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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. PantherPaul

    PantherPaul Nap Enthusiasts

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Close to the glow
    Enough bitching, time for bed [​IMG]
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    It is weird how the team did pretty well in the first round and yet might be the worst out of anyone in the second round. Bruce Nelson, Keary Colbert, Eric Shelton, Richard Marshall, Dwayne Jarrett, Everette Brown, Sherrod Martin, and Jimmy Clausen. Yikes. Getting Kalil with the other second round pick in 2007 is the only thing keeping it from being a clean sweep of suck.
  3. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    A lot of that has to do with having so many holes that guys have to play.
  4. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    well, for one, I don't think anyone "wins" this, and I'm not in it to "win" it. I want to discuss things, not try to make the other person fooled into anything. You'll have to speak for your own motives, but seems like the ideals of "truth" go away when you want to "win".

    You went as far as to admit "he's often in the building."

    He's not coming up with contract numbers, but it's foolish to say he had no feelings on who to sign. As for trading future first round picks, how many times do I have to re-post my quote that states I don't believe he did that? You piss and moan about "blatant lies" when you just did.

    It's something you've been doing a lot lately. I don't have any particular problem with it, it's just amusing to watch you insist that I'm the one losing control of my emotions when you're the one flipping out and posting a bunch of bizarre things.

    you have constantly had problems with me for a decade, and you admit as such. You come up with silly reasons, but you have the problems with it.

    You also have railed on this subject for years, even unwrapping that you harrassed sports writers about it. You demanded I stop this thread, when I never said I would and you clearly needed it. You couldn't answer four basic questions (OMGZ TRUTH) about 'stopping' after accusing me. You attacked me as a lesser fan and couldn't answer why.

    Maybe you're not angry, but it's much more realistic to suggest so.

    you forget I voluntarily backed off that statement, if not later than most, because you obsess over the wrong things after 12 years.

    He evaluates but he doesn't demand final control. His role is to bring it all together. Of course, you may not understand that, because the idea was never a power grab. And, in my example, a VP for football operations is both higher than a GM and does most of what Marty does.

    See, when you go on about "not being angry", and "truth", and "blatant lies", did I ever say Marty was a secretary? Did I ever say he was not GM? But you put those words in people's mouths, because arguing with what they say is either just uninteresting, or you're unable.

    I'd say that it's my opinion that JR wanted Armanti, but (OMGz truth!!!111) if you notice the next sentence after that quoted two posts ago saying,

    "ome extensions, yes. It's not as if I just fucking said "Doesn’t mean that JR said “draft more receivers”, “trade away future picks”, or anything like that, either" one single post ago. It really doesn't matter what I actually say, you're not arguing with that. You're arguing with things you've determined that, between the various things that incense you about all this, you pretend I say instead."

    Which remains true.

    "can't argue the actual issue" as in, I never mentioned "a specific Denny's" but asked where you said he was hands-off, and then couldn't? You never even gave an example of him deciding not to fire people for the incident, much less whether he was a hands-on or hands-off executive.

    Well, of course not. They exist, but this is in a world where you can go through a decade's worth of posts (too bad there aren't more, huh?), cull out what even vaguely agrees with you, throw out the rest, but you can't go honestly looking for "truth". Just a ploy to win.
  5. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
  6. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
    Nice finish, although I worry a little about too much feel-good bullshit for preseason games.
  7. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Nobody has bought that line for a long, long time. You only argue because you're incapable of ever admitting that you're wrong. Whenever you say something dumb (like Greg Hardy getting to 300 pounds meaning he gave "more effort" than Peppers, or Marty Hurney showing "plenty of times" that he has a long-term plan, and now saying "Hurney is there because he wields just enough power but gives a lot of it away"), then you argue it to the death because you have never in your entire life been able to admit any kind of mistake.

    Show me any post where you said that before page 19 of this thread. Meanwhile I've already busted you on that by pointing out that you have claimed and continue to claim that JR was behind trading the future pick to get Armanti Edwards.

    What? You're the one who lies, not me. I didn't lie about anything.

    I only have problems with you when you're being hypocritical and dishonest. I gave you a job with our fantasy magazine because I respect your knowledge. I also support you when someone argues against you but I believe that you're correct. My problems with you stem from you not being man enough to admit your mistakes. It's frustrating to me that someone with your knowledge and intelligence undermines all that by being dishonest simply because you have to pretend that you're never wrong. Again, the Shawne Merriman example illustrates that perfectly. What kind of person can't admit they were wrong about someone being a "DE only" when that player spends 7+ seasons at linebacker?

