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Hey Plavich...

Discussion in 'Charlotte Hornets' started by 49erpi, Jan 17, 2004.

  1. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    ...what fucking team do you play for? Three 30' bricks (all early in the shot clock) during a critical stretch of the first half when we had cut the lead to one, followed up by getting torched on the defensive end on three straight possesions. If he can't learn to take better shots at appropriate times then he is worthless because he can't guard anyone.
  2. barry49s

    barry49s Ain’t good for nothing

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Yep, like I said after the 1st preseason game, "he ain't no Jobey."

    I blame coach on this one. He put to much pressure on this kid from day one. You don't make a guy captain before he wears a Niner uniform. That's like caling Urban a real man before anyone knows who he is. It just ain't right.

    Withers- What can i say? Once again the best player on the floor. He and Basden were ready to play. Everyone else, well....

    Iti- stay in school. Get stronger. You thought those guys were rough, wait till you face Louisville, Cincy and Marquette. Wow!

    Basden- Nice game, make your FTs.

    Butter- Nice game, make your FTs.

    Demon- Don't look at the ref while you are dribbling the ball and then scold him for not calling a hand check foul. You might get a T.

    Mitch- I don't know what your role is on this team is either. :huh:

    Sager- I'd be pissed if I were you.. You are as good as Plav and you don't take bad shots. :huh:

    Pigford- A foul waiting to happen.

    Clemmons- Damn you play hard but damn, :huh: .

    Oh well, we are 10 and 4 and that has to please any Niner fan.
    I personally am not pleased about shot selection and lack of defense. (By the way, is anyone else sick of these junk defenses?) Players constantly look lost on defense, as we continue to leave the opposition wide open for shot, after shot, after shot.

    Marquette has lost 2 in a row. They will be hungry. This may very well be the best game we see in Halton this year. I think it will be a good old fashion knock down drag out.

    I'll be there. :D :bouncing: :boxing: :drums: :chair: :cool: :behead: :fire: :badass: :beatup2: :beer: :smash: :chucks: :fight: :teeth: :cheers: :beatup: :hammer: :banana:
  3. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    Eddie was the only player today that was worth a damn. And of course, Lutz gave him abso-fucking-lutely NOTHING. I don't think Lutz even knows what he can do, or cares.

    Butter was terrible. He looked disgusting out there.

    Plav had a nice dish, that's about it.

    Sager should be pissed, I would start him next game just because he is playing smarter.

    I would bench every starter save Iti and Eddie. The rest of them don't deserve to start.
  4. barry49s

    barry49s Ain’t good for nothing

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    And you don't like Withers why?
  5. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    I love withers, but I don't think he showed up today. He had lanes, but didn't attack the basket and settled for Jumpshots further away from the basket than he needed to.

    Eddie is probably the only player that brought their A game (so of course, at the first timeout, Lutz sat him). Withers played decent, but he didn't step it up.

    Demon and Plav do not deserve to step on the court with their performances.

    I don't think Iti was playing supremely well, but he is coming along well, and I wouldn't want to hurt his confidence by benching him.
  6. 49erpi

    49erpi Full Access Member

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Withers didn't show up? He had 23 points on 10-21 shooting, 7 rebounds and was perfect from the free throw line. He might have been the ONLY player to show up.

    Barry is right about Sager, he should get Plav's minutes because, although he cant defend anyone either, at least he doesnt force shots. He only takes threes inside of 23' and always is open and squared up. If Lutz is dead set on having a slow white guard on the floor, I would prefer it be Sager.

    I thought Eddie played hard and may have been the only other one besides Withers. I don't care if Eddie made two 3 pointers, the fact that Lutz lets him shoot them is un-friggin-believable.

    I had to listen to Matt call the first few minutes of the game while I was in the car and, as impossible as this may sound, I think he is actually worse than he was last year. I had no clue what was happening. He lost me right from the opening tip.

    I loved Lutz in the post game..."well Matt, I don't want to make excuses but maybe it was the early start time. We have not played that early all year."

    Yeah, that must have been the reason Bobby, an early start time.
    It couldnt have been the half ass junk defenses and ridiculous double teams in the post that left their guys wide open all day? Memphis took over 30 three pointers and, without review the tape yet, I woud guess that 25 of them were uncontested.

    Maybe it was our piss poor shot selection and lack of ball movement?

    Could it have been the fact that we came out flat and somehow came out of halftime even flatter? Maybe it was the lack of adjustments you made at the half?

    No, it must have been the early start time.

    Here is a tip Bobby, next time you say "I don't want to make excuses".... don't make any.
  7. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    I didn't realize withers had that many points. He gets quiet points.

    Perhaps we should just sit our guards. Maybe we can find someone on our bench who actually wants to play.
  8. Austinniner

    Austinniner somethingorother

    Likes Received:
    Jun 12, 2003
    Austin, TX

    I loved that 3-pointer Sager lined up for, and when the defender came out, he went around him and buried a nice 2-pt jumper. He looked good, what little we saw.
  9. Powerbait

    Powerbait Jawbreaker

    Likes Received:
    Dec 8, 2003
    Campus Edge
    Agree, sager plays smarter than Plav in general.
  10. Savio

    Savio Freelance Pimp

    Likes Received:
    Jan 7, 2003
    Redondo Beach
    Him and Demon have brick contests during practice :beatup:

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