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Keyshawn dropped

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by verytastyfish, May 1, 2007.

  1. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    I was stunned when I heard the news yesterday. I believe that it was a question of restoring team chemistry. After watching highlight reels of the '03 team, I realized we haven't had that level of chemistry since. We sure as hell didn't have it last year.

    Not that I'm laying that at Key's feet. I don't know if he was partially to blame or not. But I don't think he helped much, either.

    We will sorely miss his production, especially -- God forbid -- if Smitty goes down for any length of time.

    Off the top of my head, here's what I see for our offense this year:

    We're going to run the crap out of the ball. I mean like we've never run it before. '03 and then some.

    Our WR set is going to be Smitty and a rotation of whoever else is active. There will not be a starting #2 for at least the first 4 games, and maybe the first 8. That is, when we do have multiple receivers on the field. I think the base formation is going to be either a straight up or offset I with 2 TEs. Gaines and King will start, with Rosario filling in for either and spelling Hoover from time to time in single back formation (going in motion to clear outside running lanes like Mangum used to).

    Put me down as the 2nd or 3rd guy on this board to predict that Dwayne Jarrett will be a bust.
  2. Guest

    Guest Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Offense is not 95% the same.

    OL atleast 2 members
    RB questionable who the starter will be
    QB not really sure either at this point.

    WR#1 Smith
    Wahle maybe new position
    Mr. 69 maybe new position
    rest of the OL was plug and play all of last year.
    FB Hoover

    Did I mention completely new offense scheme and plan?

    I'd call that rebuilding like a MFer
  3. CelticCat


    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2006
    I hope not. I was really thrilled with that pick (my future BIL wanted the other Steve Smith real bad, been talking about it all year). Honeslty, i believe i even mentioned taking him at 16 a month or two ago (value pick or not). I dont think its fare to lump Jarrett in with Mike Williams, remember, he took a whole year off.

    As far as the Houston game goes, i didnt see it either, but it was the first game of the season and apparently Jarrett was injured or just came off one. But Houston IS that type of corner, so yeah getting off the jam is something he'll have to work on. But he tore Leon Hall a new asshole in the Rose Bowl, 200 yards and 2 TDs.

    I just dont see this as a prudent move letting Key go now. He did beat to his own drum, doing radio shows and stuff and probably became more of a Panther spokesman than they wanted. But he did behave, at least on the outside, i have heard him defend Smitty multiple times. I also think Sorensons piece was below the belt, and to be honest full of shit.

    And while i like Carter too i think were taking an awefull big gamble forcing either him or Jarrett into the number 2 role right away.
  4. The Brain

    The Brain Defiler of Cornflakes

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    Over There ---->
    New offensive scheme also doesn't imply rebuilding. A new offensive scheme can be based totally off of personnel.
  5. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    That was not my intent. I believe Jarrett will be a bust regardless of Mike Williams' disappointing career to date. I don't like Jarrett's attitude. I don't think he's mentally exceptional, and as Collin pointed out, rookie WRs rarely reach anything close to their potential until around year 3. I doubt his work ethic, and I doubt his heart. I don't think he wants to be here, and I think he's going to be a head case from day one. And all of that has nothing to do with Williams.
  6. The Cat

    The Cat Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 15, 2003
    How well do you know Jarrett? Because I hope you aren't judging him on what you have read from some writer trying to sell papers. I'm sure Jarrett will take three years to reach his potential if he is on the bench watching Keyshawn. If he is starting, no that's not necessarily so.
  7. CelticCat


    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2006
    I apologise for assuming you were making comparisons to Mike, but thats what all the pundits are saying in reguards to Jarrett. Labeling him and Mike as one. I'll admit he didnt sound the brightest in his first interview and im sure your personal knowledge of the kid is probably better considering you're on the WC. But i dont believe he's ever been suspended for conduct detrimental to the team or anything that bad. People say he's a me first kinda guy and he probably is, lots of WRs are, good ones too. Maybe its one of the reasons they got rid of Key. Maybe he's not the mentor they were looking for (if any at all). I agree depending on Jarrett to start #2 is immensely risky considering the history of rookie WR's. But im not gonna hold that against Jarrett, thats on Fox or whoever made the Key call.
  8. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    This pic tells me a lot. Does that look like the face of a man who's excited to be newly hired by an NFL franchise? Who's excited to be a part of a new team? Who's passionate about getting signed and getting to camp?

    He's gotten good advice from people he should've listened to, and ignored it because of his own inflated ego. If that translates to a chip on his shoulder, fine. I don't think it will. When I look at him, I see an overwhelming sense of entitlement. I see a guy who very possibly will hold out. I see a guy who will not put in the work needed to reach his maximum potential.

    No, I don't know him. I'm just going on what I see, and what I hear (and HAVEN'T heard) from him.

    I hope I'm wrong. I really do.

    Attached Files:

  9. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    No worries, Celt. I know that's the popular comparison, but that just wasn't where I was coming from. Should've made that clear from the start, so that's on me. :smile:

    Actually, I don't follow USC football that much, and mainly because of this superior attitude that just seems to ooze from that whole university. Funny, though, I don't see that in Ryan Kalil, but he's the only one I've seen in years who doesn't have it.

    That doesn't surprise me. I'm not saying he isn't good -- obviously he's good enough to be a big fish in a rather large sized pond. But as we all know, the NFL is very different from D1. I doubt he's ever faced a corner as good as Ken Lucas in his life, or taken a shot as hard as Minter can still lay down, and that's just going to be in practice. (On a side note, I'm looking forward to hearing about the matchups between Jarrett and Marshall in camp, seeing as how they were matched up in the FSU/USC game a couple of years ago.)

    But if he brings this "the league owes me stardom" attitude into camp and finds out the hard way he's not as good as he thinks he is, he'll have a choice to make -- either find a new gear in his work ethic, or fold. I haven't seen anything yet to make me believe he will choose the former.
  10. hasbeen99

    hasbeen99 Fighting the stereotype

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Clovis, CA
    On a side note, I've noticed that this pic has suddenly dropped off the face of the internet. I spent about 30 minutes scouring every site I could google or think of to find it, and couldn't. I saved it from Magnus' earlier posting. Funny thing about that...

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