    I questioned why the local yokels were unfailingly supportive of Hurney, and I was correct to do so. That's hardly harassment, but this goes back to your dishonesty.

    More dishonesty. I never demanded that you stop. I gave you an opportunity to let the argument die in order to prove that you really don't want these arguments to stop. You did exactly what I expected you to do and sought specifically to keep the conflict going. I exposed your hypocrisy over pretending that you don't like this fighting when you absolutely do. You seek it out.

    More dishonesty, as I pointed out exactly why. You care about defending your positions far more than you care about the team. As I pointed out, that's why you vociferously supported Seifert even when everyone else was calling for his dismissal. You did so because you had been Seifert's main champion and you felt that acknowledging his failure would mean admitting a mistake.

    Yes, you absolutely did. That's exactly what this means: "he could be reassigned and there would be little structural difference in what he does." Saying that Marty Hurney could be changed to another job and it wouldn't significantly affect what he does means that you're explicitly saying that he's not serving as a true general manager. You also made the same argument earlier when you said: "Hurney is there because he wields just enough power but gives a lot of it away."

    So which is it? You're claiming that JR was behind trading a future pick for Armanti, but then claim that I'm lying about accusing you of saying that JR was behind trading future picks. Pick a story and go with it instead of trying to play it both ways.

    Actually I did. I pointed out that he was so resistant to changing the structure at Denny's that he was forced out as CEO. That stuff is all well-documented in the media, magnus. Good luck pretending that I planted stories in the media 20 years ago in anticipation of this argument. You don't like the Denny's information because it makes you look wrong about how JR runs the Panthers, so you need to pretend that the media had that all wrong too.
  8. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    Oh? You took a poll I missed, or are you just lying again?

    whenever I post an opinion you don't like, you pitch a fit. You hold onto things from a decade ago, and you'll hold onto this one too, I'm sure. You'll hold onto it, and hate that you got caught in a lie about Julius being one of the hardest in the weight room when he wasn't in it, but you probably won't bring that one up once an argument for the next decade.

    Which, FWIW, it's tough to suggest you're somehow the unbiased one when you carry around every little thing I said that you don't like, that you constantly have theories about my personality when we disagree, and so on.

    I don't have nineteen pages, but didn't you just, one word above this, say never? And then completely lie to tell me what my opinion really is? Now I did say it, which is progress I guess. You're starting to actually pay attention to what I'm saying. So can you pinpoint where I did say, specifically, that JR told Hurney to trade picks? It'll be easy - I didn't.

    I never said that JR forced Marty to trade future picks. I put that on Marty. I also literally said, three posts ago,
    and I've quoted it every post since. So clearly that's not my stance, so you're a liar. You really don't care about what I'm saying,

    By your measure only. You also just happen to measure a number of people by that, though I can't say I pay as much attention to your every move as you do mine.

    it was your opinion, not a truth, and yes, you harrassed them. I guarantee at least two would still remember you after all this time, after dealing with every asshole who emails them all this time.

    I never said i wanted it to stop, and then you said "I wanted it to stop?" which you clearly did, by trying to stop it twice. It's a little disingenuous to pretend you wanted it to stop to bait someone, which makes you a liar, so fair enough. Either you're a big fat liar, or you can't help yourself. By the way, neither one is 'better'. You didn't have to bait me, I'll talk about football all day. It's you obsessed with being personal, and somehow I'm the one that's supposed to back down when you're bent up about it.

    it also doesn't help that you constantly pull this idea that I'm some constant conspiracy theory, but you couldn't answer four basic questions about 'wanting to stop'.

    Oh, okay. I'lm less of a fan because you don't like my opinions. Awesome. But at least you did acknowledge it, after ten posts of me asking why I'm "less of a fan", which was clearly you just being a hurt little girl about it.

    you do realize I didn't just make this up, right? And yes.

