy store where he works, he tells her she can find one of the toys she's looking for in aisle 8.
    Sawyer's age when his father commits murder-suicide
    Shannon's age when her father and Boone's mother were married
    Desmond had 8 months to train for his competition.
    Hurley ate an 8 piece combo while working at the fast food restaurant.
    The Month of Jack's wedding (8/15)
    Ana Lucia's police radio call is 8 Adam 16.
    Season's 3 white rabbit has an 8 marked on its back.
    Hurley explains the accident, which he believes he caused, in which the deck was weight-rated to hold 8 people.
    Part of the date that Kate buried her time capsule with the boy she loved (8/15)
    When Sawyer was waited on by Kate's mother he left a 8% tip (He also paid 108% of his bill!!)
    In the episode "Special" Michael gives Walt a box containing every card and letter Michael sent to Walt over the last 8 years.
    8 people died when a shoe factory that Hurley owned burnt down.
    When Desmond goes back in time, the package being delivered was supposed to be there at 8:15, also refering to the Oceanic Flight number (although Desmond may not know that) and the next number in the sequence, 15.
    Locke was pushed out of a window on the 8th floor of a hotel by his father.

    Part of the Oceanic Flight number (815).
    Part of the safe deposit box number where the toy plane that belonged to the man Kate loved was kept (815).
    When Locke's mother visits him in the toy store where he works, he tells her she can find the other of the toys she's looking for in aisle 15.
    Part of the box number where Locke goes to get his father's money (1516).
    Jae Li's hotel room number, where Jin threatens him (1516).
    The day of Jack's wedding (8/15).
    Part of the date that Kate buried her time capsule with the boy she loved (8/15).

    Rousseau's message has been playing for 16 years.
    When Hurley played the lottery it had been 16 weeks since there had been a winner.

    The words "MEGA LOTTO JACKPOT" is comprised of 16 letters.

    Part of the box number where Locke goes to get his father's money (1516).
    Part of Jae Li's hotel room number, where Jin threatens him (1516).
    Ana Lucia's police radio call is 8 Adam 16.
    When Hurley goes to Australia to speak with Sam's wife about the numbers, we learn that Sam heard the numbers 16 years ago.

    Jack Shephard's seat number on Oceanic 815 was 23A.
    There were 23 survivors from the tail section, originally.
    The reward for Kate was $23,000.
    Hurley's flight took off from gate 23 and he stayed on the 23rd floor in the hotel.
    Hurley explains the accident, which he believed he caused, in which he and 23 other people were on a deck.

    In the name of the Episode, "The 23rd Psalm" (which also has a biblical reference).
    23 days in season 2.
    Carl was held in room 23.

    In Douglas Adams' "Hitchhiker's Guide" series, 42 is the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything. Since then, use of the number has been a signature geek shout-out. I wouldn't doubt it if the Lost creators are fans.

    Ana-Lucia's seat number on Oceanic 815 was 42F.
    Number of spaces in Connect 4, which Hurley was seen playing in the mental institution.

    Desmond needed $42,000 to buy a boat.
    Locke is shown playing a crossword puzzle at the hatch. The word his writing in is # 42.
    42 days in season 1

    4 8 15 16 23 42
    The whole sequence was heard on a radio transmission by Leonard and Sam Toomey, and was used to win a bean-counting contest (Sam) and the lottery (Hurley).
    The numbers must be typed into a computer in the hatch... which happens to have the numbers stamped on the door of it.

    If used as global coordinates, the numbers provide an area on the globe where the plane would likely be if it turned off course at the time the pilot said.
    The sequence is engraved on the exterior of the hatch.
    In Hurley's flashback, when he runs past a girls soccer team each girl has a jersey. Each jersey has a 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, or 42 on the jersey.
    These six numbers are the Valenzetti Equation
    Danielle wrote these numbers out over and over and over again on a piece of paper which Sayid stole from her shelter when he escaped, along with a map of the island.
    Danielle's ship picked up the sequence on a radio transmission, when her team went to investigate, they crashed onto the island.
    In Windows alt codes.... alt + 4 8 15 16 23 42 = µ <--- Mu (uppercase Μ, lowercase μ) is the 12th letter of the Greek alphabet, and the symbol is representative of magnetic permeability (a possible connection to the magnetic properties of the hatch and the Island in general). Also, anything followed by 15 16 23 42 equals Mu (µ) in Windows alt codes....

