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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    Grunt great Kate
  2. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC
    You have the audacity to have a life offline in the midst of Collins epic win(fail)? Really? And i suppose youre gonna get laid too? Way to lose an argument magnus.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Actually you do pretend that a lot.

    I didn't parrot anything. What I said in 2007 was that I would like Hurney removed from the decision-making process entirely. I'm fine with him serving the franchise in a different capacity as long as he's no longer involved with the draft or deciding who gets contracts and for how much.

    It's not a paraphrase either. You're still making excuses because you can't be honest that you completely made up a fake quote and pretended like I had said it. The fake quote you made up shared no resemblance whatsoever with anything I had actually posted. Also, in the future I would recommend only putting quotation marks around an actual quote. Doing otherwise makes you look really dishonest.

    They were already on the team. When I say "free agent acquisitions" I'm clearly talking about players who weren't already on the Panthers. Again, Carolina had the second most cap space of any team heading into the 2010 off-season and the most expensive guy they added was Olindo Mare. That's a massive failure.

    Re-signing a roster isn't a long-term plan, as it's something any automated system can do. A long-term plan would necessitate a vision for how different players fit together. A long-term plan wouldn't involve repeatedly drafting the same positions and spending huge amounts of money duplicating guys already on the roster.

    You seem totally oblivious to how often your own words describe yourself. B&B posted a link of Hurney talking about how he didn't have a concrete plan and you brushed it off.

    I've repeatedly quoted you as saying that you believed JR was behind trading for Armanti Edwards, so why are you pretending that you've never said he was behind trading picks? And don't put conditions on admitting your mistakes, just act like a man and acknowledge them. You claimed to have said "many times" something you actually had not said before that. It's fine for you change your opinion and now say that JR wasn't involved with trading picks and that was all Hurney, but acknowledge that it is a change instead of pretending that you had said that all along when you absolutely did not.

    Hah, this again. You're the one who has been angry, defensive, and hysterical. I'm not angry at all. Honestly, not even a little bit. I'm exasperated that after all this time you still can't admit any mistakes, and I'm disappointed that someone with your knowledge and intellect is so severely handicapped. But when Hurney does stupid things that hurt the franchise, yes that makes me angry.

    What? I've proven you wrong at every turn. I provided examples of Hurney having no plan while you have never explained how continuously drafting the same positions and making two different running backs among the highest paid players in the league at their position constitutes any sort of long-term plan. Why was no replacement for Delhomme ever groomed? Why did they allow Peppers to walk for nothing and wait to panic-trade for Everette Brown once they knew he would be leaving? Why haven't they addressed CB or DT? Why did they draft a MLB when Beason just received a long-term extension? These moves are all indicative of the absence of a long-term plan. Hurney just reacts in the moment because he has no clue what he's doing.

    Why do you pretend like I'm alone in my opinion when you're actually the one who is alone? Again, udontknowme is a fan of a completely different team and here's what he said:

  4. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Exactly. When magnus gets backed into a corner and feels like he's being proven wrong, he says the most ridiculous things. "We've put plenty into CB." lol
  5. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    No, there isn't a long-term plan at all. There's Hurney reacting to immediate events in contradictory ways because he doesn't know what he's doing.

    No, most of us thought that Stewart was getting traded, especially after they signed Tolbert. Spending that much money on three backs is so idiotic that no team in NFL history has ever done it. And again, automatically re-signing every player on the team is something a computer could do. That doesn't constitute a long-term plan or vision. A long-term plan or vision means having an idea of how players fit together and making moves that complement instead of contradict each other. Making Stewart one of the highest paid running backs after already making DeAngelo Williams one of the highest paid running backs is a contradictory move.

    The point was more that there was no plan for the QB position all along. Hurney ignored it and ignored it and ignored it until he came across Clausen, who was forced into the lineup prematurely because there was no plan of development in place. And then when Clausen predictably failed, Hurney again reacted in the moment to grab a replacement.

    Kuechly is a middle linebacker. Hopefully he's talented enough to continue playing out of position, but that's where we all know he should be playing, and it's where every draft analysis said he would be playing. Also, the team already had James Anderson under contract for years to come, as he's been a productive player the last two seasons, and the Panthers have some competent depth behind them. Throw in Thomas Davis needing to be on the team because Hurney gave him a bunch of money and LB wasn't a "need." For all I know, Kuechly might have been the second best MLB in the league behind Willis, but instead he's playing out of position when the team already has other expensive LBs on the roster and the NFL has already become a place where nickel and dime defenses are so common that it's questionable to make such a huge financial investment in 3+ linebackers.

    That's not a plan. That's throwing a bunch of crap at the wall and hoping that something sticks.

    You do know what to say. You know to say that Hurney has no clue what he's doing, and that because he keeps spending picks and money duplicating the same positions on the roster over and over again, he doesn't have enough left over to address other positions.

    I said that Mare was the biggest free agent acquisition during the off-season when Carolina started second in cap space. That's true, and it's horrifying. How can anyone pretend that Hurney has a plan when so many areas of the roster are crying out for attention, but he decides to cut Kasay (without informing him) and spend a shitload of money on Olindo Mare? What kind of plan is that? You seem to be confused into thinking that any series of moves constitutes a plan, but that's ridiculous. A monkey moving pieces around on a chess board isn't executing the Nimzo-Indian Defence, he's just making moves.
  6. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Nice finish, although I worry a little about too much feel-good bullshit for preseason games.
  8. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    We've put plenty into CB, just not anybody who can cover.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Hurney has drafted more safeties than corners in recent years.
  10. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    I was hoping Ness would make the team. I had a near infinite amount of Untouchables puns lined up.

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