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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Shut the fuck up.

    Shut the fuck up.
  2. King o' Farts

    King o' Farts Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Feb 28, 2010

    Shut the fuck up.
  3. Purrsy

    Purrsy Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Sep 16, 2007
    Lol, expected, as you're the only other poster in the history of man to spend as much time on a message board. Carry on with that, and have a marvelous time.
  4. Art Vandelay

    Art Vandelay Bolt Up

    Likes Received:
    Jan 9, 2003
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I actually don't pick fights that often. People like Ted Striker start shit with me just as SandMan always started shit with you. Regardless, you're missing the point. You continuously insist that you don't like these arguments and that I'm the cause, yet here is a clear example of you being at fault.

    This is such B.S. Some people have left because of me and some people have left because of you, but no one who mattered. Hasbeen didn't stop posting because of me or you. Neither did Piper. The people who contributed here once upon a time but moved on didn't do so because of any individual. They moved on because that's what people do on the internet.

    Hurney spoke about the way he approaches the draft in general, not just that one year. He stated that he prefers to go in being flexible and reacting to what opportunities are open. That's actually a reasonable approach, but it's inconvenient for you because you said something dumb and want to pretend that he has a long-term plan when the evidence is clearly against that. Again, you have complained repeatedly about how Hurney drafts WRs year after year. We've also covered that he drafted other positions repeatedly in short succession. The guy clearly doesn't have a long-term plan or vision for the team.

    More like 15 minutes, but I tried to get you to drop this mostly because I'm sick of dealing with you. I am guilty of being abusive and condescending, but I've always admitted when I'm wrong and can actually joke about it afterwards. Meanwhile when you say something dumb you will argue about it endlessly and never admit to your mistake even after years of undeniable evidence proving you wrong. It's annoying and pointless.
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    It's funny how you bring up homosexual stuff in the majority of your posts. That's why people make fun of it and your prison time, dude. You're obsessed with homosexuality.
  7. CelticCat


    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2006
    This thread is borderline retarded.

    If you dont think Martys long term vision is to win a SB you need to quit supporting the Panthers now.

    Most teams draft for need more than ever these days. Look around the NFL, teams have/give less and less time to develop players. Its very much a what have you done lately league. 1st and 2nd rounders are expected to be immediate starters in most cases, half the rest dont make the squad by year 2. The evolution of the QB position is a prime example, rookies are thrust into starting positions before they should be. The Aaron Rodgers, sitting behind a HOF player for 3 years are very rare situations.

    How you go about building a team involves so many variables, player injuries, player form, player contracts, player desire and dedication.
    How long is a long term plan with all the coaching changes that happen every year? Even players that work out and excell you have to readdress and comit/overcomit to, 3/4 years later. Or like the Steelers you let go and redraft that position. Every team really is unique with its own set of similar problems.

    I dont think Marty plans on drafting shitty WR's. Had we hit on a Colbert or Jarrett we could have addressed other positions. But lets not pretend that Marty is the sole decision maker in making these decisions. You dont think Foxy had any say in who we drafted? Or Rivera today? You dont think the drafting of an Everette Brown had anything to do with Meeks and the comparisons to a Mr Freeney?
  8. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    seriously. I mean, maybe less now because people barely talk. So fair enough.
    But, FWIW, it's awesome that you do pick fights fairly regularly, and clearly can't stand it happening to you. Do keep in mind that I was responding to B&B, and I wasn't picking a fight with him. So, yes, I'm at fault of talking about Marty Hurney, and laughing when you passive-agressively responded with your teenage emoting.

    you don't determine who's worthy. I can think of more examples than two, the above, where you were directly telling people to leave. Revisionist history is awesome. But at least you're recently consistent.

    No, not really. He was answering a question about that draft. I don't think it's a shock that he's a BPA guy, and no that's not unreasonable, but it doesn't mean "no plan." Clearly they knew who they wanted in 2011, just like what they wanted in 02. That doesn't mean be inflexible. Keep in mind I'm not even saying he does a good job some of the time, or anything that might actually get you riled up like Gantt. I'm just arguing that you might hate his plan, but there inevitably is one.

    oh, no, definitely more than 15 mins from what it seems. But, again, you aren't required to respond if it upsets you. Nor dig through 50,000 posts trying to find a mention that Peppers upped his bench 2 reps. Either way, it seems realistic to say I wanted to discuss this, and you didn't.
  9. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Which is why so many teams stay in the shitter.

    In case you haven't noticed, we've never had consecutive winning seasons. We've made the playoffs three times in Hurney's ten seasons. We've won eight games in two years. We've not made the playoffs in four years, which is about the average career span of an NFL player. We're 79-81 under Hurney. The "plan" isn't fucking working.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2012
  10. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    there's always been a coordinated effort with the coach. Clearly that broke down in 2010, and (thanks to press) we didn't know until after the fact. Probably partially to blame for being such a shitty draft (and man, it was).

    I'll say, drafting three shitty WR over the span of three years is different than what we're doing more recently (5 total WR over 3). I might not like it, but they do want competition (and this offense actually uses WRs). I might not like like our DT situation, even if I like who we do have (it's massively incomplete and somewhat under-developed), but I can understand that 2 3rds are guys they want to develop anyway.

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