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Keyshawn dropped

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by verytastyfish, May 1, 2007.

  1. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    durde vs. collin

    quote match III
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Nope. Somehow you came up with an average of 916 yards for Moose during the Fox era minus the one aberrant year, which is bizarre considering that he never topped 837 during that period except for that one ridiculous season.
    No, dumbfuck, the statistics are extremely significant because they show what practically anyone with a reasonably functioning brain would conclude: that Key and Moose are very much comparable and performed at about the same level in most of the same ways for this team.
    If you want sunshine and blowjobs, you came to the wrong place. Go somewhere it's impolite for anyone to correct anyone else's errors. Here you're going to get reamed for pulling the bullshit that you did.
    Indeed, it's "your bad." Unfortunately you assumed that everyone else was as absolutely clueless as you are, and you did that precisely because you're not even aware of how ignorant you are. That's something of a paradox, I guess. If someone is stupid, are they intelligent enough to realize that they're stupid? Probably not, even if someone repeatedly shows it to them.
    #1) Don't lie to cover up your idiocy. You said a "majority of their plays," so don't try to revise your statement to look less moronic.

    #2) You are still lying. I have all but one game on DVD and you're flat out making shit up out of thin air. Even if I didn't have the visual evidence, however, I'd still know that you're full of shit because your story doesn't even make sense. Besides the Harry Potter safeties, why would corners play off on Johnson? They're obviously not worried about getting beat deep, which is why corners give a cushion to some receivers. Good lord, you couldn't even get that right.
    This is what I mean. You are so stupid that you can't even lie with the slightest bit of believability. Receivers don't make up their routes based on the coverage, dumbass, they're called in the huddle before the coverage is known. And no, Steve wasn't doubled anything remotely resembling the majority of the time. No receiver is. Moreover, crossing patterns take you into the trash, because it exposes you to the linebacker drops and other defenders in the area. This is what I'm saying when I tell you to stop the bullshit. You don't have anything resembling the competency to make up a believable lie.
    Here again you show your idiocy. Did Keyshawn suddenly become slow last season? Did we not know that he was slow when we signed him? You pretend like we thought he would be able to stretch coverage and we were shocked to realize that he can't. The Panthers would have to be more stupid than you are to have been under that misapprehension. No, Keyshawn was brought in to fill precisely the role that he did, to give Jake a target for first downs when defenses attempt to take Steve away.
    Moose is slow as molasses as well, genius. He was good at deep balls not because he had anything resembling speed, but because he is skilled at going up for the jump ball. That's why most of his downfield catches are on posts and deep ins rather than streaks.
    And we're way fucking under it with no players to spend it on. You made yourself look like an absolute fool when you suggested that cutting Keyshawn somehow allowed us to keep Jenkins. We could have easily kept both, as everyone knows. You're only making yourself look like the idiot you are by continuing to argue this line of nonsense. Seriously, people who really don't know that much already see at least this statement as utterly fucking ridiculous. No one is buying it, so stop selling.
    It very, very clearly wasn't about the salary cap. Absolutely anyone with the most basic of knowledge could see that, because we already had room. You flat out said something stupid and now you're not man enough to admit that.
    Again, make your lies believable. You're acting like I'm "some guy" because I rightfully thrashed you as a know-nothing donkey dick licker. Everyone here is well aware that I know my shit, just as they now know that you don't.
    I don't post much anymore precisely because I'm too fucking tired from work to get online unless something like Keyshawn's release or your dumbass motivates me to do so. Don't pretend that my knowledge is somehow just about me spending more time than you. It's about me being fundamentally gifted intellectually and you having the mental capacity of a monkey in a meat grinder.
    And "good" ones don't. Antonio Gates and Tony Gonzalez are great TEs and such rarities that they actually produce numbers akin to #1 receivers, much less #2 WRs. Kellen Winslow also had some big stats this past year, in no small part because Cleveland split him out with regularity and he's arguably more of a WR than TE anyway. Unfortunately you completely missed the point, which is that a good pass receiving TE is not involved in a team's offense nearly as much as a good #2 receiver like Keyshawn. They're not thrown to as much, they don't run the same routes, and they don't have the same effect on opposing defenses.
    It isn't remotely accurate, and it's beyond annoying that instead of admitting your stupid mistake, you instead pretend that an obviously ridiculous idea somehow has validity.
    Keyshawn and Moose filled pretty much the same exact role with almost exactly the same level of production, but you want to pretend that Muhammad was important to our offense while Keyshawn wasn't. You also want to pretend that we somehow didn't realize that KJ was slow and couldn't stretch defenses. You pretend these things because you don't have enough knowledge to craft anything resembling reasonable statements. You're an idiot, and therefore idiotic things are the best you can muster.
    No, the crux of our disagreement is that you're a bumbling retard. I don't have a problem with someone not liking Keyshawn or hoping that we can fill his void. Maybe we can with the guys we have, although that seems highly unlikely. My problem is with you saying absolutely dumb shit that is either an outright lie or so stupid as to injure the brain matter of fully functioning adults. When someone says something idiotic, it needs to be corrected. That goes for when you disagree with me or when you agree with what I'm saying. In either case, it's the idiocy of the statement that is offensive, not which side of the fence you're on.
    I don't have the first clue who you are, and to my recollection I didn't fight with anyone in the chat this past weekend aside from one brief exchange with magnus. I'd probably need to care in order to single you out. You just happened to be the biggest moron in the room at this particular moment, and the sheer stupidity of your comments really rubbed me the wrong way. I do not appreciate when people make up nonsensical lies or make utterly retarded comments because doing so devalues the contributions of people who actually have something worthwhile to say. That may be too complex an idea for you to grasp, but it's simply true that intelligent ideas are dragged down by idiocy if allowed to go unchecked. Personally, I don't like to see that happen.
    Last edited: May 2, 2007
  3. Durden

