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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    I'm told this never actually happened (I think).
  2. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    It's your statement, so either you're lying and don't know what "everyone" thinks, or you've got some proof.

    And no, I don't pretend that "everything" is your fault, but you continually take everything to a personal level that's more or less unnecessary because you can't contain your feelings. When have I ever said that I don't argue? That would be stupid, and clearly, you wouldn't possibly suggest that, would you?

    To you, because you're obsessed, and it's easier to dig at me personally (I must have some major flaw that 'proves' you're somehow better than me, that you happen to accuse plenty of people of having). I don't care if you didn't like something I said a decade ago. You hold onto that baggage, though. Drag it around for the rest of your life if you want.

    Doesn't surprise me you can't be honest about that, and no reason to see if you'll be honest about knowing that quote before you said that about the weight room, either.

    And I told you I have six pages. I don't really care if I said something on pages that I don't have, but I didn't realize I needed to clarify things that didn't exist. Did I need to state something that hadn't come up, on page 1 for sake of posterity? Because I said JR has more say than you do, I had to clarify on every single personnel move whether I felt he had a hand? that's thorough, I guess.

    I'd say that if you asked them if they were happy about it, they'd decline. Granted, I don't speak for them and unlike you, I don't pretend to speak for "everyone".

    In this, you're right (I can NEVER ADMIT MISTAKES EVERYBODY OMGZ). You said, "I can't stop? lol", which is very similar, but not exact. The intent is still clear, it's the idea that somehow it's my "fault" it didn't stop because I didn't abide by your passive-aggressive *sigh* *pout* nonsense and that was just supposed to be the end of it. I determine when I'm done. You don't. But yes, between *sigh* and the very definition of trolling you're admitting in doing it,

    Live up to my words that I'd stop? Where did I say I was going to? Oh - it's that I'm somehow "instigating" an argument when I was talking with someone else, but you made it some massive issue. That I didn't "stop" doesn't mean instigation,

    Yeah that doesn't make me less of a fan.

    No, it appears you're correct. You responded to that. It's still you being emotional, and you're incorrect that having my own opinions makes me a 'lesser' fan, just like you not liking my opinions doesn't make me a liar (nor does misquoting me keep you from being a liar). You did, however, take many posts to

    No one made that up. See, when people have thoughts and ideas of their own, they're called "opinions". Since those are my own words, why are you suggesting otherwise?

    Absolutely not. I've suggested, many times now, that yes, I felt JR wanted Armanti. No, I never said "JR told Hurney to trade", either for Armanti, or for any other So, yes, I'm claiming you're lying because you're telling me my opinion is something it's not.

    Very small portions of what I say, often leaving out the next, somewhat critical sentence. Like the above, where I've quoted my own self saying "Doesn’t mean that JR said “draft more receivers”, “trade away future picks”, or anything like that, either." six posts ago, and referring to it every time since. And yet you have ignored it every time, just completely unwilling to read it, but continually bring up what you tell me I really mean.

    For you to use Denny's to suggest loyalty is appropriate. For you to use Denny's to "prove" that JR has loyalty is reasonable. For Denny's to apply to "JR didn't make these moves", there has to be some link between loyalty and him not having the say I'm stating he does.

    All of this triple quote, let's talk about how awful I am nonsense aside, you've yet to show a legitimate reason that these are accepted:
    *JR stated the team would stay together in 09, and they'd start over if that didn't work;
    *that he put that, and Fox' ouster, on the books after the end of 08;
    *that the lockout played a part and he was one of the ones pushing the hardest to end the CBA early as possible
    *that massive contracts were not given out in the lockout year, and there was "a budget" imposed
    *that he was one of the biggest forces in CBA negotiations

    and this isn't even possible:
    *that one of the most active people in lockout negotiations would have an opinion on a massive signing spree directly after it was possible

    which came before the accepted "sorry for calling me cheap?"

    These seem, to me, to be a very linear thought process. One I neither made up nor just decided to talk about two days ago. On the other hand, all of those together, and the next to last being impossible, implausible, or even just somewhat unlikely? I see no reason, Grand Slam Breakfasts included, that it could be that unrealistic.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Oh come on. When you get this shrill and hysterical it's just not even fun anymore. You sound like a chick when you do this kind of rhetorical bullshit.

    I have pretty severe flaws of my own, so it's not about who is "better." It's about you having this enormous handicap of never being able to be honest, and how that affects not only the way you interact with others but also the opinions you post. Surely you can understand how it would be frustrating to watch an otherwise intelligent guy be completely unable to admit to being wrong about someone being a "DE only" after the player spends many seasons playing linebacker. And it's not like that was the only example. There have been many times where you were proven definitively wrong and yet absolutely could not just admit that you made a mistake. As noted, I've made plenty of my own.

    You've always claimed that you don't like these exchanges and that you just want to talk about football. I backed down twice in this thread to give you an opportunity to prove that and both times you choose to instigate more conflict. You proved that you are who I say you are, and not who you claim to be. I'm not mad that you didn't let it go. Quite the opposite, in fact, since I love being proven correct.

    You said "you do realize I didn't just make this up, right?" regarding your assertion that Hurney could be reassigned to a different position and not change what he does, along with your assertion that Hurney is there because he's willing to give most of his power away. That statement indicates that those assertions were either established fact or widely held to be true when neither is the case. So yeah, you made them up.

    It's well-documented that Richardson did not run Denny's or any of his restaurant businesses the way that you claim he runs the Panthers. It is well-documented that he ran them the way I claim he runs the Panthers. That doesn't necessarily preclude the notion that he's running the Panthers in a way he never ran anything before, but it strongly argues otherwise.

    Again, I have never argued that Jerry Richardson is uninvolved, despite you repeatedly making dishonest claims that I had done so. In fact, I've been very clear that I believe JR cares deeply about the team and likes being involved. But his involvement is not in deciding which players get contracts, who to trade for, etc. For whatever bizarre reason, you've tried to pretend that Hurney's mistakes were really instigated by Richardson and Hurney was wrong for following JR's orders.

    I don't think Jerry Richardson told Marty Hurney to give Jake Delhomme a $42.5 million extension with another year on his contract, coming off of the worst performance in NFL playoff history. I don't think Jerry Richardson told Marty to give a $35.5 million extension to Thomas Davis. I don't think Jerry Richardson told Marty to ignore free agents like Mebane and just re-sign guys already on the team. I don't think Jerry Richardson told Marty that he wasn't allowed to trade Peppers for something instead of letting him walk. I don't think Jerry Richardson told Marty to draft Armanti Edwards. I don't think Jerry Richardson told Marty to trade future first round picks (which you started agreeing with as of page 19). There's just no evidence to indicate that JR was the nefarious mastermind behind that impressive succession of blunders, whereas there's plenty of evidence to suggest that Marty Hurney himself is directly responsible for them.

    By the way, regarding your statement: "You bring up trading picks when I clearly have said many times that JR has nothing to do with that." You still haven't provided a link to any post before page 19 of this thread where you said anything of the sort. Since you claim that you said so "many times," I'd like a link to one post saying as much.
  4. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
    Nice finish, although I worry a little about too much feel-good bullshit for preseason games.
  5. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    I miss the rubber room. This tops the counting with pictures thread as most retarded
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    The depth of your willingness to delude yourself and restructure reality to protect you from conscious realizations of your own fallibility suggests that you have been deeply mentally and emotionally damaged by such confrontations in the past. You can no longer deal with your mistakes, so your mind pretends that they don't exist.
  7. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
    You bet.
  8. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Sometimes I like rereading my old posts just to experience how awesome they were.
  9. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
  10. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2012

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