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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I didn't say that I regret it. Again, you are an insulting asshole to people as well, but unlike me, you can't admit the truth of your behavior.

    Everyone can see your words. You're the one pretending they mean something other than what the English language says they do. Again, you're the one who had to fake quotes and lie to try to keep this argument going. I've quoted you accurately and repeatedly, using your own words to prove you wrong at every turn.

    This game again? Come on. No, I haven't whined at all. You use words like "whine" every time you go in this hysterical chick behavior. You've lost control of your emotions and are incredibly defensive.

    It isn't remotely close, but you have to lie to pretend otherwise.

    The moves making absolutely no sense together is what shows there is no plan. Again, you're the only person arguing that Hurney has some kind of long-term plan while many people have argued the opposite.

    It's annoying when you're terrified that you're badly losing an argument and rely on rhetorical tricks. Again, the Carolina Panthers had the second most cap space of anyone going into the 2011 off-season. Their big free agent acquisition was Olindo Mare.

    Actually B&B already quoted Hurney as saying that he likes to be flexible.

    Is this your way of admitting that you lied when you posted on page 19: "You bring up trading picks when I clearly have said many times that JR has nothing to do with that"?
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    = no long-term plan

    Meanwhile magnus has given zero explanation or evidence of supposed long-term plan he sees. He just had to quibble with B&B's reasonable and accurate statement, and as a result he's gotten thrashed yet again.
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I've never said I never insulted people. I always said you take it too far. Suddenly that's not the case, when presented with it.

    You quoted me accurately when you felt it bettered you. I posted that not only the move for Hurney would be a promotion, but that I posted it in 03 and you parroted it in 07. Did you discuss that? No. Instead, you tell me I'm lying and you tell me what I really mean.

    It's a paraphrase. Note again that you're not arguing the real point, you're arguing something I conceded.

    The moves making absolutely no sense together is what shows there is no plan. Again, you're the only person arguing that Hurney has some kind of long-term plan while many people have argued the opposite.

    you mean like using words like "annoying", "pretend", "badly losing"? You don't have the emotional high ground. You never have. That's why you lash out at people.

    Oh, Charles Johnson and Deangelo Williams weren't free agents again.

    But, yes. The team definitely chose to keep their own guys. Clearly it's what they wanted to do, and yeah, it shows a plan. A plan they've stayed with for years now, where they've paid guys they know and chosen not to spend on guys outside this team, excepting last year's TEs and some other roleplayers, since 2008. It seems unreasonable to say "build through the draft and re-sign from within" is not a plan at all, but nothing about this is 'reasonable'.

    about trading, when saying he'd be willing to trade a pick. And when talking about the future, he said he had a plan. I can quote him and it doesn't even matter to you.

    It's admitting that I didn't look and don't really care.
    I tell you what - I'll admit I didn't say it (I have no idea at this point) if you admit I never said JR traded picks. Which is the point you've been sidestepping for days. You attribute various things to me that I never actually said, tell me I don't mean what I really do.

    It's down to where you just post the same nonsense over and over again. It's clear you get angry in these arguments, and about Hurney. You can't actually argue with what I'm saying, or with what he says, or JR says. Maybe you should take a step back for a while, actually read through a post before automatically coming up with some pissy reason as to why reality isn't what it is, because you don't like it. Clearly, you have no actual worry for "truth" and only for yourself, because truth only suits you when it's useful to you. Otherwise, you'd have not just ignored everything to do with this actual argument. Instead, you're angrily shouting "OMGZ PAGE 19!!! OMGZ LOOGIT ME I'M WINNING BECAUSE I TOLD YOU!!!111". So much so, that you didn't even mention Jerry Richardson, and in typical fashion, spent more time talking about me than anything else.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2012
  5. CelticCat


    Likes Received:
    Mar 2, 2006

    There is a long term plan evident. Just not one you agree with.

    They obviously wanted 2 top RB's in house. Stu was not a glaring need at the time he was drafted. They also extended both guys. Something we all pretty much knew was going to happen. You may not like the plan but it was one they've been preaching for some time, building thru the draft and signing your own.

    You do not pass up Newton with the #1 overall because you took a chance on a guy in round 2 that obviously was not working out as expected. That is just retarded.

    I know LK played MLB at Boston but they obviously have other ideas for Luke other than MLB. We have consistently been fragile at LB for a few years now. He offers quality cover at all 3 spots should everyone in the plan return healthy

    Drafting 5 WR's shows that they admit the need for decent partners for Smitty. Soon even he will need a permanent replacement. The failure to hit on those picks is another matter entirely.

    Dont know what to say about DT and CR to be honest. We all know the glaring needs at those positions. The excuse was 2 3rds were invested last year and Ron Edwards. We got a 4th, 5th and a 7th invested in our CR's after Gamble. Cant say i like it but we also have 2 2nds (was Martin a 2 or a 3?) at safety. Maybe this is where trading away future picks really hurt us. There hasnt really been alot of talent to hit the DT market either. Mebane resigned in Seattle.

    Cant argue with the Delhomme and Peppers situations. Nobody was particularly happy with those situations mind you. Another case of Marty giving a large contract to a guy with serious injury concerns (jakes Tommy John). But that might have been more to do with JR and our past history at the QB position. We did make the playoffs tho no matter how horribly it ended.

    Now you know we signed more FAs than Mare, again the plan, drafting and signing our own. I know you dont like it but its a plan they've been using for some time now. Olson and Shockey were bigger additions too.
  6. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    We've put plenty into CB, just not high picks. Even at WR, where I don't like what we've done, at least most of them also were specialists. So the only truly duplicated was Edwards, who needs replaced.

    We'll be at the beach for a couple of days. This can die or Collin can seethe right up until I get back, either way.

  7. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
  8. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
  9. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
  10. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011

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