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I'm going to Charlotte.com......who's with me

Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by Y2Buddy, Jul 27, 2002.

  1. LarryD

    LarryD autodidact polymath

    Likes Received:
    Feb 7, 2002
    living the dream
    wait until the season starts and everyone finds out that it's an unmoderated board. then wait until they pull the plug on it. :)
  2. JamesC

    JamesC Guest


    He was an individual that has taken on a number of different peronas throughout the years. While he was a bit of a smart ass, his knowledge of football was (is) decent.

    Enough on this subject.

  3. Canteen Boy

    Canteen Boy Guest

    Maybe you were not around that much in the old days or perhaps you are blocking those ugly memories James.
    Collin made it his calling in life to try to bitch slap and chastise anyone who would do anything below perfection at char.com . . . from tiny grammatical and spelling errors to complete assumption and baseless statements (lack of absolute fact in comments REALLY drove him insane). He considered himself to be some sort of guardian of the absolute truth. He could not accept that he had mere OPINIONS, just like the rest of us. There was no possibility of error in his own mind and no tolerance of error from others. However, when he wasn’t frantically rubbing noses in shit and neurotically defending his every comment as indisputable truth, his own football related offerings were definitely superior to just “decent”. He also loved to point out how superior he was to all of us peons and mere mortals at the slightest provocation. He was one of a kind but I can not imagine that he has ever made any board he frequents “really nice”. As Collin might have said, That’s not accurate or factual . . . you goat sucking moron!
    Now was THAT "really nice"? ;)
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    yep. He was a peach.
  5. SandMan

    SandMan Guest

  6. Y2Buddy

    Y2Buddy Guest

    I was around long enough to know what Colin was, and if you have some attraction to him, then that's your problem. And your right, dig deep enough anywhere and ignorance will show itself. You brought him up. There are other threads here on the subject, and I suppose your crafty enough to find them. I don't need to comment further, I damn sure don't need to be told not too though.

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