    Mu (also known as Lemuria) is the name of a lost island civilization that existed 78,000 years ago in the Southern Pacific, located somewhere in the Ring of Fire. It lasted many thousands of years, populated by 64 million people, and was eventually sunk by large earthquakes and tsunamis (the catastrophic December 26, 2004 tsunami is in the same place where Mu/Lemuria is thought to have existed). It is theorized that the Mu civilization was well-advanced beyond our current civilization and may well have been populated by aliens, as dicussed at length by James Churchward in his series of five books written in the 1920's and 30's.
    The Numbers could be used as a phone number: (481)-516-2342

    Flight #815
    The copiers Charlie was selling were C-815
    Tom and Kate buried the time capsule on 8/15/1989
    The number on the safe deposit box where the toy plane was kept
    Date of Jack's wedding (08/15)
    Emily Locke tells John she is looking for two toys. He tells her the location of them in the toy store - aisle 8 and aisle 15.
    We see Sayid coming out of an interrogation room with the numbers 815 on the door.
    Adam Rutherford was pronounced dead at 8:15 am

    Other Numbers
    The numbers added up (4+8+15+16+23+42) equals 108... the number of minutes between entries into the computer. Wikipedia has a great entry on the cultural uses of the number 108.
    In episode 2.14 "One of Them", we see the clock on the hatch wall spin down to zero and then show hieroglyphs in red. There are 5 glyphs and we only see 4. It is speculated that the 5th one is a spiral, so all 5 together can be translated to mean "cause to die" or also "to kill". This according to author Raymond O. Faulkner's book "A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian", as quoted in Nikki Stafford's excellent book "Finding Lost: The Unofficial Guide."
    The date and time of the plane crash: 9.22.04 4:16, if you look at the pattern between adding and subtracting you can find the numbers. This is also the date of the first airing of the pilot episode.
    In Japan, at the end of the year, a bell is chimed 108 times to finish the old year and welcome the new one. Each ring represents one of 108 earthly temptations a person must overcome to achieve nirvana.
    The numbers multiplied (4x8x15x16x23x42) equal the number found on the screen in the final episode of season 2 (7418880)
    When Sawyer was waited on by Kate's mother he left a 8% tip (He also paid 108% of his bill!!)
    108 is the last number on an FM Radio dial.
  4. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    yeah, that's something i don't get. unless they're going with a "final destination" sort of thing. the only lostees we saw were kate and jack. maybe they're the only ones still alive, tho he doesn't seem to be fearing anything so much as longing for something different. kate seems really unconcerned, tho. you'd think if all the lostees were dying, she'd be at least a little upset.

    btw, she looked awful with the makeup caked on. much nicer with the less-is-more look. and oh, isn't she a fugitive?
  5. jge1968

    jge1968 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 3, 2004
    West of the Atlantic

    Wow, I had been thinking Atlantis but Lemuria sure fits a whole lot better. Didn't really think about it at all, I had heard about it but never really knew much if anything about it. Cool.
  6. jge1968

    jge1968 Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Dec 3, 2004
    West of the Atlantic

    I thought about the whole fugitive thing as well. That doesn't make any sense, at least at this point.
  7. Ice Man

    Ice Man Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    You have to keep in mind that they were three years in the future (present time). They are still in 2004 on the island but if you notice, Jack was using a Razr phone so they are now in 07. As far as Kate being a fugitive, she could have been found innocent within those three years or served her time.
  8. Thelt

    Thelt Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 11, 2003
    To the right
    Kate was not innocent. No way she serves less than three years for murder.
  9. Ice Man

    Ice Man Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
    Most of the world doesn't think OJ is innocent either but he's walking around as a free man. I agree that Kate is guilty but you never know what a jury might do.
  10. SilverSurfer

    SilverSurfer Son of Anarchy

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    Jan 7, 2003
    Welcome, NC
    The whole rest of the world probably thinks Kate is as dead as the marshal she was with from crashing on 815.

    Just because Jack made it back to work doesn't mean they think the whole plane survived. Besides, a lot of them didn't survive. We don't know whether the flash forwards are from 3 seasons from now, or next season either. Too many unknowns to speculate that those scenes were immediately after they got back to the "real" world.
    Last edited: May 31, 2007

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