    Durden Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    May 2, 2003
    Belmont, NC
    and never played 16 games, thus the extrapolation, which I thought I explained... guess I should have used smaller words.

    Fine, they are the same guy. They cut Key cause they hope to go 6-10. No plan for the future other than to shit in your corn flakes.

    The other team rarely doubles Smith, Keyshawn was kicking ass and taking names, Jake just sucked too bad to throw the ball to him, only to Smith (reguardless of the fact that Key was thrown to 128 times this year and Smith 139)

    I said Moose could attach different parts of the field more effectivly than Key, which it sounded like you were agreeing with me and calling me stupid for thinking that all at the same time He kept teams honest.

    So, just a question, do you expect Jenkins to be on the team after this year?

    I said it will save cap room next year and you said he wasn't under contract anyway, which he was... and this is what I am not "man enough" to admit?

    So if I said "great" TE's and then rubbed your face in your ignorance, would you have argued that Gates and Gonzo(who I never mentioned) are "exceptional" TE's and therefore don't count in my :great" argument? You just had made the argument that Key was one of the elite #2's in the league, but I'm supposed to compare him to who a piece of shit TE? Yes, you are right, Key is better than those guys... yippie.

    You are right, I am of course the only fool around here to think that Key's release doesn't spell disaster. Or is that the only one to respond once you start acting like a jackass?
  4. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2005
  5. The Brain

    The Brain Defiler of Cornflakes

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Over There ---->
    Just been wondering... could JR have anything to do with all this? It could be possible that JR wasn't happy with Keyshawn as a "team player" and due to that asked Fox and Hurney to look for replacements.
  6. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    Sure, 'cause Jake = Dan Marino. Yeah -- I'll buy that.
  7. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    I wouldn't doubt it. And seeing as how his signature is the one on the checks, he gets to make that call.
  8. monstercat

    monstercat Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Apr 5, 2006
    Bottom line...losing Key is not something to cry over. The Panthers got to the NFCCG without him just 2 years ago.

    We've got some good young players in the draft and a new OC. What's not to like?
  9. Black&Blue

    Black&Blue NKW

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2005
    On one hand, I'm happy that we didn't spend a shit ton of money on average players, as so many teams have done this offseason. That will help us in the long run. I wasn't impressed with this year's FA class, and it's amazing how much money some of these guys are getting.

    On the other hand, it's frustrating as hell that we can't even sign a guy like Doug Jolley or Hamlin to fill obvious needs.
  10. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    i do think that there's going to be a LOT of running the ball.

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