    I'm claiming JR wanted Armanti. You added the rest because you want to make me look foolish, and doing so with my own words isn't sufficient. So you lie, and then get hot in the ass pretending someone else is. Of course some of the things you're posting are lies, because I never said them.

    and yet that's not at all hands-off. You're saying JR is hands-off. And, you have no proof. We agree he's loyal. I didn't need a small portion of a larger company he controlled, to let me know he was loyal. That was clear long ago.

    You're also using the Denny's example to subtly suggest, though it's not what you want to suggest, that JR isn't necessarily incredible at anything he does. Which is something I'd agree with. He's passionate, and that doesn't always work in his favor.

    I'm not pretending the media had anything wrong. I just don't try to stretch something that happened 20 years ago in a completely different scenario to fit what I want it to mean.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    I guess accusing me of lying is your defense mechanism for your own dishonesty. By all means, ask around. It's pretty widely believed that you can't admit any mistake ever, and it's pretty widely believed that you seek out this conflict. It takes two people to argue, magnus. You try to pretend that it's always just my fault, but by definition that can't be true. We're both responsible, but you never take responsibility for your side of it.

    Because it continues to be extremely relevant. You not being able to admit that "I was wrong when I said that Shawne Merriman would be a DE only in the NFL" or any of your many other proven mistakes is what handicaps you not only on this board but throughout your life. You're a knowledgeable and intelligent guy who is constantly held back by your inability to be honest.

    That wasn't a lie at all. Julius was known for being an extremely hard worker in training, he just didn't like to do weight lifting. See, this is where your delusional tendencies come in again. You're the one who has been repeatedly dishonest while I haven't been at all, but you need to pretend that I'm lying because you can't own up to your own behavior. You cannot be honest about or with yourself.

    [​IMG] I said that in response to your claim on page 19. That's the post I was responding to when I said "I've never seen you say that, while I have seen you suggest that JR pushed Marty to trade the future pick for Armanti Edwards." But since you're so keen to bring up the subject of lying, how about you provide some proof that you "have said many times that JR has nothing to do with that." I challenged you to find one post from before page 19 of this thread where you said Richardson had nothing to do with it and you didn't come up with anything. Find a post and show me.

    Just like you're hysterically misusing the word "lying," you're hysterically misusing the word "harassed" here. I Emailed them, and I only responded as long as they conversed. Fowler never responded at all and I never sent any further Emails to him. When you make things up like this you look angry and delusional.

    See, this actually is a lie. You put in quotes that I posted "I wanted it to stop," but if anyone searches for the word "wanted" they can see that I never posted any such thing. You completely made up a supposed quote from me and passed it off as true when no such thing existed. On page 14 I explained that I was "agreeing to disagree" in order to provide you an opportunity to show that you really don't want conflict and that you could let things drop. I believed that you wouldn't stop because I believe that you're fundamentally dishonest about your behavior and you proved me correct yet again.

    I backed down twice in this thread specifically to show that you wouldn't let things drop if I did. I wanted to see if you would live up to your claims or if you would do what I believed and instigate more conflict. You did the latter because all your insistence that you just want to talk about football is you not being honest.

    Actually I did answer on page 14 when I pointed out that giving you the opportunity to let this conflict die was a test to see if you would live up to your words or not.

    No, because you only care about defending your own opinions. Seifert was killing the franchise and yet you were steadfastly arguing against anyone who wanted him removed because you cared more about defending your position than you did about what would help the team.

    More dishonesty from you. I answered you immediately: http://www.thisboardrocks.com/forum/f19/hurney-183665/index19.html#post2722074 And you can't pretend that you never saw that because you responded to it in the very next post.

    Of course you made that up. No one with the Panthers has ever said that "he could be reassigned and there would be little structural difference in what he does" or "Hurney is there because he wields just enough power but gives a lot of it away."

    So you claim that I'm lying when I say you've accused JR of wanting to trade future picks, then you admit that you believe JR wanted to trade a future pick to get Armanti. You contradict yourself so often, and it's because you can keep track of your stories. If you were just honest, you wouldn't need to keep track.

    What? I specifically quoted you. Again, it's a measure of your defensiveness and arguably outright mental illness that you have to pretend that I'm the one who is lying when you've been repeatedly caught making false statements in this thread. I've cited specific quotes and posts from you to back up my claims, whereas you have made up fake quotes from me.

    Again, it's comical that you keep accusing me of lying and then outright make up things that I didn't say. Here is what I actually said:
  10. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC

    There, fixed.
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2012

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