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I'm sure this has been asked before........

Discussion in 'Technology Forum' started by Insidian, May 22, 2002.

  1. Insidian

    Insidian Guest

    but how the hell do you resize something to use for an avatar? I've tried using Paint, but it changes the format from .jpg to .bmp, and you cant use that format for an avatar. What do I do?

    very frustrated........ :fire:
  2. lex

    lex Guest

    insidian, post the pic here

    and we will resize it for you. i know how but dont know how to explain it.
  3. Insidian

    Insidian Guest

    Re: insidian, post the pic here

    THANK YOU!!!! I hope it works....still frustrated.....
  4. Insidian

    Insidian Guest

    sorry abiut the wild geese there, lex

    or how about this one...I think I like it better....
  5. lex

    lex Guest

    this one first

    how bout this?
  6. lex

    lex Guest

    i had to do this over cuz i forgot to attach

    this one, i had to change the dimensions. am sure someone else can do a better job of resizing this one for ya without changing much of the original pic. but here is what i got:

  7. BigMark

    BigMark Guest

    Re: sorry abiut the wild geese there, lex

    dude, you are a troubled soul.... ;)
  8. mramailman

    mramailman Guest

    Re: Re: sorry abiut the wild geese there, lex

    You cannot imagine how right you are :)
  9. jasper

    jasper Guest

    I've seen those pics before....

    "...prying open my third eye...."
  10. Insidian

    Insidian Guest

    oh yes oh yes oh yes..........I am a very big tool fan...........not so much of the new stuff....but I love the older stuff

    and lex, thanks a bunch.......I owe you one! :D

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