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I have a question

Discussion in 'Religion & Spirituality Forum' started by genesis, Aug 25, 2009.

  1. BigVito

    BigVito Splitting Headache

    Likes Received:
    Jun 4, 2003
    Left of Center
    You are free to challenge Tharan's assertion that believers are weak. I think we'd all be interested to read that defense just the same that others are welcome to challenge 84niner's assertion that atheists are carriers of Satanic spirits. Both are generalized comments, while potentially inflamatory, are not directed as insults at a specific poster.

    We'd also be appreciative if you did it under a screen name that wasn't created to insult and antagonize another poster on this board.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  2. Superfluous_Nut

    Superfluous_Nut pastor of muppets

    Likes Received:
    Jan 8, 2003
    los angeles
    i've posted similar questions in the past. it seems to me that if you take a religion (i'll use christianity because it's the most familiar) and look at who believes it, the only people you'll find are people who were "told the good news". you simply don't find people in the jungle who have "the word" unless somebody gave it to them.

    religions all spread from single points. they don't spontaneously erupt in multiple locations. explorers landing in the new world didn't run into any christians or muslims or jews or hindus or budhists.

    the problem with your question, tho, is that it's hard to imagine the "what if" scenario. okay, i have no preconceived notions of religion. what about my notions of how nature works?

    i think the main reason religions tend to have similar themes is that there are some basic truths to being human (for example, being good is generally beneficial to survival of a social species) and that without empirical evidence to the contrary, there's no reason to adjust traditional stories (so ideas of the soul and afterlife would tend to remain traditional).

    i think with the lack of any reason to believe or disbelieve, you'd probably end up building a religious philosophy based on the events that transpire around you. it would probably start out largely superstitious -- connecting unrelated events just because they were noteworthy and happened to occur around the same time. mostly, the religion would be about what not to do so as to avoid bad things. depending on what exactly it is you're not supposed to do and what might come about, you could probably rationalize some explanation for why the two are connected.

    consoling people who experience the loss of a loved one, you'd probably attempt to reassure them that those people aren't truly gone from the universe but have simply gone someplace nicer and are waiting for you to join them later.
  3. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC
    genesis--I look at this forum often and but have mostly decided to stay off of it. Your question, however, is a great one; however, I don't know that it can truly be answered, because our lives, people we are, and the things we believe all come from our experiences.

    I'll tell you my belief, though, knowing it will be ridiculed by those who want to analyze and prove everything. That's fine. True faith in God as Father and Jesus as Son and Saviour will be proven--possibly in our lifetime, probably not. When you accept Jesus as the Son of God and know that He came and died so that you can live forever with God, you will know. It may be an "Ah, hah"! moment; it may not be. Sometimes it's process--studying and praying and listening--as God reveals Himself to you over time. Sometimes it is an actual "revelation" as your eyes are opened to Him.

    I was raised in a Christian home: Sunday school, Sunday worship, Youth Fellowship, the whole works. It was a way of life that I never thought to question. However, as I grew up and came into contact with other people, religions, etc., I began to question my faith. The how, and why, and the logistics of things gave me pause. So, I began to really study and learn and see so many of the correlations of the Old Testament of the Bible and the New Testament, and God truly continues to reveal things to me. There is no doubt, repeat NO DOUBT, in my mind of who God is, who Jesus is, and what is in store for my soul when I leave this earth. What I do not understand is what happens to the souls of those who do not accept Jesus. I'm not sure about all the fire and brimstone stuff. I know that eternal death will be total separation from God, but I don't really understand what that will entail.

    For those out in the jungle, etc. who have never been brought the message, I think they will have a chance to accept Jesus somehow before they are judged. Still hazy on that one, too. But I do believe that God is merciful and does not condemn people through no fault of their own, such as all people who have never been taught the Word. It is the job of the Christian to get that Word out in any way possible. I think we are all missonaries to some degree--to try to touch people in some way to spread God's love. I don't think beating people over the head with it is effective--quite the opposite.

    The people that I worry about are those who have been told about Jesus but choose not to accept Him. Jesus sacrificed Himself for everybody. We didn't have to do anything for that sacrifice; all we have to do is accept it. Think of it this was: When someone gives you a beautifully wrapped gift, it's yours. But if you don't reach out and accept it and claim it, it can lie on a table unopened forever. It'll always be there for you, but you have to accept it and open it before it can give you any real benefit.

    This may sound like a lot of rambling, but I hope not. I am just speaking from my heart to try to answer you. Probably didn't succeed, but, ....

    I hope you can find your answer. Pray for it. Also--feel free to PM me.
  4. Ignatowski

    Ignatowski Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    if it hasn't been proven yet, what makes you think it ever will be? It will take a lot more than anecdotes and quoting the bible to convince me.
  5. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC

    I guess that's why it's called Faith, darlin'.
  6. Ignatowski

    Ignatowski Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    That's fine, darlin'. What would you accept as proof?
  7. Golden Hammer

    Golden Hammer South Pole Elf

    Likes Received:
    Feb 27, 2005

    {cue Tharan000}
  8. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC
    I don't need proof.

    "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don't believe, no proof is possible."--Stuart Chase
  9. Ignatowski

    Ignatowski Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    see thats not true....if there was proof I would certainly have to question my stance...since i have yet to see any compelling evidence, I have to believe there is no all powerful, all knowing creator god.
  10. Scrappy

    Scrappy Conservative

    Likes Received:
    Jul 13, 2009
    Rowan County, NC
    Sooo...you think nothing orchestrated the creation of every being? That it all just...happened? That there is nothing above man?

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