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Discussion in 'Carolina Panthers' started by TOTALPACKAGE, Jul 23, 2012.

  1. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
  2. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    JR didn't hire guys he could "control" to run Denny's. He hired guys he had personal relationships with, who he trusted to run the business for him. He was still involved with Denny's, but the notion that he takes day to day control of his businesses is ludicrous to anyone who knows anything about his past. And as I documented, Richardson was extremely reluctant to make changes when Denny's had repeated incidents of racial discrimination to the point that he was finally forced out as CEO. I don't think that's because JR is racist, but rather because he is the type of person who doesn't like to overrule or fire the people close to him who he hired to run those businesses. The same presumably applies to the Panthers.

    I like how you chose an elaborate way of saying "I did not know that and am embarrassed about my ignorance, so I'm going to pretend that it's irrelevant and act like I wasn't wrong." Anyone who studies Richardson's business background knows that he A) doesn't micromanage, and B) is extremely reluctant to remove the individuals who run his businesses even in the face of horrific job performance. Hurney has made awful moves because he's incompetent, not because he's secretly doing someone else's bidding.
  3. magnus

    magnus Chump-proof

    Likes Received:
    Feb 5, 2002
    anywhere I lay my head I'm gonna call my home
    yeah, this isn't about Denny's, and I've yet to read a plausible reason JR wouldn't have say.

    Also, don't forget, we learned in 2011 that JR isn't a guy who bought a franchise. He's the majority owner, and certainly worthy of being called a founder and all that, but he's not the only one. He answers to others, as well.

    Potentially, and I'd go further and say, sure, probably. But being loyal and being involved or not involved are clearly two very different things. Loyal because he wants to be hands off, and therefore trusting to delegate or just handle things independently, sure.

    But the hands off is clearly another part to which we disagree. He's not going to lead the CBA process and develop the plan that led the team to the lockout, as he himself asserted once he hired Rivera, and then say "OK boys, now it's yours. Do whatever you feel like."
  4. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC

    Do you know Jerry personally? Have you had a working relationship with him? Have you attended personnel/draft meetings? Explain to us, grand douche of TBR, just how the fuck you'd know how Jerry runs the team he owns. You dont knowshit about what happens behind closed doors or what Jerry does or doesnt tell Marty to do. Anyone with any sense of how the world works knows that Hurney is a fucking puppet. To what extent, who the fuck knows?

    Give it up, your incessant ranting about this is just making you look even more pathetic than usual. Youre just talking out of your ass now because other people have a point that doesnt fit your gay ass agenda, whatever the fuck that is. Youre right Hurney is a dumb ass you just cant fathom Jerry making him do dumb ass shit in addition to his own fuck ups, now just shut the fuck up.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2012
  5. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011
  6. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Of course Richardson could run his team like Jerry Jones does, but that isn't and never has been his style. I realize that you don't like the knowledge about Denny's because it makes you look wrong yet again (how many times is that for you in this one thread?), but it's obviously relevant.

    Remember what I said about how you lack the ability to post about football, and that's why you obsess about me? You're illustrating my point again. Seeking out conflict with me is the only way you feel significant.
  7. Ted Striker

    Ted Striker ... over Macho Grande

    Likes Received:
    Aug 30, 2011
    Wilson, NC
    Collin, if only you were as clever as you think you are. Nice job of not answering a simple fucking question. We all know you havezero firsthand knowledge of Jerry Richardsons business dealings. So, when you have no answer you use your typical bullshit to deflect. No differently than you do with Magnus; the same shit where you reiterate things ad nausium, as if that is the only way to boost your low self-esteem. The sad thing is you actially spent time to research this Dennys horseshit to not prove a fucking thing. Christ, man, you have no fucking life-and no fucking clue about how business really works for that matter. Its no wonder really, given your obvious low station in life and the crying need to be the constant center of attention due to you own feelings of inadaquacies(likely short of stature or small penis, maybe both).

    Way to go, Collin. You fucking tell it, man. I really feel bad about the way you manage to type pages and pages of words but never really say a motherfucking thing. Funny how you draw all this attention to yourself but complain about the result. Maybe if you actually talked football instead of simply spewing the same old platitudes I would be inclined to engage you accordingly.
  8. Abusive

    Abusive Fuck yo blanket

    Likes Received:
    Apr 2, 2007
    Fucking shut the fuck up. Jesus.
  9. Collin

    Collin soap and water

    Likes Received:
    Dec 10, 2004
    Very few of us have first-hand knowledge of anything regarding the Panthers. It's amusing that the idea never occurred to you that a lack of first-hand knowledge magically invalidating every statement would render this entire board pointless. There would be no more of magnus evaluating play-calling tendencies because he has no first-hand knowledge of the coaches' gameplans. There would be no more of me evaluating players because I don't know them first-hand. The entire board would lose all value if first-hand knowledge suddenly became a prerequisite for significance. We all realize that you struggle intellectually, but try to consider the implications of demanding first-hand knowledge for all information posted here.

    Again, Richardson's background at Denny's is documented. The things I posted about what happened at Denny's and how he ran that business are what I culled from legitimate media sources, not made up out of thin air. I guess you're flipping out because you're embarrassed that it never even occurred to you to look things up like that. I encouraged you before to at least try posting about the Panthers, but obviously you fear that you would fail and look foolish by trying. That's fine, but please stop making the board worse by constantly seeking out conflict with me.
  10. Black&Blue_

    Black&Blue_ _

    Likes Received:
    Sep 21, 2011

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