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I've had an offer for my PSL's!

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by PantherPaul, Apr 7, 2002.

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  1. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    Yes they do Larry, yes they do.
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    yeah, I mean business and money are things that I can't mess with when it comes to someone I don't know, but Paul, if you're not keeping the PSL you damn well better be buying seats off someone per game.
  3. chipshot

    chipshot Full Access Member

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    Feb 6, 2002
    Isnt it alot cheaper to just buy them in the lot before the game?
  4. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    May be, but you're not guaranteed YOUR seat for every game. And if the 80% of the crowd that is just there to wine and cheese and network ever decide to come back (once we start winning or we get new uniforms or do something else to become "fashionable" again) you won't be able to get in without a PSL.
  5. mathmajors

    mathmajors Roll Wave

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    Jan 8, 2003
    We'll never sell ours unless to improve our seats. They aren't always going to have good years, so why jump the gun?

    I'll keep you in mind if we can't make to games, Mark.
  6. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest


    Well, let me give you a few of the reasons why I am considering selling. I work for Duke Energy and work away from home alot during the spring and fall. I get a whopping 1 day off a week and work 12 hour days. Thats 72 hours away from wife of 18 years and daughter of 12. I purposely take another day other than Sunday so I can spend it with them solely. I drive back from Clemson after working that 12 hours on nights, slip in maybe 4 hours of sleep and then go to the game, cheer my lungs out and then drive back to Clemson to work by 6pm. If this doesn't qualify me as a loyal Panther fan then I don't know what. I have eaten 3 tickets in what 7 years due to circumstances beyond my control. I try to sell/give the tickets away when I couldn't go. Last year I couldn't give them away. I would like to think there should be more fans like me. If because I can afford to buy the tickets but choose not to because of my job situation and beating myself up physically to attend, and more importantly taking time away from my family makes me less of as fan then some of you guys, I would love to hear what makes a "true" fan. Anyone can work a few extra hours in Charlotte to make a few extra bucks to attend the game. I already stated I will be still going to games this year, maybe not all of them but definately 6-8, as well as road games in Atlanta and Tampa. Any of you guys making this committment? Didn't think so. Until you walk in another mans shoes don't pump your chest while desiding what makes you a "better" fan. If I was working/ living in Charlotte 24/7 this would be a moot point. I don't so it is an issue.
  7. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    If you go through all that trouble to go to the games, why are you selling? If you care enough to make such a sacrifice, why are you backing out now? Because your enthusiasm is backing down from a 10 to a 7 doesn't make it any better than the regular Charlottean whose enthusiasm drops from a to a 2. You're still backing out on "your" team. You say you have 3 PSLs and want to spend mroe time with yoru wife and daughter. I'm not a math major here (Math, help me out) but that seems like a pretty easy match.
  8. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    Thanks your youthful ignorance is shining through. It must be real hard to deside where to put your efforts when your whole world is whats swinging between your legs and the sixpack you call your date every weekend. When you grow up and come out in the REAL WORLD where compromises and prioritization is a very real thing you'll understand. If you honestly trying to compare being a math major and trying to juggle a 72 hour work week, family and following your favorite team then you just don't get it. Thoughts like that make me me a little apprehensive when I think about the future of our country. Excuse me for putting my family and own personal health above our beloved Panthers.
  9. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Guest

    Backing out on my team? Hardly, Reread the post, I'll be to most games but when it's a little more feasible and makes sence. When you have made the fiancial committment to MY CAROLINA PANTHERS, followed them on the road as I have in Washington, New Orleans (twice), and Atlanta (every year) come back and talk about backing out on them.
  10. slydevl

    slydevl Asshole for the People!

    Likes Received:
    Feb 6, 2002
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